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This Time for Sure: Mardoc reprises the Lanun


good thing the military demo is in our favour. (let's keep it that way. wink )

Played, found one citizen (new) who got a tile of his very own to work wink.

Turned up tech to 80% so we could 1-turn Philo. I think our trend will have to end at Military Strategy, though, there's no way we can 1-turn it and I'd rather not sandbag it any just to make the demos look less scary. So that'll be a 2-turn tech, then 1-turn Carto and revolt to City States/Religion/MilState/Foreign Trade/Undercouncil during our subsequent golden age.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Settler is ready to unload at city3, at which point we might have to stop to settle the incense city instead of an island, just to let the ferry catch up wink. Also, so far the GCommander is there for the taking, unless someone grabs him this turn, he's ours.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I looked at the save....we're still good to go with Sheep/Whales as our next city I think.

We'll be a turn behind with the Zealot, but Mainmast can 1t a Galley after the 1t Zealot. wink

(btw: You have some tile usage to check up on)

Good stuff this turn:
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T90.JPG]

Talked it over with Thoth, we're going to make a run for Currency before Sanitation. Because if 5 Trade Routes/city is good, 6 is better! lol

And we're going to delay the Golden age a couple turns, to make sure we get our Academy down and are well enough on our tech plan to revolt to Consumption in addition to MilState and City States, when the time comes.

Marble should come in next turn, EOT, at which point we'll start a Heron Throne, Bone Palace, and Heroic Epic.

And, at end of turn, a 3-warrior kill team showed up, right where our 15 and 16 XP warriors were hanging out. So maybe Form of the Titan will be a possible build for us, too.

Net conclusion - need MOAR SETTLERS!! Cities we want yesterday include at least 2 more overseas cities, the ivory, the incense, copper #2...and we haven't even gotten serious about scouting yet smile.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Good stuff this turn:


Quote:Talked it over with Thoth, we're going to make a run for Currency before Sanitation. Because if 5 Trade Routes/city is good, 6 is better! lol

That plus the 20% Gold from Consumption.....I do likes my GOLD. wink

Quote:And we're going to delay the Golden age a couple turns, to make sure we get our Academy down and are well enough on our tech plan to revolt to Consumption in addition to MilState and City States, when the time comes.

Festivals will be 1 t, COL may be 1 or possibly two...then we hit the GA switch with our Academy in place and 2t Currency/1t Cartography (do Civic Swap)/1 t Construction/2t Sanitation/2? t Smelting/IW.....

Quote:Marble should come in next turn, EOT, at which point we'll start a Heron Throne, Bone Palace, and Heroic Epic.

Remember to cash rush the OO temple in Poopdeck next turn. Take the overflow into the (Marble boosted) NE, then swap to a Pagan temple the following turn (to be cash rushed ASAP so that we can run two Priests for our Shrine)

Quote:And, at end of turn, a 3-warrior kill team showed up, right where our 15 and 16 XP warriors were hanging out. So maybe Form of the Titan will be a possible build for us, too.

Net conclusion - need MOAR SETTLERS!! Cities we want yesterday include at least 2 more overseas cities, the ivory, the incense, copper #2...and we haven't even gotten serious about scouting yet smile.

Yeah, more xp...and more cities....and more units. wink

Plus we'll need to fit some Markets in there as well for the Consumption Happies (and the GOLD).

Plenty of stuff for our hammers to do. wink

Thoth, I know you suggested WB first in Mainmast, but we had 16 overflow, plus the 20 base hammers, that would have just been wasted. I dumped them into Bone Palace - maybe next turn we knock out said WB before resuming our Palace run.

Rushed Poopdeck's temple, started Bilge on a settler, put the HE and NE into the appropriate queues.

Have this new settlement:
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T93.JPG]

Planning to go straight for Heron Throne here, but of course the Fish will be the first improved tile (next turn), so we'll endeavor to grow, too. Dropped off the first worker here, onto the grass hill forest; I think I'll have him chop-mine, not chop then mine, since we might want to work that forest until the mine is finished.

And...I'm starting to be comfortable with the number of improved tiles on the mainland lol Which means, of course, that it's a darn good thing we're about to get Furs and Whales and a whole crop of settlers - can't let those workers get lazy now smile. (also a good thing because I let Mainmast grow - but at least we get Furs next turn, so it's not much of a waste).
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Well, you win some, you lose some:
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T94%20Titan.JPG]
Seeing as Uberfish stole the points lead from Ilios, I blame him.

On the other hand - sheep city is even prettier than we thought!
[Image: PBEMXVI%20T94%20Sheepie.JPG]
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Turn played:

Settled Keel and started WB. Built Academy and triggered GA. Microed stuff, turned off Avoid Growth in Mainmast and Mizzenmast, used the Slave to hurry the Pagan Temple (it's cash rushable next turn and should be in order to speed up our Shrine and NE).

Mizzenmast got it's second border pop at end of turn so Incense is now within our borders (2/3 turns to connect it).

I moved the worker that was building the useless cottage between Hold and Poopdeck to Hold in order to start constructing the road towards the copper and Pearl sites. We'll want to add another worker from Poopdeck (possibly both) once the Lumbermill completes.

Currency due in 2 turns, but we'll need to hold off on the swap for one, possibly two turns in order to get the Whales and Incense connected. Looks like 1t for Construction, 2 turns for Sanitation, 2 turns for Smelting and then about 3 turns for IW so we should have IW by t105. smile

Which is a good thing....because 5xp PZs out of the box is pretty nasty. wink

Post IW....Kote--Priesthood--Religious Law (swap to Theo/Conquest) looks good to me. If we manage the Bone Palace, then we should be able to complete that tech path in time to do our final swap at the end of the double GA. We'll want to be building some Courthouses along the way to cover the maintenance costs, but we're Org. wink

State of the Empire at Start of turn 96:

Part 1: Cities (with development plans)


[Image: Bhztv.jpg]

4 turns to go on the Bone Palace. We can keep to that eta if we do the swap in 3 turns (I think). Follow up with a Market, Inn and a Library. Our #1 Commerce and current #1 producer. Top city in the world.


[Image: mEUKG.jpg]

Needs to have the PT cash rushed this turn, and another Priest hired next turn. With Sanitation and a farm on the plains (and another farm once the damned tundra goes away) we should be able to support 6 specialists here at size 17 (we'll need a Granary and Smokehouse after the two Zealots in order to grow quickly and maintain our health cap.


[Image: bWydK.jpg]

Currently unhappy but that unhappy person is giving us +5 commerce from boosted trade routes (the equivalent of a riverside Town). The Lumbermill will complete this turn and should be worked instead of the plains Mana. That gets us a settler in 4t. The Galley should head off exploring....SE I think.


[Image: GFHh7.jpg]

Currently pushing out another settler. We want to grow it to size 15 before starting another settler (possibly worker before settler). One tile left to improve with a workshop. We'll want a Market here after the Galley so that citizen 15 can do something useful (hire him as a Merchant) besides getting us another 5 commerce from trade routes.


[Image: 8By4L.jpg]

Coming along nicely. This city will be a hammer monster once it grows into the (yet to be built Workshops). Once it finishes up 2x Galley, Worker,Market, Settler it's a fine candidate for an Command Post and Archery Range. It will be able to 1t Archers to provide stout garrison units for all our cities.


[Image: IIZKD.jpg]

Currently finishing up a settler. After that....Swordsman/Market/worker/command post, Swordsmen. It'll never be a great city, but it'll give us a steady supply of grunts. Needs a border pop, a couple of Mills, a farm and a pair of Workshops.


[Image: hsKid.jpg]

Another ok, but not great city. Just finished up a Training Yard (we'll want to upgrade the experienced warrior in a turn or two). Needs a lumbermill, border pop, a couple of farms and a Camp. Decent unit/worker/settler pump.


[Image: 4lJTX.jpg]

Soon to be home of the Heroic Epic, this will be a monster unit pump. Command Post next, then a few Horsemen....then Shrine of the Champion. wink

Jib Boom:

[Image: 3kN62.jpg]

Just finished up a WB for it's first Cove. With two Coves + Crabs it'll grow respectably while building Lighthouse, then either a Sea Haven or Naval Yard depending on timing of builds vs tech. Very good commerce/hammer site. Will be one of our premiere Naval producers.

Ballast (aka City 3)

[Image: E2TdT.jpg]

Chugging away on the Heron Throne. Eta is t101/102. If we can bag the Wonder then this will be a monster kick-ass city. Oodles of commerce and hammers. Possible candidate for the Tower of Complacency (we should be able to get this sucker up to around size 26-28 depending on Health)


[Image: KqzRO.jpg]

Our newest city. Currently producing Workboats to net all it's resources and establish a pair of Coves. It'll need a worker (possibly self produced) to improve the Sheep. First priority here is netting the Whales for mainland happies, followed by Fish, Clams and Coves.

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