Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] MNG as Hattie of France

Not a lot to say here on the new turn. I hope the lion doesn't move into the jungle in the SE. If he does, I'll move NE to avoid a potential lost warrior. But if he doesn't, I'll invite the fight from the jungle. In the NE, the second warrior has started moving to the gold. His job is to establish what exact tile will be the best spot for the eventual gold city. He has about 10-12 turns before that settler comes. So he'll probably head to the eastern jungle on the peninsula and then head north around the gold to see if that corn needs to be used differently.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0015.jpg]

I have 3 more warriors to produce before settlers begin. I'm thinking one of them will head south in the interest of meeting someone, and one will head north. It's getting to be time that we need to start making contacts and getting information about the world from other teams. The third warrior will serve as the first escort, and my other existing warriors will become garrisons for Paris and city #3.

In other news, it's now time to grow to size 3 and learn BW before a 2nd worker. AND.. I need to update my sandbox game soon.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Wow! A turn in an hour and a half. Not bad. And odds are, I'll get to play at least one more turn today. I'm going out of town in 2 hours, so unless the pace stays this way there'll only be the one more. But still, 3 turns in a day? Crazy. And I'd just finished updating my sandbox game. Guess I'll have to open it back up and add more map data! The lion moved out of sight, so I moved onto the jungle in the SE. Here's an updated look:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0016-1.jpg]

All I'll say is that when I started seeing coast everywhere I worried there wouldn't be enough space to expand and get a strong core. Fortunately, there's easily space for 7-8 cities in what I've revealed without any aggressive plants. So that's good. And thanks to the protective territory, in 2-3 turns I'll have good intel on everything around the ivory site.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Turn came around again... 3 turns so far today. No time for a screen shot now but the SE looks GOOD. In fact, so good city #3 may end up there yet. Pictures when I get back home tonight. I'll also need to update my sandbox again, and see if 4 cities by T40 is a good idea. I just don't want to leave NE or SE too long.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Two screenshots for now. Commentary later, unless I fall asleep. First, the NE.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0018-1.jpg]

Then the SE:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0019-1.jpg]
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

So, it looks like Commodore must have gone to sleep, which means today will be a 4-turn day. Not bad! It's good he did, too, it meant I got to get some simming in and play around in my sandbox a little bit. I simmed out to T40. Here's what I have for now:
Quote:All worker action completed first! Research should be BW-Pottery-Writing-Hunting in order to allow buildings/improvements to come along in time.

T17: Nothing big
T18: Sheep finishes. Make sure Paris works sheep.
T19: Set civic to slavery. Set research to Fishing. Set production to warrior. Thing 1 moves SW to forest. Thing 2 moves W to forest.
T20: New warrior heads out to defog per need. Paris set to warrior production. Thing 1 starts chopping. Thing 2 starts roading.
T21: Thing 2 finishes road. Warrior moves west-west. Research set to... pottery? Paris set to settler production.
T22: Thing 2 roads west. Warrior moves west.
T23: Thing 2 finishes road. Thing one uses road - moves SW-S and starts choppping forest. Warrior moves SW.
T24: Thing 2 moves W-SW. Settler moves W-W-W. City 2 garrison moves SW onto forest. Paris set to worker.
T25: Settler moves SW, founds Orleans, begins workboat. Thing 2 moves SW onto forest.
T26: Paris set to settler. Thing 1 moves south to forest. Thing 2 starts chopping at Orleans forest (for WB). Thing 3 moves S-S in preparation for 3rd city.
T27: Thing 1 starts chopping. Thing 3 moves SE to forest.
T28: Paris whips settler. Thing 3 starts chop. (Chop/cancel).
T29: Paris set to granary. New settler heads SE-SE. Thing 3 chop/cancel.Thing 2 go to flood plains
T30: Paris set to warrior. Thing 1 moves E-NE onto forest hill. Settler founds Lyons, set to WB. Orleans whips WB. Thing 3 chops forest. Thing 2 starts cottage.
T31: Orleans set to library. It's WB moves to fish. Thing 1 starts chop. Thing 3 moves NE, starts road.
T32: Paris finishes warrior, starts worker (in prep for city 4?). Orleans fish is boated.
T33: Thing 3 moves NW onto corn, starts roading.
T34: Lyons WB finished, goes to crab, Lyons set to granary (?). Paris finishes Thing 4 starts prep for 4th city (road? move to a tile there?). Thing 1 starts mining. Orleans whips library. Thing 2 continues cottaging around Orleans.
T35: Paris onto Settler. Orleans onto granary. Thing 3 moves to ivory south of Lyons, starts to camp.
T36: Nothing (yet)
T37: Paris whips settler. Workers.... not sure yet.
T38: Thing 3 finishes camp, starts road. Orleans grows to size 3, moves one villager onto scientist.
T40: Ivory ready to go, city #4 ready to go.

It's pretty convoluted right now - just a notepad that I updated as I played turn-to-turn. This assumes that I'm settling west first, then SE. I assume that makes NE gold city #4. At that point, I'll be at 60% science, which means I can probably afford one more (copper?) city before having to consolidate. That would likely mean 5 cities by around T55, a pretty strong opening. And of course, it's the most specific up to T25, Less specific between T25-35, and pretty generic up to T40.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

I must say the goldtile does look tasty now with the corn in reach.

Rowain Wrote:I must say the goldtile does look tasty now with the corn in reach.

I counted some of the tile yields, and I do see the beauty of the gold city. After improving either the corn or the clam, that city can work food+gold and be a commerce monster while still growing at a good pace. It will have 2-3 hills to work for production and lots of grass tiles to cottage. The best thing about it is because it will be commerce-focused, it can give up the corn tile to a neighbor when needed. It would be founded on T30 just like a SE city.

I know I've waffled a bit on where to place the third city. I'll probably continue to waffle on it for the next 7-8 turns. But once I know where copper is, and a little more about that geography around the corn (next warrior must head there), I can finally commit to the site of the third city.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

In T17 news, nothing much happened. I won't even bother with a screen shot this turn. Both warriors headed west, though, and the peninsulas seem to continue. Makes me think they must be some kind of land bridge. To a neighbor? To a central area designed to create conflict? Could it be some kind of wheel design and those are the spikes? Or just a massive dead end? I don't know, but my starting warrior gave me enough about the neighborhood for a little while, so I think both warriors will explore these offshoots to find out more.

At the end of next turn BW comes in, so there will be a picture, and maybe even a tentative dotmap. smile
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

New plan, includes gold city before ivory city. Doesn't get happiness hooked up quite as quickly but it does result in better research, growth, and production by T40. Also improves the time to get city #4 settled, from T40 to T39.

Quote:All worker action completed first! Research should be BW-Fishing-Pottery-Writing-Hunting in order to allow buildings/improvements to come along in time.

T18: Sheep finishes. Make sure Paris works sheep.
T19: Set civic to slavery. Set research to Fishing. Set production to warrior. Thing 1 moves SW to forest. Thing 2 moves W to forest.
T20: New warrior heads out to defog per need. Paris set to warrior production. Thing 1 starts chopping. Thing 2 starts roading.
T21: Thing 2 finishes road. Warrior moves west-west. Paris set to settler production.
T22: Thing 2 roads west. Warrior moves west.
T23: Thing 2 finishes road. Thing one uses road - moves SW-S and starts choppping forest. Warrior moves SW.
T24: Thing 2 moves W-SW. Settler moves W-W-W. City 2 garrison moves SW onto forest. Paris set to worker.
T25: Settler moves SW, founds Orleans, begins workboat. Thing 2 moves SW onto forest.
T26: Paris set to settler. Thing 1 moves E-E to forested hill. Thing 2 starts chopping at Orleans forest (for WB). Thing 3 moves NE in preparation for 3rd city.
T27: Thing 1 starts chopping. Thing 3 builds road on hill.
T28: Paris whips settler.
T29: Paris set to granary. New settler heads NE-NE-NE. Thing 3 heads NE-NW onto forest.Thing 2 go to flood plains
T30: Paris set to warrior. Thing 1 mines hill. Settler founds Lyons, set to WB. Orleans whips WB. Thing 3 set to chop. Thing 2 starts cottage.
T31: Orleans set to library. It's WB moves to fish.
T32: Paris finishes warrior, starts worker (in prep for city 4?).
T33: Thing 3 moves N onto corn, starts farming. Hunting is now in.... Have to determine research from here. Thing 1 moves to forested hill SE.
T34: Thing 1 starts chopping. Orleans whips library. Thing 2 continues cottaging around Orleans.
T35: Paris onto Settler. Orleans onto granary. Lyons onto granary. Thing 4 moves S-S in prep for city 4.
T36: Paris whips settler. Thing 4 SE onto forest. LYONS NOW HAS CRAB AND CORN.
T37: Paris... 1 turn library. Thing 1 mines. Thing 4 chops. Thing 2 continues cottaging. Thing 3 E-E onto gold.
T38: Paris builds... ??? ... settler E, settles Rheims, starts workboat. BARB WARRIOR APPEARS.
T39: Orleans grows to size 3, puts two citizens on scientists. Super slow growth but 12 turn to GS.
T40: Thing 4 E-E onto ivory. Thing 1 W and start road. Thing 2 ... ???
T41: Thing 4 camp ivory.
T42: Rheims WB-Granary, Thing 1 SE and road. Thing 3 Road newly mined gold.
T43... nothing yet...
T44: Ivory hooked up and happiness can begin.

Again, gets fuzzier toward the end. But notice that I answered my own question --- T38 barb warrior appears.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

T18 Played. BW in. Quick preview before I post screenshots... copper revealed to be on the exact tile I intended to place my 2nd city. So... that region will still be the 2nd city but may be moved around a bit and cities #3 and #4 are likely to stay put with no need to pick up copper with them. More later, probably this evening after dinner.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

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