Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Sirian's Day One of Diablo 3

All my Day One achievements from the first sessions are gone. Wiped out.

That kind of sucks, since I went out of my way to get a couple of them, and my Day One dates on them are gone forever now, too. Minor stuff, but I hope that never happens again. Meh.

I am still in Act One. This can happen when A) You play multiple toons and B) Your wife is an OCD Full Clear addict. lol

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

So far latest word from Blizzard about the achievements not displaying is that it's just because the achievement server is being pounded but they aren't lost. As far as I know.

Sirian Wrote:All my Day One achievements from the first sessions are gone. Wiped out.

That kind of sucks, since I went out of my way to get a couple of them, and my Day One dates on them are gone forever now, too. Minor stuff, but I hope that never happens again. Meh.

I am still in Act One. This can happen when A) You play multiple toons and B) Your wife is an OCD Full Clear addict. lol

- Sirian


You have a wife who plays computer games with you, *AND* is a 'Full Clear Addict' ?

*AND* who braved Day 1 on a Blizz release?

*THIS* is a 'Day One Achieve' that no server or lag can ever take away.


Cyrene Wrote:Dude--

You have a wife who plays computer games with you, *AND* is a 'Full Clear Addict' ?

*AND* who braved Day 1 on a Blizz release?

*THIS* is a 'Day One Achieve' that no server or lag can ever take away.


Would be even better if she was a RB Addict as well smile
One drop of your blood I spill will pay for one tear you made me shed, until the ground can soak up no more

Moriah Wrote:Would be even better if she was a RB Addict as well smile

She intends to register here. She has just been slow about it. ... She's kind of shy. What can I say?

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Just finished normal difficulty with my Witch Doctor. Much like the Necromancer the pets are starting to become rather squishy towards the end of the game, although they have done a stellar job keeping the mobs away from me throughout. I haven't tried Nightmare yet, but I probably will switch to a build that is more cc-heavy than summoning an army of minion fodder. I do love that rune system so far. smile
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

Day Two

Finish Act 1 on solo toon. Arrive in Act 2. Check out the starting area. Step outside the gate-- wife wakes up early. "Let's play together!"

Arrive back in Act 1 on coop toon. banghead


I have ended up trying out the new skills as they appear, despite my affection for the existing skills. I've pretty much ended up moving to Frenzy for the barb. Loving the AoE stun with pull-them-to-me glyph. Combine with the 2min cooldown AoE fire spell and serious deeps emerges. Also forgoing WW (so far) in favor of the shockwave with stun glyph. ... Likey dat stunny, honey. jive

Monk also moved to the sweeping AoE skill. The frenzy-style skill at the end of the mouse-main-button group looks like a better boss killer, but sweep for everything else maybe. Not sure yet. Locked glyphs may change my mind. We'll see. Monk's charge skill good for moving THROUGH mobs in some cases (potential uses for escape as well as back-line-target pinning). Also handy in some cases for extending streaks.

Speaking of streaks... simple little mechanic, but tactically quite fun. Not sure if I will still be enamored with it in two months, but at least for now, loving it. More so solo, as coop you "compete" for streaks instead of combining, so it's not as immersive (or easy) there.


Died again. Again from dopey something.

So it went like this. Played through a good bit of Act 2 coop. Broke for family chiropractic appointment and lunch out. Returned home, fire up game, start with Entering the Palace event... MAJOR "load lag" for both my wife and I, dead (both of us) without even being able to defend ourselves at all.

Ridiculous. I would have thought they'd have avoided this problem, since it existed in Diablo 1. But no. MAJOR threat to anybody's hardcore characters.

Mind you, my hard drive is defragmented. 0%. It's not a slow, lumbering thing. My machine is my work machine (as a game dev), and it's loaded up with 12GB of fast RAM. Runs World of Warcraft on Ultra max at high framerates. It's no slouch. Yet I get enough hard drive graphics load lag to KILL ME OUTRIGHT? ... Blizz gets an F grade in this area. FAIL. Wiped on the lag boss. Terrible performance. This simply should not happen.

Moral of the story: Never, ever engage a boss fight as the first act of a new gaming session. Ever. Go out and fight some mobs. Use all your abilities. Get the game to load up all its graphics, or as many of them as you can. Because, you know, hey. Once they are loaded, it runs fine. You just don't want it lagging you in the worst way at the most lethal moments.

Lethal hard drive load lag on a powerhouse PC? duh Bad Blizz. BAD!

Oh and today something else noteworthy happened. "EEK A MOB, Part Two: Revenge of Sirian's Wife" hit theaters. Starring yours truly in the lead role. Opening scene, inconspiculous pit in the middle of a musty cellar. Out pops huge @$$ worm and swallows barbarian whole. Player goes EEK and is startled. Wife rolls on floor laughing at the irony of it. Credits roll.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

But are YOU defragmented?

Maybe *YOU* are the slow, lumbering thing?


Yes, the 'Streaks' things are addictive, and from FPS thingies.

Still, i find myself seeing a good opportunity and lining it up to make it happen.

Breaking things? Oh yeah.

Killing mobs of mobs with environmental?

Oh yeah.


I'm sooooo easily amused...


RB addict... It could happen...

And Sirian is the slow Lumbering thing on that computer... I mean honestly, I've only got one death to the lag spike in the palace, and He's got TWO (one to lag the other to the cat)! lol

I will say that I love the mage. Slow Time took a bit of time to learn how to use but it is just as awesome as I thought it might be. especially in co-op where I can slow anything coming in for Sirian to avoid, melee and ranged. Unfortunately he seams to have this idea that he needs to run into all of the arrows in the slow time field... 'So they don't hit you' ... duh ... However, the Wave of Force, the first ability the force section (fourth ability) is my absolute favorite. Just a simple knock back glyphed to stun. However, if you read it carefully you'll realize you can use it to knock back PROJECTILES. So fireball flying at me, hit that and it flies in a separate direction. Unfortunately after you hit any projectile with that spell it becomes 'inactive' from what I can tell... It wont hit a co-op friend or mob. It would be cool if you could use it to kill mobs with their own spell. rolleye

I'm sick of the blacksmith already. Spent a fortune, and over 50 mats. to make 10 boots, trying to get one with int on it. 4 of them had Dexterity on it... 30 dex 8% movement speed was the best. then I get 3 with str on them, Two with low levels of vitality... the ONE with int... has 11 int, and increased pickup range for health globes and gold... banghead I have the problem of being able to NOT pick up the health globes as it is I don't need increased range on it. (I try to leave the health globes for Sirian to pick up in Melee, I just run away if I get low on hp)

I must say I'm enjoying co-op more than solo. Maybe I picked a bad class for me for my second toon. Chose the Demon hunter and I'm not having near as much fun with her as the mage. Then again... perhaps I just like dropping the environment on Sirian's head...

~ Kiyalynn
~ ~ Sirian's Wife

Sullla it was just the particular game server that was shutting down, if you had tried to reconnect I think you would have logged into a different server and been fine.

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