Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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spoilers: this aint no cakewalk, its a musicalcatwalk; pacal of inca

Ah, missed that ivory. Getting another one shouldn't be a very high priority then, it's a fairly crappy tile. Settling SW of a and applying cultural pressure on the corn with two cities could be funny, although that won't be required if you settle next to the corn.

we could settle both sides of the lake using the original rumpleteazer site if thats sians 2nd ring there

If it was his second ring you'd see culture going N and S next to the visible front, as cultural borders on the edge of explored tiles are visible. So I'm afraid we're seeing his first ring here. Which leader does he have?

sians julius ceaser of the vikings. thats not creative like shoots right?


Man you really need more population. Shame about the low happy cap.

One neat thing you can do as Inca is build warriors even when you metal connected, meaning lots of cheap 10h military police. Hence, a quick Monarchy synergises well with Inca.

heres the f1 screen:

[Image: turn67cities0000.jpg]

happy cap just got lifted as the spices came online. going to let the cities grow for a bit

gold/tech ratio:

[Image: turn67ratio0000.jpg]

actually at end of turn the 0% gold rocketed to 35 gpt so thatll amend the -51gpt at 100% right?

heres demos after saving:

[Image: turn67demos0000.jpg]

still raising gold to do currency so i guess we could do a monarchy run after another period at0% and maybe nab a religion on the way. i shouldve checked if either hinduism or buddhism is still there. but i doubt it though

Sucks that we ran into early happiness problems, I had the same issue in 37. We'll be getting another 2 happiness soon, right? Silk at Macavity and Ivory at Bustopher Jones. I'd say Monarchy can wait a little, there's a big difference between 2 luxuries and 4 luxuries.

What does your tech plan look like?

Catwalk Wrote:What does your tech plan look like?

tech plan? im supposed to have one? haha

actually i havent thought beyond currency atm. would we benefit from iron working to clear that jungle?

You're very much supposed to have a tech plan, yes smile IMO it's one of the most important and easiest ways to plan ahead. What are some short-term (next 20t or so) tech goals that you see as good value for money? And which wonders have been constructed? Crop yield is starting to look a little better, keep growing your population.

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