As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Chairmen NobleHelium and Gaspar Demand Your Presence in the Collective

I dig the idea, a lot of those names are too long for Civ4 cities though.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Why are your lists not in the same order? huh

T-hawk Wrote:Tell me you didn't actually start up AC and play it just to get five city names? They're right in the hive.txt file...
Well yes I did..derp. lol Lost a couple of cities to mind worms or would have had a few more. smile

Checked the save, not going to play it.

mackoti built Stonehenge.

Oh and N7 teched BW, since our GNP went up.

NobleHelium Wrote:Why are your lists not in the same order? huh
AC picks city names randomly from the list. It doesn't go in order like Washington, New York, Boston every game.

Oh, really. I don't remember that. The capital is always the same though, yeah?

Yeah, NH speaks the truth. T20 Stonehenge. No words. I certainly didn't want it that badly. wink

[Image: t19a.jpg]

In the hub, we continued to move towards mackoti's blob. I tried to use a NH-style technique and jumped onto the forest to hopefully save a move next turn.

[Image: t19b.jpg]

Back home, we followed the micro plan. I left EPs as they were, since no7 didn't move them yet. If they recognize to move them this turn, we will be even and we can then push them to Lewwyn. Enjoy this fascinating shot of the granary we built rather than Stonehenge. wink

[Image: t19c.jpg]

And demos:

[Image: t19d.jpg]
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

So, I'm guessing Mackoti went worker -> stonehenge, and chopped it out?

T-hawk Wrote:Hole of Aspiration


built in contradiction, possible sexual innuendo, plus a $2 word to make you sound smart. Put your opponents off guard for sure!

mackoti has only researched two techs (plus maybe this one this turn, I'm not paying that much attention to C&D). One of them was Mysticism and one of them was probably Hunting (or Fishing). So no, he probably didn't chop it. It seems weird though...he'd have to be working forests for it? I don't know. I'll maybe think about it some more over the weekend. Or maybe someone else can do C&D. wink

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