Saved by Ichabod! I didn't have time to sandbox tonight, so I was seriously considering holding the save for a day until I could. Now I don't have to

EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
Occasional mapmaker
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
This Time for Sure: Mardoc reprises the Lanun
Saved by Ichabod! I didn't have time to sandbox tonight, so I was seriously considering holding the save for a day until I could. Now I don't have to
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
A note: apparently Ilios is really good at begging
![]() So now we'll have to work harder on the Devil's Advocate positions, without Mist to do it for us. Silver lining: better PYFT factor expected from the Bannor.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
Now that is an awesome start.
I see three choices for tech/builds 1) Fishing while building warrs/scouts, working Corn at size 1 and corn/dyes at size 2 to speed up Fishing. Once Fishing is in go with max hammers to push out 2-4 workboats (Fish, 3 Coves). Then head for either Ag/Calendar followed by Crafting/Mining or vice versa. Once the Coves are up push out a pair of workers and start Farming/Plantationing/Winerying/mining. +s: Gets the Fish netted for +4F/+1C sooner. Gets Coves up and running fast. An extra explorer or garrison units. -s: Needs time to get set up (not sure on the time difference between Fishing and the land based options) Option 2: Worker 1st and tech to Crafting/Mining/FishingAg/Calendar followed by Fishing boats ect. Possibly a second worker at size 2 (working Corn/improved wines). +s: Higher production than option 1 (mines instead of Forested Grass hills). Gets some early commerce/happy from wines + a worker on the board. Reveals Copper early. Can use chops to speed up workboats. -s: Weak food means slow growth. Option 3: Ag/Calendar/Crafting/Mining/Fishing. Worker first followed by growth (second worker thrown into the queue soonish) +s: Gets food , commerce and hammers up and running fast. -s: Delayed coves and cove growth. Some sandboxing is in order Mr. Mardoc. ![]() Note also that you'll want sailing earlyish both for the Pearls (if there are any) and to take advantage of those offshore islands to get some intercontinental trade routes up. 2nd city should probably go inland to claim the Cotton/river, but I'd consider making the third on an island. <--Currently unspoiled. ![]()
I may be blind - but I can't see how I can fit in more than 2 coves. Do you see something I don't?
In any event, the sandboxing will start shortly. Hopefully I know what I want to do by the time the save comes in ![]()
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
Can't work tiles that are three tiles away. ![]() ooops. 2 coves it is. Still gonna be an awesome city.
I'm amazed to report this - but I still can't beat Fishing-first. Here's the sandbox if anyone else wants a go at it: SANDBOX
So, after some scouting, here's what the world looks like on T0: We're headed for Fishing, to be followed by something along the lines of Agri->Calendar -> Crafting -> Mining. Should hit size 8 with all improved tiles around T36, after which we can start pumping out the settlers.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker Mardoc Wrote:I'm amazed to report this - but I still can't beat Fishing-first. Here's the sandbox if anyone else wants a go at it: SANDBOX With Fishing providing the food, Crafting/mining before Ag/Calender may be stronger. You'll be able to bash out some mines + the Winery sooner. As an expansive leader you want those hammers for Settlers (and a Harbour). A swap to Org at t70 may well prove to be very strong: 1/2 price Lighthouses are not to be sneered at when you're the Lanun. ![]() 1/2 price Courts and the ability to build Command Posts is nice as the 1/2 price Civic maintenance. I'm having problems getting EitB up and running, so can't check the Sandbox right now. ![]() ![]() Thoth Wrote:Got EitB up. (BUG mod in my Custom Assets folder for base BTS was screwing it up). Oh, good. ![]() I still have Agri second as my best time, but if you figure out something faster I'll be happy to know about it.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
I played around with the Sandbox for a bit. I can't beat your time for size 8 with improved tiles. Crafting second doesn't appear to offer any improvement.
The most difficult decision seems to be timing the worker(s) amongst the workboats, and I haven't messed with all the permutations. I also have a feeling we may be a little underdefended (and/or lacking in settler escort) if we are going to start that hot for tech/growth. |