Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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spoilers: this aint no cakewalk, its a musicalcatwalk; pacal of inca

Can you give us pictures of what you know of the world geographically?

ill post a pic next turn with the city shots

hey hey its turn 100!! wasnt sure wed get there a week or so ago haha

ok heres another pic dump

the cities:

[Image: turn100macavity0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100misto0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100bomba0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100mungo0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100deut0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100rumtum0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100bjones0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100skimble0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100rumple0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100aspar0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100victor0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100griza0000.jpg]

[Image: turn100jenny0000.jpg]

and the empire:


[Image: turn100north0000.jpg]


[Image: turn100south0000.jpg]


[Image: turn100east0000.jpg]

damn you adhoc! you wonder whore! he took temple of artemis from us at end of turn!! will have to make do with apostilic palace now

ok feudalism is in and ive slipped horse-back riding in before guilds. might as well have knights from the off eh? haha

and talking about slipping in ive dropped a settler into the queue at bomba to settle the fish on the south coast

question: should we settle on the silver to nab the deer?

[Image: turn101ratio0000.jpg]

not a lot to report and i still seem to be talking to myself again

will found growltiger on the hill east of the silver

must remember to rejig the eps as we have all but nakors graphs and its a bit of overkill on sian haha

growltiger founded and 60% tech is total breakeven. i upped the rate to 70% to get guilds this turn haha

[Image: turn103ratio0000.jpg]

i have 4 cities sites dotted now adding 2 more this turn.

[Image: turn103dots0000.jpg]

couldnt get demeter onto the sreenshot but its been dotted for some time now

and heres the ep situation

[Image: turn103eps0000.jpg]

chose this to show how close we are to getting the vital information

at end of turn islam spread to bustopher jones. no idea why it skipped 3 cities to do so though

Sorry for my absence, I have been crazy busy and neglected my own games as well. Demos look nice, glad to see you're keeping up. I will try to get some proper commentary going next week, done with school for the year.

ok cat no worries

turn 104. maybe ill start putting this now haha

after priesthood is in at end of turn the tech path is ace! that is alphabet construction and engineering

i have all graphs now so will post pics next time

heres a strange event. newest city growltiger is asking to join thestick. yet the neighbours sian and theres none of thesticks culture nearby

turn 105

hmm opened the turn to find thestick wants to rent my spare fur for 10 gold per turn. oh go on then. for now anyway. itll skew the tech in our favour right?

talking about gold heres the ratio:

[Image: turn105ratio0000.jpg]

and now the ingame graphs for the last 50 turns:

[Image: turn105score0000.jpg]

[Image: turn105gnp0000.jpg]

[Image: turn105mfg0000.jpg]

[Image: turn105crop0000.jpg]

[Image: turn105power0000.jpg]

and overall demos

[Image: turn105demos0000.jpg]

confucianism spread to rumpleteazer. maybe i should consider theocracy to stop the spread of this heresy! haha

turn 106

now shoot wants to trade my marble for his silver. sadly ill soon have my own silver and im currently using the marble for the apostolic palace so nope!! haha

noticed thestick was pulling away on the eps so have switched some from nakor for the time being

construction completed this turn and engineering will take just 1 turn now. have queued a philosophy/liberalism run after. should take 9 further turns to complete

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