September 27th, 2011, 02:46
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Alright, let's get this turn under all of the ways. All of them.
This image really speaks for itself.
Workers all went just as planned last turn...since I'm a bit busy ATM but needed to speed the turn out, I'll give more of a "real" report later or, given that there is a turn coming, next turn.
EOT, Aradia's Granary finishes. Also, Feferi temple done.
September 28th, 2011, 21:47
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With the Buddhist Temple finished, Feferi gets to work on the Hindu one. Aradia Megido went on a markey and Feferi fired a Scientist for a Priest. Honestly, I had to rush to just play this turn and was out of the day a tonne of hours today.
As for the NEW turn...
Ari has gone and begun to scout out Jkioan territory. Again, I would love to somehow HA rush him right now, but that just doesn't seem possible. With Eridan cottaged up, both Doze and the unnamed Worker will work on a mine for Erodan. Abby and Cans are done with a FP cottage and should go off to improve Leijon, while Ducky and Itchy will work on another cottage for Aradia. Fin and Trace will work to mine and deforest this hill tile, taking 4T total.
It's time for some Graph screenshots, from the last 50 turns!
The score graph. The only fun thing here is you can see where Noble got those cities from Ellimoogle and the HG and jumped LIKE.
Oh, and you can see just how terrible Jkioan is doing. He's like half a civ.
...Hm, maybe I can just HA rush a few cities for plunder gold + cities. I dunno.
As you can see, the GNP graph is absolutely silly due to binary research. However, you can tell from the peaks how our research is at the least equal to our opponent's and in some cases much higher. I am starting to think that, seeing as I only see one Archer on Jkioan's defense, a quickie HA rush could work.
Production graph. Noble has ridiculous production while Ellimoogle's has dropped, we're starting to pull even as cities get going. Fortunately, since we mostly have been whipping, this graph means little to me. My Production boost is probably from having Captor grow and go after the AP.
Food graph. We have consistantly been #1 or #2 by a close margin, until Noble worked all those free cities and the Gardens to suddenly shoot up. When you consider that, I believe our food is doing fairly well, especially since we continue to be whipping and taxing our citizens hard. And judging from the graph, we've whipped more in the past, too. Not to mention we have a lot of young cities which can grab food as they grow.
Power graph. Whoo, Farmer's Gambit.
And the demo screen. #1 in GNP at our "research" phase, I think everyone else is either in their cash phase or not going binary though...and note that our research phase is at 50% science for IW, which only has one prereq. So our research is good. Food is second and production is third, but we also have the most land, which considering that Noble just got all those free cities is amazing: Though it does not count water tiles and it does count tiles in my culture I can't work. But still.
And the Top 5 Cities screen. As you can see, we're totally getting snubbed.
Oh, also, Eridan switched to a Worker.
Anyway, I still had screenies to take, but they could be taken post-turn, so I ended here.
EOT, IW comes in, growth in Captor cuts the AP down 2T, Erodan grows into unhappiness that will be whipped away in 4T for the are our sources of iron:
Yes, at Equius, the amaaaaaazing city site there...
And at what could be a nice solid backline city, 2 to the right of the iron right there, with grassland, grassland Sheep, Iron and some coast. Next target for research will be Horseback Riding and I will see if the situation allows me to chumprush Jkioan. If not, defense.
September 30th, 2011, 04:57
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So, got this turn in, see. Nice like swamp land in Floridia.
Equius finished it's Granary...considering the AP, the fact it has two whip unhappy and that I'd like to raise the happy, I'm going for a Chrisitian Temple there. Sollux also finished it's Library and thanks to hitting the happy cap, but me not wanting to whip yet, I put it on a 5T Worker. After that, whip unhappy will wear off, I can grow to Size 8 and whip a Market.
At Equius, Cans is going to go after the Iron and mine it, you know, the standard. Doc Scratch going after a cottage in Rose.
We make 43 GPT and the fastes to HBR is @ 50%, or -39 GPT, which is 3T of research. So HBR is, overall, a 6T tech, which is decent but not great research.
Need to get Workers up to Tavros Nitram. EOT, Equius growth, Leijon finishes it's Worker...
Oh, also, the Pyramids were built. Unsurprisingly, it was by the guys with Stone. Who would of thunk it?
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So, we'll continue where we left off before...
Leijon needs to grow, so grow while putting HAMMAHS into a Granary. It's Worker, Curie, is going to move in to join Eggs at Equius. Ducky and Itchy will prepare another cottage for Aradia. Eggs goes for the Iron mine, for production, while Equius whips the Christian Temple. Crowbar also went off to go give Karkat a Kar-kottage.
Most of Jkioan's cities seem to be defended by one Archer each. Hrm.
caw caw motherfuckers
Alright, so Equius' whipping the Temple gives me 15 hammers overflow, which is going to go for a Courthouse over a Market because the GPT difference will be neglible and made up over time by the fact the Courthouse will be only 5T or so earlier. Cans and Abby finish a Leijon cottage and get to work on another. Joint Fef/Ero mine finished and another will be worked on. Pretty boring turn, really: AP is expected in 11T, but growth in 4T onto a mine will probably drop it 1-2T. So a good estimated date is T121, which seems fine for the AP.
Something interesting to note is it may be a good idea to make a run at the Hagia Sophia, for Engi points and the fact that, after a Forge, it should only take 13-15T, maybe less if I chop that remaining forest, with 1T roads way worth it(You can road, with as many Workers, up to four tiles of land in one turn, which makes it absolutely deadly with mobile forces).
It mostly depends on the Horseback Riding plans, since if I invade, it'll be needed to pump out HAs.
Overall...yeah, pretty yawnful turn.
Oh! The Hagia Sophia calcs didn't take into account a Monastary/Temple for +4 hammers, +5 under Org Religion and I think +6 under a Forge + Org Religion? Shaves time off, too.
EOT, Equius grows, Buddhism spreads in Aradia...and Confucianism in Tavros! We are the least Christian Christian nation ever. Research should be going up next turn for HBR.
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Turn bag fuck. Etc. 4:17 AM!
Can't stop...talking like...WILLIAM...SHATNEEEEEEEEER!
Fin, Trace...move to make another mine. Going to...maximizeproductionand...use it as a pump.
Cottage...goneupin...Aradia Megido. Moving...ONTO...a mine.
COURTHOUSE...whipped to completion. JUSTICE...served.
RESEARCH...turned on. The riding of mammals...entering developement.
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Feferi's Hindu Temple being done means full time Priests there until the Great Person is personed. It begins on a 10T Market, which might take slightly longer when/if the Priests go.
Karkat's whip gave it plenty of overflow, which I saved with 1T of wealth to put into a Horse Archer when HBR comes in at EOT. Ducky and Itchy go for dem mine, Abby and Cans for another Leijon cottage, vanilla stuff.
EOT, Horseback Riding is in, Sollux's Worker is done,'s 5 AM, don't expect me to be literacally amazing or detailed.
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HBR is in, so that's cool. With 1T of research left, I decided it'd be a good idea to 1T Meditation now as well, for Monastaries' AP hammers.
Sollux finished it's Worker and...well, I decided to go with another Worker. Help get us a lot of Workers up to speed and such. Said Worker, dubbed Gemini, is going up to join with Doc Scratch to give Rose 2 Workers. Eggs and Curie 1T roaded the iron for connection, Fin and Trace started on a mine Sollux can use, while Doze and his Worker from Eridan, which I have now dubbed Humbert, will go to work on a mine at Eridan/Feferi. I think that's the last improvement needed on home island, so Doze and Humbert can then move to the mainland.
Since T115 is a nice number, multiple of 5, I'll take some more screenshots on it. Erodan was finally able to whip it's Market this turn, as well.
EOT, Erodan's Market is done + it grows, Captor grows(AP will finish on T120), Equius grows(Will whip Courthouse next turn). And Eridan finished another Worker.
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So turn in, we nabbed Erodan's Market, which increased 100% gold nicely(The city producing 7.50 more GPT), and after that it will go for a Lighthouse. Probably whip it next turn.
The Worker, which I thus dub Bro, will actually take Doze's place working on finishing the mine, allowing Doze to get to the mainland just a bit earlier. Curie and Eggs, now teamed up, will go up to Tavros Nitram to get it up and running. Ducky and Itchy will build Aradia Megido another cottage, while Aradia itself whipped it's Market. Cans and Abby also go to work on a cottage Leijon and Aradia can share. And Doc Scratch started a cottage for Rose.
Lesse...Equius whips a Courthouse, check. Karkat switched to the HA, as planned, FYI. EOT, Market finishes in Aradia, Equius and a Courthouse done...since turn be over, I sent it, but screenies come. Even if it may be an hour or so.
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Turn used Hemp Ah!
But not decided.
With Equius' Courthouse overflow, it could complete a LOT of stuff. I decided to actually go with a Monastary as the build, however, due to AP hammers over time and the fact it can serve as a fast Missionary Pump, even if Org Religion is obsoleted as a civic. Aradia, on the other hand? Horse Archer, yeah. Karkat also whipped his Horse Archer, allowing good overflow into whatever I build next. Crowbar also moved to chop a forest to help with that, yeah. Doze landed, yeah. Fin and Trace decided to give Sollux a grassland cottage, as well. Rose was Granarywhipped, which is similar to Horse Archer whipping, but there's less internet fantasies involved.
Also whipped were Eridan's Library and Erodan's Lighthouse. Needless to say, this was The Year of The Whip.
Karkat grew + HA completed, Erodan grew + Lighthouse completed, Eridan's Library done, Rose's Granary had it's shoop whooped, the usual.
Score graphs. Noble took a solid lead, as before stated, so we've dipped to third between all of our whips and Ellimoogle's sudden growth. Perhaps Sollux should push a Settler or two out.
The GNP graph does silly things. I estimate that, considering we had 50% research while Ellimoogle had 100% and NH is currently hoarding gold(You can juuuuuuuuuust make out the drop to the right), our "true" GNP is somewhere between second and first. Jkioan's irrelevancy is especially pronounced here.
Our production continues to kind of stink, especially with our lack of Forges, but building so much via whip largely eases this pain. Once the AP is done and we can whip out religious buildings, we will at least pull even with Ellimoogle and hopefully land somewhere between NH and Ellimoogle.
Food graph. Thanks to our consistant whipping, it remains lower than our competition: But note that we were not at all passed until NH got a city deal(Which is still funny to me, heh) + Gardens and Ellimoogle expanded. I estimate 30% or so of those graphs are just from working even food from bulbuous large populations and not actual population growth.
Power graph, yawn. Some of NH's power comes from HG pop growth and such. I don't feel threaten all the same, especially with units coming off the line...even if unpremoted.
Demographics screenie(69th screenie, heh heh. I AM SHO CHILDISH.), solidly 3rd in most categories and I think in terms of true growth I'm close to or 2nd for food. Noble is saving gold, Ellimoogle is not and Jkioan is irrelevent, so by looking the slider to 100%(which I will show later since I ended the turn) we can see how I stack compared to Ellimoogle @ 100%
230 vs. 195, or 35 GNP more. Account for culture, that's probably +/- 7, so I'm second by a good margin. Me gusta.
Turn senda.
Me sleepa.
More screenshots...uh...later...ah.
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Kuro update used!
But no effective.
Karkat's HA overflows into another HA. Rose will go after a Library as semi-filler and whip a Monastary @ 4 pop for the 2 hammers from the AP and slight research boost, with the hammer boost + overflow probably helping the Library finish after. Erodan and Eridan I didn't know what to put overflow in, but I decided on a Hammam for Erodan on the basis I can whip again next turn for similar overflow into whatever, grow a pop back at the same time and the Hammam pays for the happiness and then some. Eridan, on the other hand, is all demanding military protection, so I started on an Axe. It'll be whipped next turn due to Eridan's low happiness cap and produce a similar amount of overflow, which will probably go towards a Hammam to increase the happy cap.
Doze will be improving Equius alone as a side project, starting with a cottage. Karkat's current HA moves into Aradia and the next one will be hand-built in 4T due to whip anger stacking. Crowbar will also start chopping a forest there to help in HA production. Even if I can't strike Jkioan fast, it provides good mobile defense.
Gemini and Doc Scratch finish a cottage at Rose and begin on another. Abby and Cans move to give Leijon a cottage and Ducky + Itchy will give Aradia a mine.
EOT, Worker completes in Sollux, Eridan grows, Equius finishes Monastary, when the turn gets around to me I can turn on research for Metal Casting. Also Buddhism spread to Leijon.