BD is still in avoid growth the latest save, below happy cap even. Hope you changed that. We want it to always be max size.
Ranamar and Lewwyn, ministers for Bismarck of Mali
Incidentally, in response to Yuris's last message, we closed down negotiations on stone. For one thing, once we get Masonry, I'm all for getting the Pyramids. It's 1 turn for Masonry even at a reduced tech rate, and a couple turns for stone, so we should get going on that soon, especially once our wonder queue starts emptying, which I think it is.
Besides, Seven was getting suspicious about what they might want stone for if they can't get the Hanging Gardens anymore. We don't want them to get a leg up on those pyramids, after all... and I can't believe they'd just go for Moai. It's interesting to note that Yuris is trying to cast suspicion away from MNG towards GES, too.
I was expecting angry... but this is still impressive:
Quote:RL7, Thoughts on how to reply? I can already imagine Lewwyn's "You were too slow. Suckers." ![]()
You could always bad cop Lewwyn.
Civilization IV: 21 (Bismarck of Mali), 29 (Mao Zedong of Babylon), 38 (Isabella of China), 45 (Victoria of Sumeria), PB12 (Darius of Sumeria), 56 (Hammurabi of Sumeria), PB16 (Bismarck of Mali), 78 (Augustus of Byzantium), PB56 (Willem of China)
Hearthstone: ArenaDrafts Profile No longer playing Hearthstone. ![]() NobleHelium Wrote:You could always bad cop Lewwyn. I'm in~!
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
NobleHelium Wrote:You could always bad cop Lewwyn. I'm pretty sure he's been volunteering ever since I saw the negotiation item just as we were dropping a city where they were going to ask us not to. Seven closing out the discussion was the only thing that saved us from me sending an apologetic note saying that we couldn't accept that term. ![]() I'm also amused to note, once I looked at the map again, just how thoroughly we blocked off the end of the island. I forgot that the 1-away rule was diagonal, too, as opposed to being merely "not in someone's BFC." Anyway, played the turn. Research set to Hunting, which comes in in 4 turns... at 0% research. (GLib ![]() power graph: ![]() We're approximately neck-and-neck for hammers. Oh, and I screwed up slightly by not leaving the galley next to the road which I used to put the chariot on it: next turn, I want to move it back there so we can transfer a worker on and then we can send the whole thing in to get the chariot in the city and the worker to chop the forest next to it. (I want as little available cover for the other side as possible.)
BTW can we send Yuris an email saying "Come at me bro"?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
Couple things since I have some spare moments again.
* I don't see why we didn't get hunting last turn and archery the next. (As opposed to delaying them to save more gold.) In general I'd just set research to breakeven at this point in the game. The rounding is no longer a simple matter of binary research given our libraries and scientists, and it's insignificant enough we shouldn't worry about it. (Or, did we avoid hunting to finish the warrior? I guess that's reasonable...) * I hope we're going to give BD its food back from MT/Osgiliath... It's not growing right now, and needs to! * Now that we can afford to whip again with the higher happy cap, the governors will be solid again. I'd set most cities to governor with emphasize commerce (the coin) on. Then swap around tiles (single click on it from the city that doesn't have it) if needed to make sure our best tiles are being worked. * We have lots of cottages, which is great, but there are still two river grasslands (forested, near edoras) that lack them. Let's get those going ASAP. * We have had 40ep (just 3 short of graphs!) on MNG for ages. Can we finish that now? * If we run out of wonders to build in the capital we can still start Mausoleum and get a fantastic gold payout for it. Just can't finish it. * I don't think this aggressive plant vs yuris is a very good idea right now. (Too early.) We are still nowhere near metal casting, so he could hurt us a lot with a trireme. I'd definitely look into making a deal with them. For example: - We allow them to raze the city. - They give us $50 when either one of us reaches currency. - They give us their Mausoleum building rights. - They give us Ivory for 35t and we have a NAP during that time. - We maintain OB during that time too and close borders with MNG. - We each promise not to settle each other's blobs or bridges during that time. (And this could be negotiated down a little bit.) What do you guys think?
Sent this:
Quote:Hm, our team's plans seem to have changed a bit from what I was aware of when I left. I don't think this admittedly aggressive plant was our best move, though I do think we can hold it and best you in war if you attack. Skirmishers are pretty darn effective and will be for a while yet. |