A(Pic) - Bel; A(Spa) - Por; F(Bre) - ENG (FAILED)
The army moves make perfect sense, and the fleet move is passable... barely.
Depending on how much he trusts Germany, though, I think F Bre - MAO was better. Yes, it allows England the Channel, but if France and Germany are allied, England can't hold it, and it also allows France to build F Brest instead of F Mar, which gains a couple of tempos, and even more if he doesn't realize he can go Spain (SC), then MAO, which has the drawback of delaying the return of the army from Portugal... Which means it could run afoul of Italy building Venice and moving to Piedmont, forcing the fleet to return...
I don't think France can complain too much about it's situation at the moment however.
He has to build A Paris, and something in Marseilles, I'd assume a Fleet.
F(ION) - Tun; A(Tyr) s A(Ven) - Tri; A(Ven) - Tri
Hopefully this move demonstrates TT having a lot of trust in Germany, because otherwise, he attacked/supported backwards, as Germany could have (and arguably SHOULD have) cut the support.
TT can't complain about anything really. He's made "less than optimal" moves, and they've worked flawlessly. Germany not only allowed him to take Tri in year 1, but I'll assume he's going to get Vienna in the spring with Russian support in return for Russia getting Budapest. (Maybe I shouldn't assume that...) That's the logical agreement, but a lot of illogical things are going on in this game
EDIT: Germany seems to be expecting Italy to let him have Vie as a return favor for getting him into Tri last turn. Wonder how Russia will feel about that...
BTW: At one point in time, Italy was considering A Tyr - Vie and A Ven - Tri, and Turkey was going to move to Greece, not Ser to cut support. If that had happened, Austria's move to Tri would have succeeded, but Italy would have moved into Vienna, which had just been vacated. This would have been somewhat funny. (Well, not for Sciz)
He has 2 builds. Not sure what he's going to build where, but I will assume at least one will be a fleet. He really could build any number of ways depending on what he's trying to accomplish next year.
A(Ser) s A(Vie) - Tri (CUT); A(Vie) - Tri (FAILED); F(Alb) - Gre
Well this worked. Kinda... Let's be perfectly honest, under full dog-pile, there's NOTHING he can do about survival in the long run unless he can convince someone to switch sides BUT...
I thought F Alb - Tri, A Ser-Gre, and A Vie S F Alb - Tri was his best chance.
It stood no chance of losing Vie to Italy moving Tyr - Vie.
It stood no chance of losing Tri this turn. Worst case (and most likely) scenario is a bounce in Tri, and if Italy moved as he did and Germany cut the support like he was hoping for, he'd have actually taken Tri.
Most importantly, it forcibly denied Italy a build this turn.
It also stood no chance of Turkey taking two supply centers. If he moves to Gre, he takes it, but bounces the following unit moving to Bul, leaving it open. If he moves to Ser, like he actually did, then it leaves Greece open.
End result of these moves would have been better, and he would have 100% avoided any worse case scenarios, and he'd have kept a home SC.
At this point, he really has no hope, but I think his only chance is to convince Russia to work with him and Stab Turkey. It honestly not does not appear to be in Russia's best interest to go along with this unless he can also convince France to come hard after Italy right away (don't see that happening), so it shouldn't work.
It's a lot more difficult situation than it would have been had Austria kept Tri and denied Italy an extra build, and probably impossible to pull off. There are enough Russian units in the area to secure the Austrian line and crunch Bulgaria, but they shouldn't be able to hold Greece. Russia should pass, but he might as well try to convince him. That's about all he's got at the moment.
He has one build, which is A Bud per force.
A(Bul) - Ser (FAILED); A(Con) - Bul (FAILED); F(Ank) - BLA (FAILED)
The Bul - Ser move was a real surprise. I assumed he'd just bluff that. My first reaction was "WTF why give Italy an extra build when you stand to gain nothing?" Usually, you want people to die slower till you're poised to get a piece of them, especially if you don't have a high trust level with them but...
Analyzing the situation, this was a good thing, especially if he thinks he can count on Italy to support him in taking Greece. Without going into too much detail, with Austria a bit more viable, and Italy a bit weaker, there would have been an opportunity for a Russian/Austrian stab mentioned earlier, and it might have been doable.
There would not have been a realistic chance of getting more than Greece without a lot of deal making either way as far as I can see. I expect Turkey to get Greece soon unless Russia can convince Italy not to let that happen.
I expect he'll build F Smyrna
RUSSIA (Gaspar)
A(Ukr) - Rum; A(War) - Gal; F(GoB) - Swe; F(Sev) - BLA (FAILED)
My first thought was he should have taken Rum with the Fleet, letting Jowy gain the Black Sea, but then built a Fleet in Sev to take it over next turn. Of course, the downside of this is that it might be taken as a virtual DOW by Turkey (who he keeps saying is his preferred working partner). The downside to doing it the way he did is that he could conceivably be stuck with a single fleet in the south, at least for a while, meaning Jowy should eventually be able to force his way into the Black Sea, as he can always build fleets (as long as he has an open home SC of course).
Other than that concern, though, he's in really good shape. He should get Norway next turn, assuming he builds StP (NC) (Or an army), and I don't know why he wouldn't do that. I suppose it's possible for Germany to keep him out if England convoys to Nwy, and Germany cuts Russia's support, but I doubt that happens. I don't think Germany is really scared of Russia... yet.
It also seems very plausible for him to wind up with Budapest. Assuming he doesn't get resistance from an Austria/Turkey stab in 02 (doubtful) or a Turkey/Italy stab, Germany is in a whole lot of trouble. He should be in reasonable shape to invade Germany in 03...
His biggest trouble might be Italy/Turkey/Germany combining to stop him from running away if they decide he's getting too far ahead.
I assume he builds A Warsaw and F StP (NC), but we'll see.
GERMANY (Commodore)
A(Kie) - Den; A(Mun) - Boh; F(Hol) s FRENCH A(Pic) - Bel
Judging by the chat TT posted in his thread, Germany seems to think he has a working arrangement with Italy... well, he better HOPE he does, otherwise he's in a lot of trouble, because while he's busy invading England, the Russian troops will need somewhere else to invade shortly, and Germany looks like the next logical target.
He seems to be playing everyone off against one another, but he's going to need help soon. Someone is going to have to slow Russia down. If Italy sides with Russia, then it's goodnight for Germany. We should get an idea who his real friends are real soon. It we see a G/I/T faction emerge, he might be ok. He's either done a masterful job of pulling puppet strings on everyone, or it's going to come down like a house of cards.
I'm guessing A Munich and F Kiel.
A(Yor) - Bel (FAILED); F(Lon) - ENG (FAILED); F(NTH) c A(Yor) - Bel
Not taking Norway when it's a guaranteed build, but instead taking a chance on one when someone might be lying to you... I mean, really, not a good idea. Fortunately for him, France won't be able to bring two fleets to bear on him for a whole nother year. Maybe longer if Italy interferes with France. Unfortunately, he really has NO hope for a build unless something really bizarre happens. Germany should be able to force his way into the North sea by the end of 02, and that should be doom for England. England's best hope now might be a Russian invasion of Germany, combined with an Italian invasion of France... but, even so, where does he get any SC's out of it?
This next year should be rather interesting to see who sides with who. There's a lot of possibilities for what could happen post Operation Austrian Crush.