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Mapmaker looking for players - Indie picks

Catwalk Wrote:I'm up for a challenge smile


Commodore, could you be persuaded to toss us Mao of Mali?

Ah, Mali is totally the most mainstream civ ever, non India/Inca/Egypt/Ottomen division. I suppose with much cry I could, but I truly think Babylon would serve you better, honestly. It's the Agr/Wheel civ that nobody plays, admitably because it has a lackluster UB, but the UU in protective hands ought to stop anything that skirmishers can, and you have better starting techs.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Then I'll leave it to slowcheetah to decide how much cry we should do smile slowcheetah, do you like Babylon or Mali best?

Catwalk Wrote:Then I'll leave it to slowcheetah to decide how much cry we should do smile slowcheetah, do you like Babylon or Mali best?

Babylon are only a tiny amount worse than Mali mate in all honesty. However, they're played significantly less which seems to be the point to the selections. You swap mining for agri which are very similar in strength. Both UU's and UB's are fairly lacklustre anyhow for PBEM MP.

It's a common mistake but starting techs are, other than a few exceptions, the main indicator of how good a civ is for PBEM MP. UU's are often redundant and can also be a hinderance diplomatically (eg. Byzantium).

Off-topic'ish, could i possibly get a copy of this map Commodore? You've intrigued me and i occasionaly have a game with a few RL buddies so a handmade map would be excellent to have in reserve.

Yeah, I thought Mao of Babylon was balanced perfectly fine for the game. Other than Arabia all the picks seemed pretty well thought out and reasonably even, was part of the appeal of the game to me.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?

Brennus of Persia = :thumbsdow

FWIW novice and I both initially thought Mao of Babylon was the strongest. It's just hard to go wrong with EXP/Agri/Wheel. But since we're EXP/SPI in 23 already we didn't want to pick them again, and strength isn't the point here anyway. smile

Well, I'd like to toss the map towards balance-savvy lurkers, and those like Kyan who'd like to mess around with it themselves. I'll PM T-Hawk for the forum.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Lewwyn was just talking with me about the possibility of splitting this into a vets and greens game to make the competition more even. Then he cut out so I figured I'd post this for him.

It seems like a good idea to me. Anyone else have opinions and/or want to hop in from the sidelines to make two games?

Hey, yeah had to restart and clean juice out of my laptop.

I was thinking that the Catwalk's level is still novice. He hasn't completed a PBEM yet and would pretty much be breakfast for any of the rest of us in the game. Basically whoever starts next to Catwalk wins the game. I don't want to discourage anyone from playing in PBEMs, but the roster for this game has sort of turned into a higher level game. Thus it behooves us to try and keep the field level.

The solution is, of course, another game.

Would you agree Catwalk?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:Basically whoever starts next to Catwalk wins the game.

With toroidal wrap that could be everyone. But Catwalk could definitely find himself in a fierce situation.
I have to run.

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