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Intersite Game - Turn Discussion Thread

I found your pun on "Beyond the Sword" amusing.
I have to run.

If the copper's there, we simply have to play the fjord.
Reply Nice one. Totally unintended. May the fjord be with us...

As expected, CFC moved to 1SE of the gold:


Amusing how everyone congregates here just as the turn rolls...

Turn 39 - 2440BC

Hey there, German team! Thanks for taking the full 44 hours to play your turn! It sure is fun having you in the game! You see that red "End Turn" button? Perhaps you would consider pushing it once or twice in the future!


[Image: ISDG-124s.jpg]

This is the turn where we really started kicking ass and taking names.

The two workers finished the gold mine at Mansa's Muse, increasing our research rate by 50%. We were at 24 beakers/turn on the last turn, now we are making 36 beakers/turn. That's the base rate, mind you - with prerequisite multipliers, we're actually getting 44 beakers/turn towards Bronze Working. Our research was a mere 9 beakers short of the tech last turn, which will give us a ton of overflow into Animal Husbandry tech. As predicted before, we'll get BW on T40 and AH on T43.

Warrior Goldilocks is appropriately covering the workers on the gold tile. I will feel a lot better when CivFanatics moves their own warrior away. (For a "friend", they've been taking a very aggressive posture with that unit. Walking next to our borders every single turn possible.) The general consensus was to scout southeast with our new warrior, so I have done exactly that. New guy sits in the capital for military police, Xenu has moved into position to scout the UNREACHABLE HILL next turn. Xenu has 1 XP already, might as well try to get a second point. Poking around the forests by the pigs seems like an important place to defog. We'll know a lot more (hopefully!) next turn when we discover Bronze Working.

[Image: ISDG-125s.jpg]

Adventure One reclaims the deer tile and goes over to its all-cottages configuration. Settler due in 7t with perfect 2 production overflow. Very nice work, team. goodjob Now we just need to be able to see the darn resources to know where the settler is going...

[Image: ISDG-126s.jpg]

Mansa's Muse working its two improved tiles. We should avoid ever whipping below size 2 here - the corn and gold tiles have just about the best yields in the game. Note that we do get the Expansive production bonus on the worker here, which is pretty funny. With 9 total foodhammers, we are just short of producing 6t workers. At size 3, we would be able to manage that.

[Image: ISDG-127s.jpg]

This is the best way to summarize the Demographics:

[Image: biglol.gif]

I love that smiley. We're lapping the field right now in research, and managing that while also sitting at #1 in Food. We are also tops in Population, both the misleading Demos number and the actual population count with 8 pop points. We are 1k off the lead in Power, and will take the top spot there next turn with our Bronze Working discovery. The only blemish is our Production number, where we are slightly below average. Most teams are working a lot of mines, while we're working four Financial river cottages. Advantage our team.

I'll add more thoughts in a minute on where to go from here. As far as the turn report goes, our micro plan has basically worked perfectly. We are off to the fast start that we were hoping for, despite all of the trouble caused by the barb animals. :D
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Not sure which I love more, that GNP or that smiley. lol

That is a staggering number by comparison. We certainly need to expand to pull the GNP back some, although I'm absolutely not complaining. We need to start meeting people ASAP before everyone sees us as the big, bad, boogeyman team (that we are).

Great work so far, to everyone. goodjob

OK, so good work done so far, now on to the next stage of our development. We haven't done much planning beyond this point, which made total sense because we need to see the resources before we know where our next city is going. That said, we need a little mini-plan for Turns 40-43. Once we hit T43, we'll be able to see (or not see) both resources, and then we can determine exactly where the third city is going, and head off into micro plan once more. But that does still leave the next three or four turns.

We've pretty much agreed that one worker will move to the forested hill north of Mansa's Muse and chop that forest. That will take 4t, so he'll be busy until we get Animal Husbandry and can start in depth planning.

What about the other worker? Moving both workers onto a forested hill to chop would be fairly wasteful. We could have him build roads towards our next city... uh, if we knew where it was going. tongue How about moving to chop the forested plains hill south of the capital? One turn wasted movement back towards the capital, one turn unavoidable wasted move onto the hill tile, then three turns to chop. It would speed up the settler by 1t and... well, there's not a whole lot else to do at the moment. Not until we can see resources, anyway. Please let me know if any of you can see another, better idea for this worker over the next couple of turns.

Since we want to get Animal Husbandry quickly, I would also suggest waiting to revolt to Slavery until our next settler is produced and in transit. That's the classic time to do a civics revolt anyway.

We can go into further discussion of our research path later, but the lack of any interest in religion from other teams thus far means we're very safe to found one. I would say we are an iron lock for Monotheism at this point, just because no one can out-tech us there. If we are planning to settle at the fish spot, then we'll need Fishing tech, but otherwise our research path will probably be something like this:

Mysticism -> Polytheism -> Masonry -> Monotheism -> Priesthood -> Writing (with 60% bonus) -> Monarchy

Obviously a lot can change depending on what happens, but something like that would get us everything we need. Obelisks, self-founded religion, libraries, Hereditary Rule civic. Then keep expanding ASAP, spreading religion, get a shrine, get an Academy, stuff the capital with military police units and grow it to size 15, etc. We all know the drill. Out-expand and out-economy the other teams until we win.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Regarding worker #2, one option we have is to identify the strongest currently visible site, one that we know we'll want to settle next after bronze/horses, and start roading in that direction. I think that speeding up the settler by 1 turn could be accomplished via either chop or by transit, and we could potentially save the chop at this moment by roading, but no guarantees. No reason to stop at 3 cities at this point, so let's just keep plowing down cities and laying cottages. So, would this be the FP region or toward the pig?

I agree on civic swap timing.

I think Apple should move 2SW and put in a cottage-turn there, and then move SW again and road that tile. That will finish T42, and will enable him to support basically any city location in an efficient manner.

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