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[Spoilers] Cyneheard and Darrell play the Devil

Temple of Veil is in...Library next I think? Okay, so diplo exchange with the Sheaim:

Sheaim Wrote:Greetings, fellow horsemen of the apocalypse:

A warm welcome to the game. (and with it all the slightly warmer and
fuzzy goodness to cause Malakim's floodplains and Elven forests to

We have noticed your declaration of hostilities against the Elohim,
forcing them to use up their pesky worldspell which had been an
annoying deterrent for us to effectively wage war on them.

Since the Infernals have only just arrived onto this Plane, we would
like to present you with maps of the surrounding areas as a token of
goodwill. (I'd send one over when I reach home from work wink

If you'd like, we could perhaps discuss plans of cooperation to
initiate a joint invasion of Elohim lands when the wall crumbles in 10
turns (I believe, on Quick).

We could also discuss future trading plans: I do have control of the
Letum Frigus, Ice mana which you might be interested in, and I would
certainly hope to be able to borrow your palace Iron in the future for
a short duration for weapon upgrades.

Please do not be unduly alarmed by the Privateers in the waters near
you, they belong to me, and were just passing through. (the elves do
have unprotected cities devoid of forest protection just a hop away on
the "Yggdrasil island" NE of Dis.)

All the best in your current conflict with the Elohim!

Infernals Wrote:Its a shame they popped their world spell, but not surprising. Two cities were likely toast otherwise. I doubt very much they can do any harm to us in 10 turns, but they can garrison their backlines. That should hopefully open something up for you to take advantage of, now would be a good time for a military focus. Along those lines, feel free to request the Iron this turn. We don't have an immediate need for it, and we just might take you up on that offer for ice mana later on :-). Also, thanks for the map trades, that will come in quite useful.

Sheaim Wrote:Thanks for the offer of Iron, do let me know when you might require the Ice mana in return.
I'm afraid I believe there was some player agreement somewhere about only trading print-screen maps after Cartography, which we do not have. Hence I had to.... improvise.
Attached is a horribly drawn Paint job of the broad world.
I could draw the Elohim lands in better detail if you wish, in another map =)
As for their military wise, I had open borders with them earlier and I had only noticed a scatter of 1 warrior in every city, and only 4 monks around. Now that they have used their worldspell, we could possibly build up our military to strike once their walls come down.

Infernals Wrote:Okay, thanks for the map...your art skills are fine :-). As an FYI, it seems Sanctuary lasts 30 turns, even on Quick speed. I am quite sure Warrior Knight will build a considerable force during that time. I will focus exclusively on military of course.

They have our Iron, we get their Ice mana at a later date. Slow is nice...very nice. And if we somehow survive, Snowfall is just nasty. They wanted to fight WK the whole game apparently, and are happy that he was forced to pop his worldspell. If we somehow last 30t, we can expect some help from them later. Now, the elves:

Ljosalfar Wrote:first off, welcome to FFH PBEM 3!

To start off with, let me introduce you to the general situation we are in. Your direct neighbours are the Elohim (whom you can already see from your starting position) and the Sheaim, who have summoned you into this game. You can find my Ljosalfar empire to the north of the Elohim territory, and the Malakim to the north west of the Elohim. Further west/south west of the Malakim, the Lanun are located. The former position of the Bannor empire was inbetween my own empire and the Malakim; since the Bannor were eliminated, I share a border with the Malakim.

The most noticable event in this game was definitely the Bannor war. After some rapid and massive army building, the Malakim invaded the Bannor empire. The Bannor would have had no chance against the Malakim, so soon, I declared war as well, and took what I could for myself before the Malakim could take it. This resulted in the western half of the Bannor empire, including its capital, becoming Malakim, and the eastern part becoming Ljosalfar lands.

Right now, as you can guess from the scores, the Malakim have a clear advantage. Concerning number of cities, the Malakim are currently tied for the lead with the Lanun (both have 14). However, the Malakim cities are much larger, and contain a high number of aristofarmed flood plains. Also, all currently existing wonders (Heron Throne, Bone Palace, Mines of Gal-Dur), were built by the Malakim, and his military is growing constantly. Unit-wise, this army seems very mixed. As highlights, I have seen iron chariots, paramanders, iron stygian guards, and spiritual cultists. There are also two more noteworthy units: a Combat V Drill I Mobility I swordsman with Orthus' Axe, and an adventurer who was upgraded to a warrior; both of these units may become iron chariots at some point.

With the Malakim being that threatening, it should be no surprise that efforts to dethrone the Malakim from their current position are ongoing between all four of the remaining civs. Of course, the tools your civ brings to the table would be very welcome in the effort to equalise the playing field again! Would you be interested in joining us?

Infernals Wrote:I appreciate your update on the situation :-). Right now, we are at war with the Elohim...who just cast sanctuary. I actually expected WK to negotiate peace and not pop his world spell, but as a result I think we need to defend Dis first and foremost. This doesn't rule out our help in the future, but we have enough on our hands right now, as the saying goes.

Ljosalfar Wrote:Hmm, of course, I'm not so happy about this new war - I just hope that it won't indirectly strengthen Thoth by drawing military towards you that was actually meant for him.

Wth sanctuary active, we are now essentially separated (except for our sea connection) for the next 20 turns anyway, so any kind of military cooperation will be moot for that period of time.

Anyway, I of course remain open to any cooperation suggestions for after that time; we need to look forward now, and see how we can best improve our chances to get some chances to win out of this game before Thoth grabs them all. :-)

Looks like WK was going to join in a CoW against the Malakim, and we threw a monkey wrench in the plans. Finally, Mardoc (no idea who he is playing lol):

Mardoc Wrote:Welcome to Erebus, Darrell and Cyneheard! I'm not sure exactly how we
got in contact this turn, but greetings!

The current situation in this game? Well, Thoth's taken his Malakim
to a commanding lead, starting with a profitable war against Mr.
Yellow's Bannor, but mostly outbuilding the rest of us for the past 50
turns. There are talks of how to take him down a peg or few; are you
interested in participating? Even if not, are you willing to keep our
conversations confidential?

It might be of interest to you that Thoth has a considerable number of
Octopus Overlords and Ashen Veil units, and with his switch to AV this
turn, his cities would also definitely turn into Manes.

The general layout of the land is something like this:
Thoth Nyktorion
WarriorKnight You
Me Heisenberg

As you can see, the Lanun have no reason to conflict with you until
endgame, but plenty to potentially gain through cooperation; trade,
resource deals, mana exchanges...
We also have very little worry about Hell terrain, getting most of our
food from the sea.

Is there anything else we can arrange to our mutual profit?

Infernals Wrote:I apologize for the delay in my reply, I've been swamped at work. We like killing, but our currently a bit limited in what we can do. WK has fired Sanctuary and we need to defend Dis at this point. We are open to any trades as well, right now we pretty much have palace mana as our only bargaining chip.


P.S. All conversations are of coures confidential.

Mardoc Wrote:Alright. I would be open to mana trades, and in fact you have some
very nice choices; I can offer my own manas (Water, Air, Chaos, Sun)
if you're interested, or perhaps we could work out some other deal. I
might be able to build and suicide Council of Esus units to produce
Manes, if I get a willing partner in crime. What do I have that you
might want?

I'm also greatly interested in your palace iron, of course, although
the ideal time for me to get it would be ~20 turns from now.

The big news in the game, and the piece I wanted confidentiality for,
is a plan of all the lesser powers in the game to take on Thoth. I
can't see you fitting into that until you work out your differences
with WK, since to participate you'd have to cross his land. On the
other hand, if you enlist, it's likely to be a big negotiating card to
play with WK, there's a good deal you could accomplish, I believe. I
can't see any reason why you wouldn't want that war - Thoth has a wide
variety of units, but it includes a good deal of OO and AV, my
military will be OO, Sheaim are AV and Death mana users, Nyktorion has
a lot of Death mana users as well; if there's any chance of you
getting fed and into the game, I would think a world war would be it.

Infernals Wrote:Manes products sounds sweet! That's honestly the best idea. Right now are Iron is already on loan for 10t, but we can trade it to you at some later point of course. Palace mana is all on the table as well. World war is nice for the Infernals as you observed, we'd be interested in helping out there in anyway we can. BTW, are you on friendly terms with WK?

CoW confirmed. As Cyneheard observed, world war is just what we want nod.


Heisenberg Wrote:It seems that the Elohim has counterattacked you in force, with Valin, Corlindale, 8 Monks, a Confessor and 3 Adepts.
Unfortunately, Corlindale had access to Snowfall due to Irgy having lent him the Ice mana before he had passed the Sheaim over to me.
You do seem to have a strong defensive position however, and it might be possible for you to regenerate the damage dealt to you by Snowfall.
Please let me know if you require any form of assistance in the war, I might be able to find possible means of helping.

Hmm...that's unfortunate.


Lots of diplo flying around, some of the teams tried to organize peace between us and WK, he was not for it, but he's going to let us live long enough to try and build the Infernal Grimoire. Then were dead.


Couldn't get the Grimoire, huh? tongue

Thoth built it so WK killed us dead.


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