Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Gandhi of France: The Non-Violent Warrior

That was a rhetorical question, mack. lol

In regards to the questions about the blockade issue, my ships had no movement points left - even though they had not moved or performed any action that turn.

oledavy Wrote:In regards to the questions about the blockade issue, my ships had no movement points left - even though they had not moved or performed any action that turn.

Were they blockading the turn before? It likely means that Civ had already processed the continuing blockade order for that turn (and used up all the movement).

You don't lose any movement for continuing a blockade. If you give any sort of order (including cancelling the blockade) then reapplying the blockade will require movement.

oledavy Wrote:You make a good point. I'll go ahead and start my one-man GA for t190 then. I'm revolting into Bureaucracy anyway, so it works out nicely. Additionally, I'll look at revolting into FR, to further boost our research rate. With any luck, we can squeeze Radio down to a four or five turn tech.

I concur. Amongst other things I'm slightly paranoid that we're racing Team 1 to Cristo, which is a race we simply can't afford to lose. Anything which helps us get Cristo faster should be done.

Quote:That was a rhetorical question, mack.

Blockades are goofy as hell. Activating a blockade uses up all movement points. Maintaining a blockade does not. Clicking a unit that received a blockade order, giving it absolutely any order at all (whether it be skip turn, fortify, a second blockade order, a move-to) cancels the blockade, and you aren't refunded the movement points to invoke a second blockade order.

Nicolae Carpathia Wrote:Blockades are goofy as hell. Activating a blockade uses up all movement points. Maintaining a blockade does not. Clicking a unit that received a blockade order, giving it absolutely any order at all (whether it be skip turn, fortify, a second blockade order, a move-to) cancels the blockade, and you aren't refunded the movement points to invoke a second blockade order.

Probably something along these lines. I recall clicking the blockade button a couple times, so I probably used all the movement points up on one those goes and then undid it somehow.

At any rate, water under the bridge now.

Sitting outside, enjoying an absolutely gorgeous spring day as I write this smile

For one last time:

[SIZE="7"]Turns 190-191[/SIZE]

Alright, on t190, I used my idle GS to kick off my one-man golden age. I drafted Sedan one last time, and revolted back into bureaucracy. I briefly considered FR, but decided Theocracy is much more useful, considering the AW setting and all the unit builds. Here are the final civics I ended up with:

[Image: FinalCivics.png]

The GNP boost from the GA, combined with Bureacracy was incredible. I went from 700 bpt to nearly 1200 bpt - shaving a turn off our research of Radio. My MFG stat went from around 650 to the upper 800s. yikes It dramatically increased my costs as well, but still definitely a worthwhile conversion. I did the revolt after WK and Shoot had played their turns and used WK's gold, so I had to run wealth in Calais for a turn to make up the difference.

France has a lot of strength I'm just beginning to tap into. While Sulla is ahead of me in GNP due to his financial cottages, my MFG strength and crop yield are incredible. I was really looking forward to that late-game showdown, but it seems we will not be getting it.

[Image: LegendaryCulture.png]


[Image: TheWinners.png]

Love ASM's name for his empire. lol

However, the ending of the world did not prevent me from embarking on my one last campaign against Sulla:

[Image: HelpPix-1.png]

Last turn, I used eight workers to railroad four tiles leading up to Sulla's border, covering each with an MG on load from the Dien Bien Phu Garrison. I then moved in nineteen 2/5 xp rifles, 3 covering machine guns, and 3 cannon. I really should have waited a couple more turns to deploy an additional few cannon. However, with the game ending, I just decided to go in. This turn, I moved forward and revealed the garrison of the city, highlighted on the left.

Needless to say, I'm probably not going to be cracking that. I simply don't have enough cannon to do so. It looks like he rapidly shipped in infantry to respond to the threat this turn. At any rate, that is where we're going to leave things. Biggest regret this game: never getting to take anything of Sulla's. I never got to exact my revenge for Aboukir Bay and Damme.

Also in the screenshot, I moved my destroyer swarm up, tore up the clam nets, bombarded down the city's defenses, and continue the blockade. Me and Sulla's naval stacks out on the waves are about equal. However, I have an additional four at anchor in Trafalgar. In the northern sea, I have more warships continuing the Blockade of Thunder Claws:

[Image: ThunderClaws-1.png]

By the time I end turn, I'll have close to twenty destroyers built. Pretty sure I'm winning the naval race here. Then battleships would come along.... Oh well.

[Image: TheWarinTheNorth.png]

In the north, Thoth continues to hold his forces in Orleans. He has spread out a couple sentry units along the border to keep an eye on me. If he came after Leipzig now, he would take it. I only have about a half-dozen machine guns in position to reinforce the city if he invaded, and his forces would just tear through them. Fortunately, he will not be getting the chance.

This turn, I founded my final city of the game: Golden Spurs; to pick up Silks

[Image: TheFinalCity.png]

[Image: GoldenSpurs.png]

By the way, did you know if you fortify a Hindu Missionary, they go into a Yoga pose?

[Image: HindusMeditating.png]

I thought that was pretty cool myself. smile

Seven finally finished the Ironworks, and I decided to one turn the Forbidden Palace. Mostly for the lols.

[Image: SevenFinishedTheIronworks.png]

With SP, it doesn't do all that much for me.

Dien Bien Phu's production with the IW is simply incredible. I really wish I had gotten to play with the city more.

So, after playing the turn, I took all my signs off. Here are the final, uncluttered shots of the French Empire, north to south:

[Image: Overview11.png]

[Image: Overview14.png]

[Image: Overview12.png]

[Image: Overview13.png]

Here are the graphs I've been promising, spoilered for length:


[Image: GNP-4.png]


[Image: MFG-4.png]

Crop Yield

[Image: CropYield-2.png]


[Image: Power-3.png]


[Image: Score-1.png]

And finally, shots of all my cities - all looking extra fine because of the golden age.

May, 1940

[Image: May1940-7.png]


[Image: Waterloo23.png]


[Image: Crecy23.png]


[Image: Trafalgar23.png]


[Image: Agincourt23.png]

Quiberon Bay

[Image: QuiberonBay23.png]

Abraham Plains

[Image: AbrahamPlains23.png]


[Image: Sedan23.png]


[Image: Sluys23.png]


[Image: Verdun23.png]

Dien Bien Phu

[Image: DienBienPhu23.png]

Vigo Bay

[Image: VigoBay23.png]


[Image: Calais23.png]


[Image: Louisbourg23.png]


[Image: Leipzig23.png]


[Image: Metz23.png]


[Image: Potiers23.png]

And Finally, Golden Spurs

[Image: GoldenSpurs23.png]

I still need to login one last time after WK plays to end turn, at which point Ill grab a final demographics, domestic, and F5 screenshot. If there is something you'd like to see before it's all over, post a comment pretty soon; this shindig is just about over. smile

Hey guys,
Just wanted to say what a great job you all did, both in playing and in reporting this game. For what it's worth, I (almost) feel bad about the Culture Victory since I would have also really enjoyed seeing the late game showdown between you and team 1.

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