Too true...
League of Legends General Discussion Thread
First game was a loss, but I got a gold medal yay ^^
There was this jackass who was yelling orders that every1 should go together. So the enemy kept capturing our points without any resistance (I could only def one at a time).
Awesome game. Dominion is basically World in Conflict all over again, absolutely amazing. So much better than Twisted Treeline.
Ok, it seems to me that Dominion is very close to WOW's Arathi Basin PVP, fun but chaotic (at least at the moment).
What I really wonder is how Riot is going to balance Summoner's Rift vs Dominion because as far as I am concerned the two game modes have a very different champion tier list. Gustaran Wrote:Ok, it seems to me that Dominion is very close to WOW's Arathi Basin PVP, fun but chaotic (at least at the moment).Well the theory was that they'd balance it with the Dominion-only items. Whether that's gonna be enough or not remains to be seen. Atm it feels like good 1v1 champs will dominate Dominion (no pun intended), champs like Trynda or Akali. You pretty much have to always be split up, so Dominion is more about 1v1, 2v2 and 2v1 fights, while Summoner's Rift is obviously all about the 5v5 teamfights.
I don't think Tanks are going to be that great. I played a game as Morde (I thought Sivir was a bit weak for such a game, and I'm well out of practice with Vlad), and everyone was going berserk, claiming we were going to lose, there are no minions etc etc. We managed to win the game, but christ everyone died so quickly, it was awesome for my ult.
I have no idea when the beta test windows will be up; I just happened to see a post on the LoL forums this morning, and happened to be free to play some games in the not-very-convenient 11am to 1pm EST period. One of the benefits of my last few weeks as a grad student.
I commentated on our last game, which is already up on YouTube. (Figured that the early bird would get the worm in terms of hits on this! Heh.) In our extremely limited experience, we found that having one champion racing around the map with mobility boots to capture anything left undefended worked out very well indeed. Rammus is likely one of the best in the game at this, for obvious reasons. Perhaps teams will adapt by always having one champ stay back to defend capture points, I guess we'll have to see. Otherwise, the sort of champs you would expect generally seem to do well: 1 vs 1 duelists are very strong, because there are few real team fights on Dominion. You also get tons and tons of gold in Dominion passively (just accumulates incredibly fast!) so champs who start slow and become awesome with farm do very, very well. [I think this is an issue they need to tweak, because there's just too much gold available in Dominion, to the point where everyone can get anything they want regardless of performance in game. We'll see what Riot does.] We did the best with Rammus and Akali. Jaje also had success with Nidalee too, but I think that's partly because he's played a lot of Nidalee in the past. Other champs people have said are good on Dominion include Kassadin (farming not an issue, awesome mobility), Gangplank (ult to save any tower for free), Nocturne (ult), Jax (duh), Pantheon (global and pretty good duelist), Lee Sin (mobility and 1 vs 1 strength), Master Yi (1 vs 1 and super speed), and Tryndamere (see Yi). I saw a lot of people playing Heimer and Twisted Fate, but they both appear to suck on this map. Turrets are not very good because it's mobility that controls this map, not static defense, and TF just sucks it pretty hard right now. Dominion is actually pretty fun, more than I thought. It's definitely a watered-down experience compared to the base game, but there's still fun to be had there. Strategically, the teams that know when to push and when *NOT* to push are the ones that are going to do well. Endless teamfighting accomplishes no more on Dominion than it does in the standard game. |