So Sollux, Karkat and Leijon we can agree on, so I won't discuss them.
I disagree with moving Captor 1W, for the following reasons:
The city only has one permanant food resource, as Equius will almost assurdly be using that Corn. And this is a city working...a lot of food minus hills. Your Captor location must borrow the Corn or else it is at least -3 in food total(I didn't bother checking non-hills), which requires 3 farms pre-Biology, which significantly raises the size it must be to work it's production, lowers how fast it grows and makes it hard to whip.
The corn being there doesn't help too much: The Sheep is 5 food and the Corn is 6. Except the Sheep is always avalibile, unless(see below) I found a filler city to sometimes steal it. It also pushes the food deficiet more even.
It loses out on some production, trading a 1/5 plains Copper and a 1/3 grassland hill for a 0/4 Plains hill.
With it's only real reason for being moved being charing the Corn with Equius, which it might not be able to do, as it depends a lot on Eq's whipping cycle and when Captor is founded. So...I don't see the benefit.
Aradia Megido:
The current location gives 9 Grassland, 8 riverside. 1S Aradia has...10-11 Grassland with only 6-ish riverside?
Actually, for the plains hill boost and gaining a plains hill, that's not a bad trade. Aradia is liable to be 1S then.
The big thing is it is way too late in your settling order. If Jkioan sees the site, he has to rush it. If we get a 20T NAP, we have plenty of time to build defense if we see an Ancient Era attack coming, with bonus forewarning due to culture.
I can found 7 regardless of which dotmap I use, I just didn't have it marked cause I did not think of it. The only difference is it shares the Sheep over keeping them permanantly, which does not seem bad since once it's grown I can just work the cottages.
8 is simple fishing village. Can be founded either way. Shrug.
I would hold off dotmapping 3 until the north is better mapped out and would use Captor to grab the copper and thus erase it's high priority.
So odds are I'll move Aradia 1S and...that's about it.
I disagree with moving Captor 1W, for the following reasons:
The city only has one permanant food resource, as Equius will almost assurdly be using that Corn. And this is a city working...a lot of food minus hills. Your Captor location must borrow the Corn or else it is at least -3 in food total(I didn't bother checking non-hills), which requires 3 farms pre-Biology, which significantly raises the size it must be to work it's production, lowers how fast it grows and makes it hard to whip.
The corn being there doesn't help too much: The Sheep is 5 food and the Corn is 6. Except the Sheep is always avalibile, unless(see below) I found a filler city to sometimes steal it. It also pushes the food deficiet more even.
It loses out on some production, trading a 1/5 plains Copper and a 1/3 grassland hill for a 0/4 Plains hill.
With it's only real reason for being moved being charing the Corn with Equius, which it might not be able to do, as it depends a lot on Eq's whipping cycle and when Captor is founded. So...I don't see the benefit.
Aradia Megido:
The current location gives 9 Grassland, 8 riverside. 1S Aradia has...10-11 Grassland with only 6-ish riverside?
Actually, for the plains hill boost and gaining a plains hill, that's not a bad trade. Aradia is liable to be 1S then.
The big thing is it is way too late in your settling order. If Jkioan sees the site, he has to rush it. If we get a 20T NAP, we have plenty of time to build defense if we see an Ancient Era attack coming, with bonus forewarning due to culture.
I can found 7 regardless of which dotmap I use, I just didn't have it marked cause I did not think of it. The only difference is it shares the Sheep over keeping them permanantly, which does not seem bad since once it's grown I can just work the cottages.
8 is simple fishing village. Can be founded either way. Shrug.
I would hold off dotmapping 3 until the north is better mapped out and would use Captor to grab the copper and thus erase it's high priority.
So odds are I'll move Aradia 1S and...that's about it.