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FFH II PBEM III Tech issues thread

Password sent via PM.

I believe I cracked the case. I've sent Thoth a new save, and I think all he has to do is play it and then he will be prompted to send it on to Hyborem.

Hyborem players, you can set your civ password from the Your Details menu item once you're in the game.

Here's what I did:

- Patched the FFH DLL as follows:
- - CvInitCore::getSlotStatus always returns SS_TAKEN for player 6
- - CvInitCore::getSlotClaim always returns SLOTCLAIM_ASSIGNED for player 6

- Loaded the save into Pitboss with my modified DLL
- Saved it in Pitboss
- Reloaded that save in Pitboss again with the original DLL
- Saved in Pitboss again (this step is needed to synch back to the original DLL to avoid errors for out-of-sync and mismatched file versions.)

- Tested it by loading that last save in Civ (as Thoth)
- Ended turn and got prompted to send the save to Hyborem
- Loaded the "to Hyborem" save
- Ended turn, saw a barbarian unit move, and got prompted to send the save to the first player in the rotation.

(I never actually had to connect to Pitboss from Civ. Pitboss was only involved to be able to load and save the game without running afoul of the check for changed mod files.)

So I think you're in business. Have fun!

Tech notes on compiling:

I used this original FFH source:

And needed this .vcproj fix from here:

I did get it to compile in Visual Studio 2003. I had to manually hack around that problem in CyCityInterface1.cpp. Still got that error about debug module too large, even compiling in release mode. This file has a whole lot of function references, including six at the end preceded by a comment about "BetterAI" and they are all named AI_something. I commented those out and it compiled. So it might break a piece of the AI code but HOPEFULLY it won't matter for what we're doing here.

T-hawk Wrote:Here's what I did:

[Image: worship.gif].

Thoth, You can use my RB handle at gmail.


Thanks, T-Hawk!
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


T-hawk Wrote:I believe I cracked the case....

Very impressive!

T-Hawk Wrote:I believe I cracked the case. I've sent Thoth a new save, and I think all he has to do is play it and then he will be prompted to send it on to Hyborem.

There's a slight glitch with the save you sent me. I've sent you an email about it, with a save from the end of my turn 144 as played from the turn tracker save.

(loosing an entire turn's worth of unit moves and worker actions would hurt. wink )

Thanks again for helping us out with this. smile

darrelljs Wrote:[Image: worship.gif].

Thoth, You can use my RB handle at gmail.


Will do....

Interesting. It sounds like your turn never properly began so the units never got their movement. So I ran the save you just sent through my Pitboss process and sent it back to you. In my test, it correctly goes to a human Hyborem after ending turn; let's make sure it does the same in the normal rotation coming from you.

That seems to have worked. Save sent on to the Infernals.

I think we're back in business. jive

Then I guess the only remaining question is whether Mist has the time to add Darrell into our tracker.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Well, this should be interesting...

(subscription post)

Looks like it may be working now??? I think Darrell will be playing most of the turns, but if the tracker can send to two addresses, then cyneheardegypt is a gmail account that could also get the file.

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