Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Gandhi of France: The Non-Violent Warrior

How is Golden Spurs generating one culture per turn?

NobleHelium Wrote:How is Golden Spurs generating one culture per turn?


Yeah I specifically checked that like three times but the Hindu blue was blending in. crazyeye

luddite Wrote:Hey guys,
Just wanted to say what a great job you all did, both in playing and in reporting this game. For what it's worth, I (almost) feel bad about the Culture Victory since I would have also really enjoyed seeing the late game showdown between you and team 1.

That makes two of us. A modern war between our two teams, featuring two different economic models would have been really interesting - to say the very least.

However, I can't help but admire what Team #2 did here. thumbsup

You guys made the best of the in game situation; realizing how attainable a CV was in the team setting, and taking full advantage of the defensive nature of this map to formulate and follow through with an insane plan. @Lewwyn, ASM - and Luddite as you smile down from lurker heaven - you've all won my respect for what the three of you did here. It took big brass ones to pull this thing off. I've always wanted to try a MP game gunning for culture from the very beginning, but never did because I was pretty sure it wouldn't work. You three proved me dead wrong. I'm sure I'll be much more impressed once I actually get into the Team #2 thread and start reading about all the subtle planning that went into this thing. smile

That being said, I think if I ever play an AW game like this again, I'd prefer Culture and Space Victories be banned. I'm not saying this to detract anything from Team #2's win. It wasn't banned, and is a perfectly legitimate victory. I just prefer my AW games bloodier than this one turned out to be. While I'm sure this game was a blast to lurk, being stuck in the prisoner's dilemma yourself is not nearly as fun. As much time as I sunk into building my civ, I legitimately really wanted my endgame showdown with Sulla - been my primary goal since day one of this game.

At any rate, Congratulations to Team #2. bow

I guess the lesson here is that Culture is much more attainable than it's generally given credit. The three of you recognized this, and turned it into an impressive win.

Thanks, that really means a lot to me.

I'm sort of hoping to persuade you guys and team 1 to fight on after this- I think all the lurkers are really curious to see what would have happened there. Maybe you should hold off on reading any other threads for a little while, just in case.

luddite Wrote:I'm sort of hoping to persuade you guys and team 1 to fight on after this- I think all the lurkers are really curious to see what would have happened there. Maybe you should hold off on reading any other threads for a little while, just in case.

Eh, I dunno. I sure would like to see the end result of that too, but with Team 1 do nothing to stop Team 2 we can see and the WW from Team 2, I dunno if I have the heart to carry on with it. Perhaps if Team 1 actually did put some effort into stopping Team 2 that we could see and/or we get Commando's maybe, but I think we're ready for all this to be over.

oledavy Wrote:While I'm sure this game was a blast to lurk, being stuck in the prisoner's dilemma yourself is not nearly as fun.
I think, in general, lurker enjoyment tends to be inversely proportional to player enjoyment in these games. At least in certain situations, anyway.

After all, players should naturally be aiming to get themselves into a dominant position where they're having a blast crushing everyone, which is fun to play but not that interesting to watch. On the other hand, most lurkers love to see two or more sides matched as evenly as possible for as long as possible to draw out the excitement.

Basically, it's more interesting to watch a game when there's more drama, but it's less fun to play. And the less stressful a game is for the players, the more fun they have - but often, the less interesting it is for the lurkers. smile
Lord Parkin
Past games: Pitboss 4 | Pitboss 7 | Pitboss 14Pitboss 18 | Pitboss 20 | Pitboss 21

Lord Parkin Wrote:I think, in general, lurker enjoyment tends to be inversely proportional to player enjoyment in these games. At least in certain situations, anyway.

Seems to be the case lol

luddite Wrote:I'm sort of hoping to persuade you guys and team 1 to fight on after this- I think all the lurkers are really curious to see what would have happened there. Maybe you should hold off on reading any other threads for a little while, just in case.

Eh, at this point, I've come to a begrudging acceptance that we won't get to play this game out. And with our army laying dead or dying in China, I have little motivation to do so. We shot a lot of our long-term potential during the last couple turns, such that we would have little chance of victory from this point onward. Better to end the game here I think. Can always try for a rematch against Sulla in another Pitboss smile


[SIZE="7"]Turn 191 - The Last Report[/SIZE]

So, with WK done with his turn and France funded for a final turn of research, I logged in and ended turn one last time.

Just in time too, check out that war weariness in May, 1940:

[Image: May1940-8.png]

I had about a dozen unhappy citizens across the empire after hitting enter. Glad I don't have to micro MPs to deal with that.

Domestic Advisor:

[Image: LastDomesticAdvisorShot.png]

One final demographics shot, note that everything is slightly deflated by the unhappy population I have not dealt with.

[Image: LastDemosShot.png]

And finally, my rapidly swelling military:

[Image: LastMilitaryShot1.png]
[Image: LastMilitaryShot2.png]

Was getting to the point where I nearly had the requisite two to one naval advantage to sweep Sulla from the seas. Pity I didn't get to do it before the game ended.

[Image: LeavingFrance.png]

Overhead of France, uncluttered by signs:

[Image: FromSpace-1.png]

At any rate, hope you have all enjoyed seeing me play as Gandhi, the Non-Violent Warrior smile

[Image: ThatsAllFolks.jpg]


oledavy Wrote:[SIZE="7"]END GAME[/SIZE]

What an exit! bow

... of course y'all are still assuming the game is over. It isn't yet.

oledavy Wrote:At any rate, hope you have all enjoyed seeing me play as Gandhi, the Non-Violent Warrior smile

I will say that I think your reporting in this game (this thread and your post strewn across other threads) will go down as one of the best game reports here at RB nod.

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