Power is difficult to sort out this turn. Gillette's graphs might help, tho I think that won't show up till they've played next turn. Pirates graphs would
definitely help after next turn but I dunno how close to getting them we are.
Known things:
TEAM lost
2 pop to a
whip, losing 1k power for top rival.
Pirates settled a
third city and grew their
second city to size 2. That added 1k power to bottom rival (and that's 24k which is the same power Gillette had last turn hence some of the problems with figuring out the rest).
Still to account for: 8k soldiers.
Pirates got a tech, which might be
Hunting which would use up 2k soldiers, but it might also be Pottery (they got Wheel last, on T37) or Fishing. I'm tentatively saying it's Hunting but once I have seen their graphs and have an idea of their GNP then maybe I will reconsider.
So 6k of soldiers in units, which must be split between Pirates & Menagerie leaving Gillette on 24k still at the bottom of the power graph. Makes a bit of sense, given that the others are in a war & Gillette are coasting along with their farmer's gambit intact.
I'm going to suggest that Pirates built another Quechua and Menagerie built a Chariot or 2 Warriors. Also possible is Menagerie built an Axe and Pirates didn't build anything.
Other news:
Pirates new city has 5 land tiles first ring, makes sense with novice's suggestion of coastal copper. Which would make Fishing make sense as their tech meaning another 2k of units to account for ... in which case my preferred guess for the units built would be Menagerie built an Axe & Pirates built a Quechua.