As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[Spoilers] GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt)

Turn 61:

So it came to be high time to threaten Comm. I meant to keep the chat, but logged out of my computer at work and deleted history before I could copy it. The gist: I asked him if he was settling his settler in place. He said, no, 1E, which would've stolen one, if not both seafood from me. I informed him I was taking the double seafood site. He said that was a little "reachy" and I told that I had enough troops to make that happen and suggested he SIP. I told him Luddite (my bad cop) wanted me to steal his gold from him. He informed me that RL7 and I should have silver, and I told him we didn't. He agreed to SIP. I ended up feeling bad and offered to gift him gems until he gets something hooked up to trade for it. I just couldn't be a total asshole. bang
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0371-1.jpg]

I finished Monotheism this turn. I should have Monarchy in about 2 turns. Then I will do Math, and then decide between Currency and Calendar.

Confu was spread to Stone and it is starting on a half-priced temple which will finish exactly in time to grow onto another river cottage. Yum.

Alpine and Green Flash are working on libraries. Alpine finished a settler who is moving to lock down the jungle border with Comm. I will probably whip Port two 1-pop whips in a row to get work boats for the jungle city and for its own clams.

Lost Abbey grew to size 3 this turn and now has a full food box. I will give the corn to Pizza Port next turn to grow and then 2-pop whip a granary. The overflow will go into another work boat for the jungle city, and then it needs a LH.

Ballast Point is building a LH while growing. Its settler finished and will solidify the RL7 border in two turns. I will have two chops immediately go into the granary and the clams will be immediately netted.

Alesmith chopped its granary this turn, and I gave the corn back to Stone to grow. Alesmith will work two cottages for two more turns before it gets the corn back from Stone.

GProphet due EOT 65 I think. Should make the shrine EOT 67. No random religion spreads so far. cry

After the two settlers plant, I have the double seafood/double FP city to plant, and I need to plant the silk city and the fur city in the tundra. At that point, I have one more decent city on the north coast, and one more utter shit backline city I will probably wait a long time to settle. At that point, anything else would be gravy.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0370-1.jpg]

I will have a few more whips I need to do in the next few turns and then I will run Caste to get some quick border pops and maybe speed up a GScientist.

RL7 grabbed circumnav from walking on the right tiles.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0369-1.jpg]


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0368-1.jpg]

Those are the wrong demos. They are from T60. We are now back to #3 in MFG and at 97 in food. At max science on Monotheism, I was #2 in GNP with almost no culture (no wonders, no CRE, no shrine, and only 2 libraries and 2 obelisks). That might make me the highest actual commerce civ.

We are not only the first team to 8 cities, but all of our cities are at least size 2 already, and every city but two have a granary. We will found the ninth city in two turns, and all of those cities should have a granary within a half dozen or so turns.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Turn 63:

Settled city #9, Mission, up by the RL7 border. Put two chops into a granary. Third chop will come next in two turns. Crabs are already netted.

Ran one more turn of gold, and then will finish Monarchy in one turn next turn.

Stone finishes its temple and grew to size 8. I am going to keep it growing for Monarchy happiness.

Work boat finished at Port and will make it to the jungle arm city just in time to net clams when it founds. That city is going to be murderous on maintenance, but I am paying supply on a 5-6 units over there, so that will help by bringing them into the borders. Port is now building a 3-turn workboat for its own crabs.

Speaking of maintenance, I am four turns away from getting my shrine up, which will help a little.

I 2-pop whipped a LH at Pizza Port, will regrow, and then 2-pop whip a granary, then 2-pop whip library etc.

Lost Abbey is working on growing to its happy cap now that it has a granary.

Ballast Point finished a lighthouse.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0375.jpg]


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0374.jpg]

We are two food behind RL7, but I already have two cities in unhappiness just waiting for Monarchy to finish next turn and a couple more grow next turn, and I found city #10 in two turns. I should be the food leader again soon.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

I just got pictures of MNG's lands:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0074-1.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0073-1.jpg]


1) Two JUNGLED gems--requires Iron Working.
2) Dyes-requires Calendar.
3) Plains silk in my tundra-requires Calendar.
4) Whale-requires Optics.

5) Two contested furs about 6-8 TUNDRA tiles from my island.


1) Two Ivory--requires Hunting.
2) Gold--requires Mining.
3) Wines--requires Monarchy.
4) Two Spices--requires Calendar.
5) Dyes

6) Two contested silver about 6 tiles away, but only 3 of them tundra.
7) Really contested fur.
8) Really contested whale.

So let me get this straight, MNG gets two ivory that he can get hooked up ASAP with mere hunting, and can then trade immediately his second one, plus non-jungled gold. So he had two happy resources he could hook up before I even had one. Then I get two gems, but my closest neighbor also had gems (not jungled!) and my other neighbor has nothing to trade until Calendar. I hope some of MNG's early happy resources were jungled, but considering iron is nowhere to be seen in those screens, it stands to reason that MNG probably hasn't teched Iron Working yet.

If I had wines like MNG, I could hook them up this turn, but I don't. Then once we both have Calendar, I will get dyes, but so will he, but he will get TWO spices, and I will get a silk up in shitty tundra land. So again, he has another tradeable resource. Then, once it comes time to aggressively settle the tundra, he gets 3 grassland tiles leading him immediately into TWO silvers! Silver! Do I have another forge metal, let alone two to trade? Nope. I do have whales, but those are worthless until Optics, so now I am forced to go down a line of tech that doesn't provide much economic value too early. And if I push out into tundra land that is arguably every bit as much 7's as mine, I can at least get 2 furs. But then if MNG settles aggressively, as he clearly did, he can ALSO get furs and whale.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Turn 65:

Gaspar wanted me to screw up, and I certainly did by adopting OR a few turns ago. It is preventing me from switching into HR for two more turns, which is going to cost me like 12 cpt, because I have already grown into unhappy in anticipation for getting HR. I figured the amount of time spent before you could re-revolt would be much lower on Quick. duh

Monarchy in. Onto Math and then Currency and Calendar.

Founded my jungle arm city, New England. Clams were immediately netted.

Chopped out the granary at Mission.

Building lots of cottages in the west.

Building some cheap warriors for as long as I don't have Hunting for MP happy purposes.

Still no random spreads of religion. cry My GProphet was born EOT, so hopefully the shrine fixes that.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0382.jpg]


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0381.jpg]
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me


A couple of unedited chat logs that are pretty interesting if you are interested in the political dynamics between MNG and Comm. Both were chatting with me asking my advice about what to do with the other at the same time.

Long chat with Comm:

Quote:me: Did you want some sort of formalized NAP for a while (or some sort of 10 turn cancellation NAP), or are you just trusting me not to break anything?
Sent at 6:57 PM on Friday
commodore.rb: Heh.
Sure, a ten-turn cancellation deal works.
I might take you up on that offer.
Chatting with MNG, we'll have to see.
Sent at 7:00 PM on Friday
me: I am chatting with MNG too. Tell him I said he was a nubcake.
commodore.rb: Tell him to respond to me.
Sent at 7:05 PM on Friday
commodore.rb: He just reached for the silver.
In a way that wrecks me even settling for furs.:-P
me: Silver is insanely valuable on this map
commodore.rb: Yeah, that's nuts.
Need to get Yuri on this too.
So how many WC/Axes would you be willing to donate (with NAP) for the Mr. Nice Guy gets balanced cause?
me: What would be valuable to you?
commodore.rb: Silver would be the payment.
me: War chariots? Axes?
commodore.rb: I have cats in two turns, so I have stack busting
me: Obvious chariots can get to the front faster
commodore.rb: WC would be best, I can gather the axes.
Sent at 7:12 PM on Friday
commodore.rb: My current experienced military is chariotry.
me: How soon do you want to move on him?
commodore.rb: Depends on how willing he is too move that settler.
He got cocky and covered his settler with a single axe.
I've got a warrior/chariot there, and can speed another chariot there.
I might move if he settles there as soon as his city grows to 2
Sent at 7:16 PM on Friday
me: Well, I could obviously get you the chariot that is in your land, and the other that is on your border by next turn if you need them. Gems for silver would definitely be a great trade, with maybe a good deal on sugar too or something. If you don't secure silver, maybe we just agree that you hit me back with equal hammers in units later (a cat or a landsknecht for 2 war chariots etc)
commodore.rb: That's a fair deal.
me: Alright, I can gift them when I get the save back if you want
commodore.rb: NAP 'till 100, never to use your stuff against you and vice versa.
me: Sounds good to me
Sent at 7:19 PM on Friday
commodore.rb: If he moves I'll wait a little longer to get a triume into our sea.
I worry about him boating my holy city.
Either way, settler spam is stopping, beatstick is coming out.
I'm at 8 cities as of this turn, so I'm finally at least okay.
Sent at 7:21 PM on Friday
me: 8 cities, nice. That is what I have. That puts you in good stead.
commodore.rb: Yeah, I realized I was behind.
Ergo, settlers ASAP
me: As of last turn, I had the most with 8. I will settle 9 this turn and 10 in 2 turns.
commodore.rb: That's cool
It odd, counting tiles I think you and I are the most distant capitals.
Sent at 7:24 PM on Friday
me: Yeah, probably, post Astronomy
commodore.rb: Okay, I think I'm calming down enough to not tip him off.
He'll see my power spike, but tell him you've threaten me to grab the site on the arm in between us. ;-)
Not that I'm fussed about it, where I settled is actually probably better.
Now that I think of it.
me: Yeah, use me as an excuse
commodore.rb: You can hold on the tade.
He claims not to be following C&D, but you going down the same amount I go up is a little odd.
me: well, I am not sure has my graphs
I don't have his, but I forgot to ask
commodore.rb: Hrm
We'll see what he says after dinner.

tl;dr: MNG was stealing his furs/whales, and by turn, also settling the contested silver, and I was going to gift Comm two war chariots to help him rip it down in exchange for future silver/sugar, or if he fails to secure silver, future units with equal hammer. Also, we agreed to a T100 NAP. By then, I might be close to some serious units.

Chat w/ MNG:
Quote:me: Are you the commerce leader right now with TGLH?
I forgot to put espionage on you, so I don't have your graphs
Hatshepsut: plus creative, remember
me: Yeah, I'd like to think I am actually generating the most true commerce, but I have no idea at this point
Hatshepsut: 8 creative cities makes it impossible not to lead in gnp at this early stage
me: I have like 10 total culture in my whole empire, so I have no idea what that translates to compared to some
Cause I am the GNP loser right I think
Hatshepsut: what i learned from pb3 was that gnp means almost nothing
especially pre-turn 100
me: Pb3 isn't a good comparison because of TT
GNP is obviously less important for about 75 turns
But on quick, you better start having an economy by T75
Hatshepsut: sure, t75 is a better date to use on quick than t100. but population means so much more at most parts of the game
me: unless you are working unimproved tiles
but otherwise, yeah
Hatshepsut: true
i suppose no single demographic can be a great judge of an empire by itself
me: You have any other wonder plans other than TGLH?
I have pretty much ignored them all
Hatshepsut: will i be cutting you off if i go for chichen itza? wink
nah, i have to get maoi soon though
me: Yeah, I want Maoi too
Trying to decide which city
I have one city with 16 water tiles, but I feel like my production city with only 10 is probably better
Hatshepsut: ah the classic challenge of where to put maoi
so i don't know that i'm going to be aggressive on wonders at this point... but i know that at least 2 other teams have come to me for a stone trade
sounds like it's good that you went for col
there would have been a race for HG
Sent at 6:49 PM on Friday
me: I would've made the best use of HGs I think
But I didn't have a way to get stone
So I passed
Hatshepsut: aside from your large city count, how would you have made the best use of it?
me: that is what I mean
I will have 10 cities in a couple turns
that would've been very valuable
I could've whipped an aqueduct and chopped it with stone very quickly
but without stone, ehh
Hatshepsut: i hear ya
that's why i had no interest in great library
no marble
me: I am so happy capped that all I would've done is whipped, which is nice I suppose, but really, not worth much more MFG than the gardens cost without stone
Hatshepsut: and then you have to factor in opportunity cost of turns spent producing hg.
i always wonder if i should pull the trigger on it or wait "one more turn" for "one more city" .. which is why i usually avoid it.
me: haha
So you seem like a very good civ player even though you signed up for the noob game. I assume you have played a lot of SP?
I might be the biggest noob in the game TBH.
Sent at 6:53 PM on Friday
me: Comm says to respond to him.
Sent at 7:05 PM on Friday
Hatshepsut: to be honest, i've only played about 8 complete games
me: ahh, yeah, that is fewer than me
I think I've played 11, lurked 17, played 3 SGs, 3 Advs, and maybe 10 other SP games.
Hatshepsut: ah, the sg's are your big experience
me: SGs are great
But time consuming late
Sent at 7:20 PM on Friday
Hatshepsut: most everything i know i learned from spullla in pb2 and sisiutil's sg's
me: Yeah, Sullla's game in Pb2 was probably too influential overall
It certainly raised the level of play at RB in MP
But too many of the ideas associated there became too ingrained
No early religions, no early wonders, long NAPs until the Rena era
Hatshepsut: yeah, i think you're rigth
me: Novice and Krill are better players than Sullla for sure I think
Hatshepsut: having played with krill and followed novice in 17... i think you're absolutely right
okay, so i have a game question from you, if you feel you can keep it between the two of us
me: I can promise to keep it between us
Cannot promise to answer
Hatshepsut: okay....
me: You know, others request confidentiality too
so sometimes I have to keep my mouth shut
Hatshepsut: let me make a screenshot real quick
Sent at 7:28 PM on Friday
Hatshepsut: wait... did we agree no screenshot trading before paper?
me: No, you can trade
Hatshepsut: okay
me: If you want to trade maps of our core (bare or not, I don't care), I am down with that
Hatshepsut: okay, that may be a nice thing for us to do together. but for now... i have a visual aide for a more pointed question
sending now
in the screenshot, there is a rice just outside of rl7's territory
me: yup
see it
Hatshepsut: for the sake of argument, let's say there was a source of ivory there
as well
if you were creative and therefore could guarantee control of the rice/ivory, would you settle there, blocking rl7 off from the tundra?
me: Depends on a couple things
1) Most important, can I defend it?
Hatshepsut: yes
me: 2) Do I think the other person is strong enough to eventually rip it down?
Hatshepsut: not in the next 10 turns without ripping their empire to shreds
me: But long term, will you just be building a city for them to take over once it is productive?
Right now, a city that far from your capital is a net negative until it reaches about size 4 at least/
Sent at 7:34 PM on Friday
Hatshepsut: what would be fair compensation for not settling... when you already have a settler/worker/pair of axes almost there?
me: Again, that depends on if I can hold it long term
Is it a resource you dont have?
Hatshepsut: yes
me: Can you improve it now?
Hatshepsut: yes
me: That is pretty valuable, and obviously very valuable to the other person
But you have to understand
If I did that to RL7, I would know that is act of war
they would divert resources both short and long term to taking it back
I would be stealing land, a valuable resources, and their connection to the hub
that would be unacceptable for them
If someone came and settled my silk, they would die, end of story
Hatshepsut: hmmm... and your silk spot, from what i can tell, isn't nearly as strong as the spot in question
me: It is more the principal. Think bitch slap theory of politics. It isn't just about the city and the resources, but the hammer to the pride.
Hatshepsut: yeah, i get that
Sent at 7:39 PM on Friday
me: So i would say it is VERY valuable
Espeically because this map is low happy cap
But if you cannot hold it
Hatshepsut: and therefore deserves good compensation?
me: then it isn't really worth it
If you believe you can hold it, there probably isn't compensation that is worth it
You keep this between us?
Hatshepsut: this whole game conversation is just between us
probably the first building block of a strong relationship, i hope
me: Last turn I took 2 war chariots and 2 axes to Comm's border and demanded he settle his settler in place so I could steal a double seafood site, otherwise I would kill his settler and possibly rip down and steal his gold city.
Hatshepsut: wow
poor commodore. i like the guy but he's getting the shit end of the stick on both sides
in confidence, this conversation is about my potential pink dot in his area
me: I figured as much. I know there is a double silver site over there, because 7 bitches endlessly (justifiably) about how screwed we got on happy on our side of things
Hatshepsut: lol, i see
well, it's not about the silver wink
it's about the furs. that's a real gotcha moment smile
me: gotcha?
Hatshepsut: wrong word choice. typed what i heard my wife say
me: haha
Hatshepsut: at least it wasn't what my daughter said: yucky!
me: The mapmaker could've at least had the courtesy to give Comm two golds or 7 gold so I could've traded my gems for it while I was totally happy screwed early
Gaspar jungled both my gems. I've been pissy with him for a while.
Hatshepsut: lol not 7 golds please
that does suck though
me: 7, meaning SevenSpirits
Hatshepsut: oh gotcha
makes sense when i re-read
me: I just call them RL7
Hatshepsut: same here
me: I was lazy and called him and Mardoc M7 in 11
So I stuck with it
I should meet yuris next turn finally
How are you guys getting along?
Hatshepsut: good. you haven't met him?
me: Nope, I see his borders finally
Hatshepsut: that means that he's getting stone from rl7
me: Interesting
I asked them for it for Maoi and they acted like they hadn't hooked it up yet
good to know
Hatshepsut: well, commodore asked me for it
and so did yuri
i declined to yuri because commodore and i are looking at a deal possibility
and yuris response was "that's okay, i have another deal on the way"
me: If I had a safe way to get it there, I would get your a Confu missionary if you wanted one
Hatshepsut: i may need one
if i do this, i doubt commodore will want to spread a religion to me any more
me: Build a road to him or yuris, you'll get one eventually
sucks though
You cannot take advantage of OR, Theocracy, Pacifism etc without it
Hatshepsut: exactly
and being spiritual i want those
me: Indeed
you NEED those
without them, you have a useless trait
Hatshepsut: yep. i see you just moved into OR yourself
not going into a major build up against commodore?
me: I cannot extort any more land that I can hold right now
I have our entire jungle arm
And we have an 8 tile wide jungle arm
Hatshepsut: is there anything to make that 12 tile jungle arm worthwhile?
me: I have a clam/crab city and a fish/crab, double FP city
Those both seem useful to me
Hatshepsut: um, yeah
i'd take them, even if by force
me: Luddite wanted me to push him and steal his gold city
but THAT really would've been an act of war
Hatshepsut: poor commodore, 2 acts of war in such a short time
me: Yeah, he seems really nice, but picking Darius of HRE on a Prince difficulty was a bad move from the start
Hatshepsut: yeah, it was
me: if this wasn't toroidal, he'd be completely boned
Hatshepsut: and i do enjoy his company. but ... this is where being neighbors gets tough lol
me: I am in the same position
If you are going to be at 3 cities like 50 turns in, you have to take advantage of it as his neighbor
Hatshepsut: yeah, i think we both realized that pretty quickly
Sent at 8:01 PM on Friday
me: Sad, but true
I get the sense that yuris has also been slow in filling up good land
Hatshepsut: he's actually fallen behind comm
me: Not exactly happy that he could be leaving an opening for RL7 to extort him
Makes me feel I have to be even more aggressive with Comm
Hatshepsut: same here
and, umm.. i think commodore may have rolled over on my city plant...
which means i may be settling and taking hanging gardens this turn....
me: You are that close to HGs?
Hatshepsut: 1 turn to completion, will finish at eot
didn't want to comment earlier until i saw the save to get an idea of when i should complete
i've been sandbagging it
waiting for the settler to reach pink dot
me: You ARE playing too well
Time to support Comm
Hatshepsut: lol
says the guy about to settle city #10,
despite getting screwed by the map
me: But I've crashed my economy and built no wonders!
Look away!
Nothing to see here!
Hatshepsut: lol! but i've over-prioritized wonders and am just now remembering cottages! look away! nothing to see here!
me: If you pass me in food with the HGs, I swear to god I will rush you with chariots
Hatshepsut: lol. i'd like to see that! smile
are you top food?
me: depending on turn
Hatshepsut: yeah, i'm not reaching that number any time soon
hg will be used to whip infra in my 3 new cities
me: Did you forget to put enough EP on me to get my graphs too?
Hatshepsut: i'm getting there slowly lol
got everyone else's first, and overspent on accident on a couple
me: I spent like 85 on 7 and Comm
I was dumb
And kept forgetting
Do you want to cap ours at 44
assuming I can remember
at least until CHs come up and we have to spend
Hatshepsut: in theory sounds good
in practice i'll hit 40 with you in several turns
but really? you're my only non-neighbor
so you're my lowest priority for espionage
me: We are only non-neighbors until Astronomy
This map is going to be flat fucking insane come Astronomy
Hatshepsut: yeah, you're rigth
me: I am sure you saw that RL7 already landed circumnav right?
Hatshepsut: yeah, beat me by one turn
if i would have waited to meet you i would have got it
me: That means we are super jammed in along the toroidal lines
everyone is easily boated come galleons and frigates
this game is going to be a pain in the ass
Hatshepsut: yeah, absolutely
rl7s culture is one tile from touching mine right now
Sent at 8:19 PM on Friday
me: that is pretty nuts
not sure how I feel about this map overall, but it is definitely a gaspar special
If nothing else, it should definitely keep things interesting late game
Hatshepsut: well, it's a 100 times better than pb3
but then, pb3 was a special challenge
me: Who made that map?
Hatshepsut: sullla with input from lurkers
me: I wonder if I voted you out in WW3? I don't think so.
Hatshepsut: voted me out?
me: Pretty sure I was trying to get Jkaen lynched.
Hatshepsut: oh ww3
sorry missed the transition
well, you had me fooled in ww3. but i was pretty stuck on jkaen
me: Yeah, I loved that
I rode that Jkaen thing
Hatshepsut: i got good laughs out of that game, but was totally lost through it
Sent at 8:25 PM on Friday
Hatshepsut: so i'm going to hold the turn long enough to get my daughter to sleep... but after that (and taking screenshots for a dramatic thread update)....
do you want to trade some core pictures?
me: Sounds good
Do you want bare map or not?
I say either way, leave resources on
Too much work otherwise
Sent at 8:28 PM on Friday
Hatshepsut: i figure bare land but resources on
me: fine by me
Hatshepsut: and alt+i
me: Obviously
Hatshepsut: lol
okay well, g2g for now
me: sounds good
Hatshepsut: thanks for bouncing the ideas back and forth - i'll send pics later
Sent at 8:30 PM on Friday
me: I took those pics
Want to exchange?
Sent at 4:34 PM on Saturday
Hatshepsut: sure, i also took some.
will take me a bit to have enough time to upload pictures

tl;dr: I gave my opinion on what the ramifications of his aggressive settling would be and we agreed to tacitly that we shouldn't be enemies.

MNG also came to me to ask for a ivory for gems trade, but since I had gifted them to Comm out of guilt, I didn't have them available. If Comm cannot secure silver within 10 turns, I will probably trade them to MNG.

Quote:Not in game, so pardon me if it's an obvious question. But, do you have any other spare resources? I also will be having spare spice, silver, and fur when I take care of a little more expanding/calendar research. I know you've been hard pressed for happy resources, so I have you near the top of my list if you have something to give me for my excess wink


As I said after I gifted Comm the gems for no reason: bang

Message from 7:

Quote:I'm sort of out on vacation at the moment but I saw you got confucianism. Yay! smile

We are still interested in a missionary if you will provide it. We'd love to be the same religion as you.


I told him I would get them a missionary ASAP.

I met yuri:

Quote:Hi GES,

I noticed your War Chariot on our southern border. Sorry we didn't
know you were coming and didn't prepare a party, hope you won't
declare war on us because of it smile

Anyway, welcome to Radioland! We hope we will have good relations, and
look forward to discussing matters of state importance with your team.
I see you have quite a lot of cities - very impressive expansion rate,
congratulations on it!

Can I please ask you to include my trusted colleague Maestro
( in diplomatic messages to our team. We both
have the power to negotiate and sign deals, so we both need to be
aware of ongoing diplomacy

All the best
yuris125, Music Director of Radioland
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Turn 67:

Comm gave me my gems back (I guess), and I traded them to MNG for ivory. I am going to sell Comm some war chariots. Since I want to facilitate embroiling the west in conflict, I am only going to charge 1:1 gold/hammer.

I also adopted HR.

Mainly just growing into my new happy working river cottages everywhere possible.

Confu shrine is now open for donations!

I need to push two cities up into the tundra on short notice to secure fish/silk and clam/deer/furs, and then backfill my FP/fish/clam city, and then I will pause until my capital reaches the happy cap, at which time I will share its food to grow a filler city on the north coast. That will bring me up to 14 cities, and maybe one more backfill to come later.

Next tech will be Currency, and markets will be built basically everywhere. I have silk and whales on my island, plus easily secured furs, and I am now trading for ivory. +4 happy makes markets pretty much a mandatory build. And then I need to decide between Calendar and Metal Casting.


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0383.jpg]

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0384.jpg]

First screen was while I was teching Mathematics, moving into #1 in GNP. Second screen was after the turn ended.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Turn 69:

Finally some barbs show up, from up in the tundra. War chariot took more damage than I hoped. Another barb is on his way down:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0388.jpg]

I think I can get Currency in 2 turns now, so it is time to finish my expansion. I will cue up two settlers for the north and one for the FPs very soon.

I also need to get mass Confu missionaries, since I haven't gotten one random spread, even with the shrine. I also promised one to RL7. I want him spreading my religion rather than some other one. Free gold!

I ended up whipping an obelisk at New England and I am sending a missionary there first, both for OR bonus and to take my food back.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0390.jpg]


[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0389.jpg]

I have taken a large food lead, so I might as well whip some of that off for infra/settlers.

#1 in GNP at max science, #1 in food, #1 in soldiers, #1 in pop. Can I just quit now before I inevitably screw this up?
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Never! Like any good political career, everything must end in failure tongue!

Yeah, things are looking great, care to show off city screens? That size 10 cap looks juicy, what do the rest look like?

Sure thing when I get back from work today.

Went to 204 GNP at max science.

Got my first auto spread to Lost Abbey.

Big diplo update coming. Long story short is GES & RL7 appear to be BFFs and I am trying to encourage the west to become a bloodbath.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Nothing like viddying a bit of the good old ultraviolence, eh?
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

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