Also agree that when it's a debate about whether or not things should be posted that non-intervention has to get the benefit of the doubt.
RBP6 Lurker Thread
I don't see any reference to the cash rushing benefits of the Kremlin in Team 1's assessment. I don't remember seeing plans to cash rush from Team 3 once the Kremlin is online. Would that be because they have only one civ setup to build cash (WK's Rome) and therefore have their gold tied up in research for Dave and Shoot? I don't think anyone is in the right civics to rush, or is that unlocked by a tech they haven't researched yet?
I don't doubt that later on when they're in US they'll want to rush buy, I guess it will depend on what their research needs continue to be. If they stay in catch up mode behind Team 1 in beaker count, they may not be able to afford giving up science to buy units even if the conversion rate is favorable, lest they fall further behind. My guess is that they'll use the Kremlin to improve whipping for now and will get good value out of cash rushing further down the line. Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
I'm not quite sure why they say the era of whipping is over. Both Team #1 and Team #3 are still planting cities and one assumes they'll be taking cities from team #2/#4.
There will still be whipping done. T-hawk Wrote:I'm kind of starting to agree. I could word it like this, about as neutrally as possible. Sullla won't think twice about me detailing a game mechanic. Any opinions? I don't think you should post this, for the following reasons:
The main reason Sullla has investigated the culture victory was because of the lurker post IMO. The only reason he has posted about a misunderstanding of the game mechanics, is because of a spoiled post: you wouldn't intervene with that post without the outside cause. Therefore, I think that any correction we make is just furthering our interference in the game, instead of correcting a misunderstanding of the game. T-hawk Wrote:I didn't find what would limit a culture victory to not occur in the first few turns of a game, though, but I know I've seen similar behavior with conquest and space tests. I think it's buried in the chain of Python code.... CvGame.cpp Code: void CvGame::testVictory() CvDefines.h Code: #define PYGameModule "CvGameInterface" Code: import CvGameUtils Code: import CvGameUtils CvGameUtils Code: class CvGameUtils: In thinking about it, probably the right way to course correct Team 1 would be to ask how it's possible to get a OCC Cultural victory, if all three cities need to come from the same Civilization. But I don't think anybody discovering that question here has any business posting it there. My own feelings are that (a) this is something that Sulla (at the very least) ought to be aware of anyway, and (b) the fact that the game disguises the cultural intentions is something that would delight Team #1 if they were taking advantage of it (and they've already been spooked on that point anyway). Furthermore, if Speaker as an MP veteran isn't aware of the possibility himself, that suggests to me that this gambit is a novelty; and we ought to go out of our way to let that stand on its own. Nobody should object to being beaten by clever play. ps. Gah - how many times do I have to check that this doesn't go to the wrong thread? Answer: at least once more, Miss Swann, as always. Krill Wrote:I don't think you should post this, for the following reasons: I 100% agree with this. If Sullla had not been alerted to the possibility by a lurker in the first place, this would be different. Unfortunately, I still have little confidence that an inappropriate comment won't be made. I hope i'm proven wrong.
Pardon for beating a dead horse, but the simple fact is also that Team 2 has earned the right to get a chance to win. They are betting the house on this, and telling Spulla they made a bad assumption isn't the right thing for team 2 either as it means that lurkers are causing them to lose instead of one of the other teams.
Krill Wrote:I don't think you should post this, for the following reasons: Hmm I guess it depends on how your interpret that post. I interpreted it as him saying "we thought about culture, but they can't possibly win it, because they'll need two more cities from the same civ to go legendary," which would be a game mechanics issue. But I can see how you could also interpret it as him simply not considering the possibility of us having legendary cities from another civ that wouldn't show up in the F8 screen, which is just an error. No way to know, now. Well of course I'll be happy to see my team win. But I'll admit that I'm also really curious about whether team 3 would have been able to catch up in tech, or just slug it out with their higher population plus the Kremlin. VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:I think it's buried in the chain of Python code....Ah, that sneaky stepchild of Civ 4 technology. I was only looking in the C++ DLL. ![]() Ok, I'm convinced not to say anything to Sullla's team. |