OK, managed to play one turn.

Not much, I know, but it takes a while to check where everything is and figure out everything that is going on. Now that this has been done, I should be able to play multiple turns tomorrow.
Also, there are a couple decisions to be made and I want the team's input on them.
Turn 212 (inherited)
- Start building biomes for Ke'Lolum
- A sizable fleet, mostly of our older Locust CRs, will arrive at Ke'Thalt next turn to attack the local Tarka. Check fleet organization, tweak things a bit to get the most out of our Deflector CRs and PD DEs.
- I look around and see that the Ke'Thalt attack is the only one currently underway. I think we should go after Ulol (remaining Liir world) next, and look for some ships to use. Errrrr...not much really available except old stuff.

I was hoping to have enough newer ships to at least get the Fusion speed for crossing to the target, but we will have to go with older ships because that is what we have. Oh well...should be more than enough to finish off the Liir. I start preparations.
- Deploy a new gate at Shononu. The Tarka don't have enough left there to damage it.
- I manage to spend all the IO we have at every planet, and still have some money.

This is different than just 10-12 turns ago when I last played, so our mega freighter spam is certainly paying off.

- Spot one trade sector which is not maxed on freighters, start shuffling a handful of excess DE freighters from overloaded sectors.
- IBT at Shononu, I should have auto-resolved.

Our ships are too slow to catch the Tarka CRs which head directly out to space.

Oh well, next turn.
- IBT at Ke'Thalt, we find this is a size 2, 6117 resource planet, fully developed. At least the small size will hold down planetary missiles. The Tarka have 94 DEs and 7 CRs but no sats against our 39 DE, 26 CR force.
I take advantage of asteroids to avoid missile barrages, and we wipe out 4 DEs and 3 CRs for no losses. The Tarka were throwing freighters at us by the end of the round, so either we killed all their CnC already or they don't have any here.

Surely not all of these ships are non-combatant?
Anyway, next turn I will drive directly at the planet and try to stomp it hard. Let's see if they have anything to stop us. Our PD/Deflector combo worked very well against what few missiles reached us amidst the asteroid field.
Turn 213
- The far Tarka have arrived at Kuo'Gra and colonized it, ending our mining there.

Still, we stripped it down to under 1400 resources.
- Speaking of which, we drop 5 full loads of ore on the home world. Mmm, more yummy IO!

- Gate fleets arrive at three new worlds and deploy gates, expanding our network:
-- Ke'Haaku, a mined out 866 CH (left) world with a far Hiver gate. I am assuming they mined it out, as the far Tarka could have colonized it.
-- Kuo'Pral, a fully developed far Tarka world
-- Ibibu, an unclaimed world (although there is a far Hiver gate here). Size 6, 7609 resourcess, CH 703.92 to the left. We can colonize it, and it would be very attractive to the far Tarka. Should we try to claim it? Or just strip mine it before the far empires can take it? We certainly should not leave it intact for them.
- Build more biomes for Ke'Lolum, plus some mega-freighters. I have also build a jammer and a couple DE garrison ships for Ke'Lolum.
- I move a sizable force from Shononu to Liiramu (sp?), as the closest world to Ulol to launch our invasion. We still have plenty at Shononu to handle the Tarka there. If any sizable new threats appear we can assemble some of our scattered "zone defense" groups to oppose it, or build new ships. (Which we need to start doing anyway....)
- Fusion Warheads completed, we need to pick a tech to research. I have tentatively selected Orbital Drydocks (3 turns with a research budget of ~1.75 million/turn) to reduce CR construction costs 5% and to move us closer to DNs. Other interesting options are available:
-- Heavy Drivers for more offensive punch. We are likely to be building more ships soon for offense, so this might be a good time for this tech.
-- Data Correlation, to keep better track of our enemies' forces
-- Xenotech, either Morrigi 2 (so we can get NAPs there), Liir 3 (to intimidate their remaining world rather than fighting there), or Tarka 3 (to keep civilians at the local Tarka worlds we are soon to conquer)
-- Other? Lots of possibilities like drones, fusion mines, spy beams, etc. The above just seemed the best bets to me.
Save attached for your examination. Suggestions and ideas are most welcome, especially on the tech and Ibibu issues.