Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RBP4 [SPOILERS] - Shaka of Zulu (sunrise089, regoarrarr, and friends)

Glad you like it. I couldn't find a single picture of Nue with cigarettes anywhere on the net, so I had to draw one myself...

I know I've been slackin for you guys.

So as an interesting tidbit, I took some time this evening to update my technologies spreadsheet.

Here's the total beaker count for civs

Lord Parkin 86101
plako 45892
Gaspar / Nakor 43581
Locke / Cervantes 42476
Luddite / atlas1998 36923
sunrise089 / regoarrarr 34818
Sleeping Moogle 27279
Ioan76 / Mackoti 19518
Adlain 18846

We just finished Rifling and after some thought of going up the Meditation -> Nationalism line, I put us on Astronomy, due in 4-5t

What are your plans game-wise?

DMOC Wrote:What are your plans game-wise?


Aaaw, come on, not even an esoteric hint for us lurkers to painstakingly decipher? wink

Kuro Wrote:Aaaw, come on, not even an esoteric hint for us lurkers to painstakingly decipher? wink

[Image: EPwhx.jpg] "Intruder Alert! A NUE Spy is in the base!"

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "A NUE Spy is in the base!?"

[Image: EPwhx.jpg] "Protect the briefcase!"

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "We need to protect the briefcase!"

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "Yo, a lil' help here!?"

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "All right, all right, I got it. Stand back miss. 1, 1, 1, umm... 1!"

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] Let's go, let's go-

[Image: pDvyX.jpg] "INCOMING!"

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "AAAAAHHHH- Hey, it's still here!"

[Image: pDvyX.jpg] "AAAAalright then."

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "Ahem."

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "Gentlemen."

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "I see the briefcase is safe."

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "Safe and sound, mm-hmm."

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "Yeah, it is!"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "Tell me... did anyone happen to kill a NUE Spy on the way here?"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] No? Then we still have a problem.

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "...and a Knife."

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "Oooh, big problem. I've killed plenty of Spies; they're dime-a-dozen back-stabbing scum-bags - like you!"

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "Ow! No offense."

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "If you managed to kill them, I assure you, they were not like me."

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "And nothing... nothing like the lady loose inside this building."

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "What're you? President of her fan club?"

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] [Image: pDvyX.jpg] "lulz"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "No... that would be your mother!"

[Image: KHm8D.jpg]

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "OMGWTFBBQ"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] Indeed, and now she's here to f**k us! So listen up girl, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today."

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "Oh!"

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "Gimme dat!"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "Zis Spy has already breached our defenses..."

[Image: pivSq.jpg] "Sentry Down!"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "You've seen what she's done to our colleagues!"

[Image: IGZdr.jpg] "GAAAARGH!"

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "And worst of all, she could be any one of us..."

[Image: iYfnd.jpg] "Raus, raus!"

[Image: iYfnd.jpg] *gasp* "Nein.."

[Image: 1szIm.jpg] "She could be in this very room! She could be you! She could be me! She could even be-"

*BLAMMO* (Head blasted off with Fusion Cannon)

[Image: R3kTD.jpg] "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

[Image: pDvyX.jpg] "Oh!"

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "What? It was obvious! She's the NUE Spy! Watch, she'll turn Nue any second now..."

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "Any second now... See? Nue! Oh, wait...that's a Dog."

[Image: pDvyX.jpg] "So, we still got problem..."

[Image: UBbUh.jpg] "Big problem... alright, who's ready to go find this Spy?"

[Image: UM38q.jpg] "Right behind you."


[Image: bI0aA.jpg] "Ahh... ma petite chou-fleur."

This is why we don't have updates rolleye

Kuro Wrote:Aaaw, come on, not even an esoteric hint for us lurkers to painstakingly decipher? wink

Well don't you really want to ask the question "which side of the impending plako et. al. vs. Lord Parkin war are you REALLY on?"

But if I told you that, then what fun would that be?

Why would we need to ask that? regoarrarr is always on his own side. tongue

NobleHelium Wrote:Why would we need to ask that? regoarrarr is always on his own side. tongue

Sorry I'm just the dedlurker here - this is sunrise089's team.... lol

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