Krill Wrote:Amumu?
One of my main junglers so I guess I can say something, even though you probably only mean items but I wanted to write up something anyway.
Magic Penetration reds (Attack Speed and Armor both viable, even Armor Pen+AD mix, they're pretty much choice, I just take them for some slightly better damage and ganks.)
Armor yellows (duh. But you can take Dodge if you have Armor reds and some really tanky masteries, as Dan Dinh does, but I wouldn't bother.)
Magic resist per level blues (they're choice and they don't affect jungling, they just are good for your late game tankiness, so you can put whatever you feel like there)
Armor quintessences (I really like them, but they're not anything necessary, they just make stuff safer in the jungle and give you some bonuses overall, might swap for HP quints, MS quints or whatever-you-want quints)
0/21/9 (safe jungle, doesn't need heavy armor runes to do the Regrowth + 1 pot start)
1/13/16 (movespeed, overall utility)
Starting items:
Cloth Armor + 5 pots (never can go wrong with this one, works very well with any mastery/rune set, and allows you to gank immediately after finishing your jungle)
Regrowth Pendant + 1 pot (this start allows you for a very fast philo stone, but you probably are unable to take your red with it on the initial clear, and you are not going to gank either. This is what I do most of the time, by the way. It does, however, require that you go 0/21/9 OR have a good leash OR lots of armor on runes.)
Sapphire Crystal + 2 pots (if you are absolutely sure you are not going to start at your blue, this will help)
Skill order:
Skill order when not starting blue (wraiths->wolves->golems -> back)
R>E>W>Q (more dragon control, better in teamfights)
R>E>Q>W (less cooldown on bandage toss and just a tiny bit of additional burst on your skill, I don't recommend it unless you want to camp the hell out of a solo lane)
Early game goals:
Philosopher Stone (if you went Regrowth + 1 pot, if not you can skip it and probably should in fact, gives pretty cool sustain)
Heart of Gold
Sapphire Crystal (helps with mana management, with blue or without it)
Merc Treads (most of the time), Ninja Tabi (physical), Swiftness (you are weird like some of my friends)
Tank items I like:
vs AD: Sunfire Cape (when you're in the fight or desperately need to damage people, can make you into a bit of an "anti-carry" early-mid game, plus helps out with farm), Randuin's Omen (build it when against lots of diving champions that are riding your AD carry's ass; it also helps to chase people down; and it's overall good against autoattackers), Frozen Heart (ult is up more often and disables autoattackers really hard, but I would not consider it above the first two because it doesn't give any health)
vs AP: Abyssal Scepter (synergy with your skillset), Banshee's Veil (usually you get Catalyst to help with mana, it's a natural follow up and helps when people learn that they should CC you when you are trying to initiate), Force of Nature (heavy AP teams, helps to stick to a target)
vs "just push our nexus, we lose":
Rylai's Crystal Scepter (hilarious for sticking to a target with your tears, kind of like in a horror movie)
Getting Aegis is an option, makes you weaker individually, stronger in teamfights. Your support probably can't build it before like 30 minute of the game (when it isn't such a hot deal anymore) if all he does is warding and buying gold items, so you might as well. It's good for some balance. Then again if I got fed I would probably be shooting for a Giant's Belt and a Sunfire, but that's just the egotistical little me.
[SIZE="7"]tl;dr: build tank items, press R[/SIZE]
Also: Jungle Shen is very good now.
Well, maybe not *very* good, but it actually kinda works. He is super-sustained and he can do any masteries and routes. He isn't slow as long as you invest in lots of offensive stats on him (Arpen/AD on reds/quints, Aspeed on blues in my case). His ganks aren't bad if you ignore your feint so you can go QEQEQR. Also he can ult into people. I can actually see him doing a level 2 gank golem route, now that his level 1 taunt lasts a full second, but I have yet to try that.
I probably have more success with him than with jungle Taric.