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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

That background noise......

Link to games?

wow, pause feature. Doubt we'll get to see it wink
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

I hope not...

Tyrmith Wrote:I hope not...

Why not? I'm not sure it would be needed often at all, but I could see a voted on single-use pause feature for a fixed period of time being fine. Just use the surrender mechanics, but require 70% for both teams. The game then freezes for a fixed timer length. You could make the voting period short too so people wouldn't be surprised where the pause would occur, and you could cap the number of times a pause request could be made.

Again, I'd probably never use this, but if it could be added for no real programming time cost I wouldn't mind it.

I just don't see a real "need" for a pause button, and see horribly losing teams trolling the winning team too often. Trolls already have too many weapons. tongue

I was really disappointed with TSM with their yorick weirdness. They did some really weird stuff with their lanes and none of them worked in any of the three lanes. Even if they had gotten a kill top I still don't think it'd have been worth it.

Tyrmith Wrote:I was really disappointed with TSM with their yorick weirdness. They did some really weird stuff with their lanes and none of them worked in any of the three lanes. Even if they had gotten a kill top I still don't think it'd have been worth it.

In the beginning I thought it was a good idea by TSM, since I expected Yorick to be able to farm more against Kog/Sona than Kassadin would against Brand/Alistar. I'm not sure if the plan was flawed, or if Fnatic just played better. Rammus ganks (which warms my heart to see) definitely set the tone for top lane, and when TSM decided to switch lanes they were behind in xp and farm. I'd actually like to see those lanes being played again just to see if the plan or the execution was the problem. It just seems to me that Yorick should do better farmwise against 2 enemies than Kassadin can.

And trololol at Phreak talking about the disappointed Secret Society of Trundle Lovers. (and then going into paroxysms of joy when katarina was picked)

The one I hope doesn't get nurfed from this tournament is Kog'maw. What makes him powerful is his w (and the combo with his slow), but if they nurf him he's going to go from barely op to pretty bad I'm afraid because it's going to be pretty hard to do anything other then reduce his range to nurf him. frown

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