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We just watch. And Judge. FFH PBEM III Lurker Thread.

NobleHelium Wrote:I don't think you can consider the autodeclaration a NAP violation. NAPs would be way absurd otherwise, "you can't win for the next 50 turns! Haha!" (Nelson voice)

Why is that absurd? Building the tower is just as much "player X wins, everyone else loses" as eliminating everyone else militarily.

Well, because everyone has always referred to the tower victory as a peaceful victory method. If ToM is peaceful and violates NAPs, then so does winning by culture.

Yeah, I think the problem is NAPs are just vaguely defined in general

Autodeclaration for the tower or altar is AI only. Humans are not forced to autodeclare.

When Dis falls, does WK keep the 'demonic citizens' 'unique building' due to tolerant.

Hence does it open some tricks in with the fact he cant have unhappiness there? (and limited health issues)

Jkaen Wrote:When Dis falls, does WK keep the 'demonic citizens' 'unique building' due to tolerant.

Hence does it open some tricks in with the fact he cant have unhappiness there? (and limited health issues)

I don't know, but if he does, it would mean he can't grow the city, either, I'd think.

Mardoc Wrote:Wow, it's been longer than I realized since I updated. At home, it's been mostly infrastructure. Abroad, the Infernals were born, declared war, tried to buy their way out of it, and were killed. Thoth and Nyktorion are likly going to war this turn, while WarriorKnight has demonstrated a significant degree of power. frustrating. I've asked him if he's interested in attacking WarriorKnight after the war, and got a bunch of 'well, sure, in principle, but I don't want to commit' type responses. I asked him for mana, and it's 'sure, but not Ice, and I wish I hadn't given ice to WK'. I'm not convinced he'll be helping in a war against Thoth, either, not really.

Which means, despite Thoth's golden age production kicking him, at least for the moment, well out in front of me again, I'm starting to consider allying with him against the easterners. I'm getting the feeling they really do have a deal in place to keep going until I'm dead too.

And I think this is the point where the CoW is finally buried. And frankly it is the change of tone with the swap from Irgy to Heisenberg which killed it.

The end will be Thoth vs. Mardoc, with my money on Thoth.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

The end won't involve any fighting at all. Thoth has already got WK signed up to a NAP, and looks like he can easily ensnare Mardoc. WK will go and kill Heisenberg. Leaving Nyktorion all on his own to try and influence things as Thoth rapid builds all the towers and wins Tower of Mastery.

Selrahc Wrote:The end won't involve any fighting at all. Thoth has already got WK signed up to a NAP, and looks like he can easily ensnare Mardoc. WK will go and kill Heisenberg. Leaving Nyktorion all on his own to try and influence things as Thoth rapid builds all the towers and wins Tower of Mastery.

Yep. I actually think its a combination of WK's short-sightedness plus Darrell's silly wardec before contact that ruined this game as a spectacle. The funny part is how WK and Mardoc don't actually seem to realize just how far behind Thoth they are. They needed the CoW to win. Nyktorion seems to be the only one aware of this.

The only question of spectacle at this point is whether or not Thoth-Nyktorion turns into a hot war, and whether or not Mardoc ever fires a shot in anger during the game. WK will rofl-stomp Heisenberg if the game lasts long enough for it to happen, that's not a question. None of that can stop Thoth from winning at this point, though.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

I think WK is doing what he should have done a long time ago; sadly, it's now all too little too late.

Although Nyk has been the most active member of the erstwhile CoW in trying to get everyone motivated and organized, she also shares a fair part of the blame for its stillborn failure. She hasn't exactly been subtle about her plans to possibly, probably turn on Mardoc as soon as the CoW finishes with Thoth, and I can't blame Mardoc for therefore being considerably leery about the whole thing.

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