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Rebalancing Civ4: RtR Mod

Lord Parkin Wrote:I think nukes inflicting non-lethal collateral damage is a good idea. The main issue with nukes is that with just a couple of them you can make a stack of any size - 50, 200, 1000 units - literally disappear. If instead you could damage all the units but not actually kill any, that would appear at a glance to be more balanced.

Yeah, that kinda has to go for them to work in a game with unlimited units per tile.

Quote: I think there needs to be a price hike as well though, so that they're more of a last resort / insurance measure. I think from a game balance perspective it has to be significantly less cost efficient to inflict collateral damage on an average sized stack with nukes than with Bombers (which already have to contend with other air units).

There are multiple options here that would alter the effectiveness of tac nukes (I'll come to ICBMs later):

  1. Ability to evade interception. It is currently set to 50% so fighters can shoot them down, but it can be changed to any number so that they do not have to contend with fighter interception. This would be a fairly major change and would have to be considered if it should occur before the other changes were implemented because if tac nukes are nerfed to provide limited collateral, and they can be intercepted, then it means that if you lack oil to build your own fighters tac nukes are a lot worse, which means that oil would remain the. Basically, I think tac nukes should have 100% evade chance because it'll make it easier to balance, and it means that if you lack oil you aren't totally screwed. Guided Missiles (GM) do have 100% evade interception chance FWIW.

  2. Combat strength: I think this needs to be tested to see how strong nukes need to be to be to beat up CG marines. Guided missiles are S40, and 60 hammers in base, and pretty weak because they can't collateral, but they don't do much damage to basic marines either. But they can bomb down cultural defenses so they have some utility. Something that might want to be considered is giving TN the ability to remove culture defense, but that would have to be balanced against GM.

  3. Amount of units that could be hit with collateral: If a tac nuke (TN) can only hit 6 units, then pricing it at 1K hammers would probably make them cost inefficient compared to bombers that can be reused, even if you need to invest in fighters (which you have to any way to protect yourself from bombing). Not exactly difficult to balance, we can easily make TN either cheap and weak or costly and strong just by altering the hammer cost, strength and number of units that can be hit by collateral. Because of granularity, I think it is better for Tac nukes to be cheapish and not too powerful, but there are lots of decisions to be made here:
    • If nukes are expensive and powerful, then it's easier to make them in a rush buy economy on a 2 turn basis, when you turn your entire empire over to war. You also need less subs to carry the missiles into position, so you can dedicate more of the navy to water superiority. If you make missiles cheaper, you need more subs to carry the nukes so it's harder to control the water (well, those are the basics).

    • If nukes are weak and weak, you can more easily calculate how many you will need to weaken a garrison to the point where you can attack with conventional units and win easily. If nukes are powerful (eg 15 units affected by collateral, 90% max collateral, 900 hammers on normal), it's harder to calculate how many nukes to use.

    • Late game war on quick speed is affected by unit build times - you are limited by the number of cities you have that can make 1 turn builds, otherwise you can rush buy any unit and complete it in 2 turns. Need to consider the effect of making nukes so expensive that an empire that is running mass workshop strategies can't regularly 1 or 2 turn the nukes has on the ability to build collateral. This would suggest that the cost of nukes should be tied to expected hammer output during the late game for workshop economies, which implies that the collateral effects should be balanced at that hammer cost.

ICBMs and SDI need to be considered as well. ICBMs can be altered to just be TN with unlimited range, and/or they can be stronger than TM affecting more units with collateral etc.

  1. ICBM can have a different strategic aim than TM - they don’t have to exist for collateral but it could be one of the functions. I currently have difficulty figuring out how ICBM “should” work other than as TN with unlimited range. In unmodded BtS, they are used to disconnect resources and destroy an enemies, but with the removal of the nuke function that isn’t particularly viable because while the ICBM could be given the terrain bombard function it wouldn’t be able to remove any workers stacked on the tile, ergo it wouldn’t have any effect except in PB games with turnsplits, which is just fugly. Any opinions on how ICBM should function would be useful.

  2. SDI needs a new purpose. It can probably just be left in as nukes won’t exist for it to affect.

  3. Fallout shouldn’t exist anymore.

Quote:One other thought... should there also be a cap on the number of units that can get collateral damage from a given nuke, or just a set amount dealt to every unit in the targeted tile/area?

Cap on units is generally best as it makes nukes work the same against small stacks and large stacks, removing a variable that is difficult to balance.

Quote:It would also be nice to mod nukes so that they can be used in your own territory. One problem with them now is that they're yet-another offensive weapon in the phase where the game heavily favors offense. Defensive nukes might be a good counter to marines+transports, if they had enough range.

Nukes can be used in your own lands already.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

OK, so to throw out a few simplistic calculations:

A great IW (or HE city) city has production modifiers of +235% (Coal, Fe, Forge, Factory, Power, SP, PS), and with a levee and 15+ workshops can make 90 base hammers (those numbers are towards the upper end of the scale). Total adjusted production of around 300 hpt, regardless of game speed.

A reasonable city that is focusing on production could have production modifiers of +135% (as above, minus coal+Fe), but the base hammer output can vary considerable because of the map type, rivers, terrain type etc. Looking through games such as PB1, PBEM4V and PBEM8, cities that focus on pure hammers normally reach between 60 and 80 base hpt, adjusted to 140ish-190ish adjusted bpt, with all of the modifiers present.

I think that reasonable costs for a tactical nuke are in the range of 150h to 300h. ICBM, well, max cost there should probably be in the region of 900h, but I think that a cost of 750h is more reasonable for a max cost there. All costs based in normal speed.

Now, for a TN that costs 150h or 300h, is 1 shot, and 100% evade interception chance, what would be reasonable?
  • iCost: 150h
  • iCombatLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 4-5
  • iCombat (strength): 60? This is what needs testing. GM are S40 FWIW
  • iAirRange: 4
  • iCost: 300h
  • iCombatLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 50%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 6-8
  • iCombat (strength): 80-100?
  • iAirRange: 4

Compared to a Bomber and Guided Missile
  • iCost: 140h
  • iCombatLimit: N/A
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 50%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 5
  • iAirCombat (strength): 16
  • iAirRange: 8
  • iCost: 60h
  • iCombatLimit: N/A
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: N/A
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 0
  • iAirCombat (strength): 40
  • iAirRange: 4
  • iBombRate: 16

The reason that I think the collateral damage %age should be high on weaker nukes is that when units are dropped to 50% health, they are usually about 95% likely to die to a full health tank/MA. With 75% damage the TN will continue to collateral weak units instead of strong ones that would be preferred targets, thus creating a decision about when to stop nuking: the player can decide to send in a few more nukes to save conventional forces and definitely lose hammers on the nukes, or attack with a few conventional forces that might die depending on odds and the RNG.

Now the question is, do those numbers seem roughly balanced between TN and bombers? If they do, then I can run a few simulations this weekend to see what the numbers generally cause to happen.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

He T-hawk, you get that email I sent?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Yeah. Been preoccupied lately but I'll look at the coding for that soon.

Ah, no worries, just wanted to make sure.

Thanks for taking this up T-hawk :b:
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

RB Mod 2.0 is up!

I'll let Krill defend the final changes, since they were his decisions, when he gets a chance. Here's the file, and the changelog.

RB Mod v2.0

Change log 2.0


Financial: +1 commerce on all non-river tiles that have 2+ commerce. +100% production of banks. Remember: A Golden Age cannot trigger Financial's bonus yield (as in the base game).
Expansive: No longer gets double-speed granaries, but gets double-speed grocers. +35% Worker Production, +35% work boat production.
Creative: Loses cheap Libs, regains +2 culture per city, half price theatres, Colluseums.
Charismatic: +2 happiness, but no longer gets +1 happy from Monuments.
Protective: Plus double-speed granaries, but loses double speed castles and drill 1 on archery and gunpowder units.
Imperialistic: Double-speed Custom Houses (At least this gives Imp something on water maps. For flavor, Custom Houses are very mercantile, which is what 17th century Imperialism was). +60% Settler Production.
Organized: Gains double speed libraries.


Inca: Terraces now give +1 culture, Quechua loses combat 1.
Byzantium: Cataphracts are 11 strength.
Khmer: Ballista Elephants are 8 str, +50% vs. Mounted units, +25% vs. Knights, and still target Mounteds outside of a city (this buff was to make them better than regular WE against their nemesis, Knights).
Sumeria: Vultures now get +30% vs. Melee.
India: The Fast Worker is now 2 moves, but starts with Mobility (-1 Terrain Movement Costs), and now starts with Mysticism/Wheel, instead of Mysticism/Mining (slower start).
Celts: Dun now gives G2, not G1.
Portugal: Feitoria now costs 120h, from 180h.
Rome: Preat S7. Forum increased to +35% GPP generation.
Persia: Immortal is now a S5 spear replacement.
Carthage: Cothon decreased to 80 hammers. Numidian cav increased to S6, C1, loses melee bonus and F1 (and innate retreat chance).
France: Salon +1 free spec, -1 artist.


Police State: Now Medium Cost (down from High).
Vassalage now provides free support for military units as well (meaning Pacifism is cheaper), and is Medium Upkeep.
Slavery: 30h for the 1st pop, 20h for the 2nd pop and subsequent pops. So, 30/50/70/90. On Quick speed, that's 20/33/46/60.
Serfdom: +75% Worker Speed, +1h for Watermills and Windmills.
Free Market: No longer provides -25% Corporate Costs. Now provides +25% Trade Route Yield.
Environmentalism: No longer provides +25% Corporate Costs, or +2 commerce to windmills. Provides +1 gold per specialist, +1c to farms and pastures, +2c to forest preserves, and Low upkeep. Swapped with Free Speech. Now available at Liberalism.
Free Speech: Now High Upkeep, swapped with Environmentalism. Now available at Scientific Method.


Rushmore: Now -50% WW, (from -25%).
Red Cross: 200h.
West Point: 550h, +5XP. Now requires a lvl 5 unit (17XP/13XP for Charismatic).
Great Lighthouse: Now +1 trade route instead of +2 trade routes, enabled at Masonry, but needs lighthouse and Sailing (no functional change in the tech requirements but makes F6 look less cluttered).
SoZ: no WW effect. Now +3XP, 200 hammers, no building prerequisites.
Cristo: +200% SPI production, -50% Anarchy instead of -100%.
The Internet: now a wonder. 2k cost, +15% beakers in every city. No longer a project
SDI: No longer intercepts nukes (irrelevant as nukes no longer).

Base unit changes:

War Elephants: now 7 str, +50% vs. Mounted units, and +25% vs. Knights.
SAM Infantry: 75% interception chance (up form 40%)
Destroyer: now enabled at Artillery (not Combustion) (requires Oil OR Uranium)
Transport: now enabled at Artillery (not Combustion) (requires Oil OR Uranium)
Mobile Artillery: can now load guided Missiles and Tac Nukes (as Submarines and Missile Cruisers do). No longer require oil.
Gunships decreased to 3 moves.

ICBM: No longer unlimited range, but long enough so that they will out distance your army and navy easily, and they can be rebased. Loses the nuke tag. Does not need Manhattern project to be built.
  • iCost: 900h
  • iAirCombatLimit: 75
  • iAirCombat: 160
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 12
  • iAirRange: 36

Tactical Nukes: no longer nukes according to the code, now S80 1shot units that can bombard units, cause collateral damage to 5 units, cannot be intercepted. Cost 300 hammers. Loses the nuke tag. Does not need Manhattern project to be built. Full list of changes:
  • iCost: 300h
  • iAirCombatLimit: 75
  • iAirCombat: 80
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 5
  • iAirRange: 4

Guided Missiles: can bombard units, tiles and cultural defence, cause collateral damage to 2 units, cannot be intercepted. Cost 75 hammers. Full list of changes (underline means original stat, for comparison):
  • iCost: 75h
  • iBombRate: 16
  • iAirCombatLimit: 75
  • iAirCombat: 40
  • iCollateralDamage: 100
  • iCollateralDamageLimit: 50%
  • iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 1
  • iAirRange: 4

Horse Archer (and replacements): do 50% flanking damage to Catapults and Trebuchet.
Knight (and replacements): do 50% flanking damage to Catapults and Trebuchet.
Cuirassier (and replacements): do 50% flanking damage to Catapults and Trebuchet and Cannon.
Cavalry (and replacements): do 50% flanking damage to Catapults and Trebuchet and Cannon.
Gunships: do 50% flanking damage to Cannon, Artillery and Trebuchet.


Jails: now -50% War Weariness.
Castles (and replacement UB): no longer decrease bombardment rate of catapults or trebuchets.


Hunting: enables pastures, cost increased by 50% from 40 to 60. No longer enables camps.
Animal Husbandry: enables camps, and scouts. No longer enables pastures.
Archery: base tech cost decreased by two thirds, from 60 to 40


Switch Civic and Switch Religion now require Future Tech.
Spies now spawn with "Secretive", and cannot see tiles except the one they're standing on.
The No Espionage game option now works properly:
  • GSpy points are converted into Great Merchant points.
  • Espionage no longer gets converted into culture.
  • Cultural expansion now happens at normal values.
  • Spies cannot be built.
  • Graphs are always visible on contact.

Tile Changes:

Watermills: +1 base hammers, no longer receives +1h at Rep Parts.
Workshops: +1 base hammers, no longer receives +1h at Chemistry.
Mines: +1h at Rep Parts.
Whaling Boats: Enabled at Sailing, not Optics. Otherwise unchanged.

Game Mechanics:

The Draft: Rifles now cost 2 pop to draft. A city must now end a draft at size 7 instead of size 5 (So size 9 to draft a rifle, size 8 to draft a musket).
Corporations: Completely removed from the game.
Culture Victory: 33K, 50K, 75K, 150K on Quick/Normal/Epic/Marathon.


Coastal Blockade now has a range of 1 square around the blockader, instead of 3 squares
Barracks: increased cost to 60 hammers, +1 culture.
AP Resolutions: Declare War (on a non-member), Force Peace (between two members), and Assign City are no longer eligible resolution actions.
Fail-gold: You never get fail-gold if you also completed the wonder somewhere else (so no National Wonder fail-gold, or doubling up on a wonder to guarantee yourself a paycheck. The game still informs you that you received "0 gold" from your hammers).
Hut techs: Can only gain techs from the first two rows of the tech screen
Fishing, Sailing, Wheel, Pottery, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Hunting, Archery, Mysticism, Mining, Bronze Working.

Addendum: These changes are only present in the Tech Trading version of the mod.

Tech Trading:
Known Tech Bonus changed to 50 (up from 30), enabled by Tech Trading (so there is no Known Tech Bonus until you research Paper)
Alphabet no longer enables tech trading, allows Open Borders
Writing enables Map trading, no longer enables OB
Paper enables Tech trading, no longer enables Map Trading. Requires Metal Casting, Literature and Code of Laws as mandatory prerequisites.
Corporation enables Tech Trading (and increases Known Tech Bonus by 50%)
Scientific Method enables Tech Trading (and increases Known Tech Bonus by 50%)
Cost of Education, Gunpowder, Printing Press and Nationalism increased by 50%
Cost of all subsequent techs increased by 100%
Techs prior to Paper in the tech tree can no longer be traded:
The untradeable techs are as follows: Fishing, The Wheel, Agriculture, Hunting, Mysticism, Mining, Sailing, Pottery, Animal Husbandry, Archery, Meditation, Polytheism, Masonry, Horseback Riding, Priesthood, Monotheism, Bronze Working, Writing, Metal Casting, Iron Working, Aesthetics, Mathematics, Alphabet, Monarchy, Compass, Literature, Calendar, Construction, Currency, Machinery, Drama, Engineering, Code of Laws, Feudalism, Optics, Music, Philosophy, Civil Service, Theology, Divine Right, Paper, Guilds, Banking

The focus of this revision of the mod was always going to be the later eras of the game: as a forum we have a good grasp of the early eras after, what, 40 games on various settings? But we have only once reached the modern era with the game in the balance in 1 game: PBEM8. Now that PBEM20 has reached the late game and shown the early game changes to work, I've considered the position that resources and the lack there of give to players, namely the supremacy of oil as the most important late game resource. With nukes being banned in every game, they needed altering and I think that with the removal of the nuke function and turning tactical nukes and ICBM into a late game version of suicide catapults there is now an alternative to bombers. Bombers will still be a cheap method of totally destroy someone who is backward and does not have an air force, but will need protecting against the fighters of an equal tech opponent, whereas the nukes are disposable and will always cost hammers to rely on.

The changes to Destroyers and Transports decreases the beaker differential between the uranium and oil powered versions, without doing much to alter the balance between Destroyers and Battleships.

The changes to mobile artillery are based on the availability of the stealth bomber that can evade interception and has much longer range: the ability to load a nuke or guided missile increases the effective range of the missiles as offensive methods of collateral, which is needed to keep balance between a reusable air force and disposable missiles.

I think the internet change is self explanatory.

The tech cost increases I've thought a lot about, but I think we need to acknowledge that in a lot of games, we are able to one turn the REN and IND era techs even in an NTT game, because we play on a low difficulty level. The tech cost increase coming at Education allows the players choice over opening strategies without turning the mid game into a tech race from medieval defensiveness to tanks over the course of 30 turns.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

What's up with SciMeth and Corporation enabling tech trading when Paper does it already? Do you mean they increase the known tech bonus?

Cyneheard edited the explanation into the change log. In a nutshell, yes, they increase hte known tech bonus.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Krill Wrote:namely the supremacy of oil as the most important late game resource.
This isn't just possession of the oil, it's also the task of keeping it improved and connected. Between airstrikes, spies, pillaging gunships, and ships that are invisible or just packing tremendous range, there are quite a number of ways to damage and disconnect somebody's source of oil. Could there be some way to address that, to make sure that you can keep oil if you own it?

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