Interim report for the first 5 turns of my set. I will play more, but have a couple questions on strategy.
Turn 190 (inherited)
- The distant Tarka downgrade us to an NAP. Oh well.
- I add a third TR at Izakis plus 2 at Kuo'Dai. Checking our freighter and sector status, I decide to add 6 TRs at the home world to absorb our excess and earn more income. This reduces IO there from 3 mega freighters per turn to 2, but we have other planets which can build a mega freighter per turn with IO unused due to money limitations. We can always reverse those TRs later when we need the homeworld's IO; for now it is cash in the treasury so why not?
- Shuffle freighters all over the place to refill the new sector limits.
- Shuffle some spare jammers around to cover Sunoma, Kuo'Dai.
- Review morale throughout our empire, and it is mostly excellent (100).

But we have a few worlds where trade is not maxed out that are only stable rather than increasing. I design a Police Cutter and plan to build one each for Izketot, Ke'Pranum, and Peten.
- Build more gate fleets for the far side of the galaxy, plus 1 more mining ship. And more mega freighters of course.
- IBT we observe combat at Xhycho'tox. The other hivers have DNs!
Turn 191
- Checking the diplo screen, we see that the far Tarka have AM warheads (and thus AM drives).
The other Hivers have Gamma Warheads, whatever those are. (Need to check the wiki.) Also note that the two Morrigi factions have allied.
- Send 2 miners back to Miirio; it will have only a partial ore load left after they are done and will need a singleton later.
- Send 1 miner apiece to Ekkep, Xhubasos, and Ke'Sothrum to spring possible mining traps.
- Adjust Izakis for one more TR after the latest ore dump. Note that due to its earlier resource depletion, we set civ pop to grow here and it is now over-harvesting 6 per turn.

I move the slider to stop further civilian growth, but can we actually reduce the over-harvesting? It sort of defeats the purpose of dumping ore here.
- Continue mass shuffling of freighters, we should have full sectors again next turn.
- Continue building gate/tanker pairs, mega freighters.
- IBT...nothing.

I had forgotten that was even possible.
Turn 192
- The other Hivers downgrade us to an NAP.

- We get an early breakthrough (~70%) on Environmental Tailoring. :dancing5: Start Arcology Construction (8 turns).
- Design a Propaganda ship and build one for the far Tarka. Damn these things are expensive! Almost 20K IO, and around 1/2 million credits.
- Build 3 more mining ships. The trap testers start mining their worlds, with all other ships moved away.
- A gate fleet arrives at Lomoshu, which is a great planet. The far Tarka have just colonized it (few thousand pop), it is pretty harsh for them. Oh least we get another gate, and farther into the far side of the galaxy.
- Activate one more TR at Sunoma and shuffle freighters. Trade income breaks 2 million.
Turn 193
- Our total income breaks 4 million.

(At least before ship building begins.)
- Send our Far Tarka Propaganda ship to Lomoshu, as the farthest gate from the Morrigi and thus hopefully safe. We do not have a gate at a far Hiver world yet; once we get one remember to build another Propaganda ship and send it. We need all the diplomatic advantages we can get, even small ones.
A question: should this ship move into deep space near the far Tarka world? The wiki indicates it reduces morale of the system it is in (since it is not our system, where it would boost morale). We get the diplo boost either way, but I wonder if hurting morale in this system will hurt diplomacy?
- Build lots of mega freighters.
- IBT Raiders hit Tototchic.

Zed-F was apparently correct that this is a recurring thing now that the event has happened. We lose 2 freighters (1 CR, 1 DE) and a couple DEs (old junk was all we had to defend with). But the planet missiles kill one raider and take out the engines of another -- hopefully this means fewer to deal with in the future?
Turn 194
- I shuffle some of our older ships to form anti-raider patrols at the three planets in the raided trade sector: Xha'chak, Tyrinas, and Tototchic.
- I find some new-model gate ships sitting around, and build some tankers so we can send them to the far side of the galaxy. Another few turns and we will have gates on the way to every planet in the other barbell.
- More mega freighters -- must have more income!
- IBT a gate fleet arrives at Komxhen, which has a note to send another. A local Morrigi fleet is waiting and wipes us out, which presumably is the second time this happened.

I tried to hide the gate in the asteroids, using the tanker as a decoy, but was hunted down.
Turn 195
- Komxhen is a marvelous world for us, harsh for Tarka and Liir.
Should we send a gate fleet with heavy escort and claim it for colonization? It might upset the far Tarka to take the system, or the far Hivers. But this is a very nice world.
- Similarly, what about Argos?
Close to Komxhen, and while it can not be colonized right now it might be possible after Gravitational Adaptation. Alternate idea would be to send our miners and strip it of resources before the far Hivers or Tarka do the same.
Advice from the team on how to handle this would be appreciated!
- And a quick look at our budget:
Trade income now over 2.4 million! :dancing5: Our ongoing mega freighter construction program is definitely paying off. We still have a long way to go to replace all our DE freighters -- with new trade routes opening we have some excess freighters but not as many as you might expect. We still need well over a hundred mega freighters to displace all the DE freighters.
Save attached for your examination. Let me know what you think, especially about Komxhen and Argos.