January 24th, 2013, 10:23
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I sent this to CFC in accordance with our deal:
RB Wrote:Caledorn,
I just wanted to inform your team that we met CivPlayers this turn. They are to our west - across the lake that we have. We'll be sending them a message shortly, but I wanted you guys to be in the loop right away about our new contact.
Figured this did not warrant discussion, and timeliness would be appreciated.
January 24th, 2013, 16:44
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Sent to CivPlayers:
RB Wrote:CivPlayers,
Greetings from Realms Beyond! It's nice to finally meet your team! We haven't met a new team for awhile now, so it's nice to resume filling out our contacts. Have you guys met many other teams? We've met the German team, WePlayCiv, and CFC. We've had no real issues with any of them, although the German team and WePlayCiv have been knocking each other around for awhile now. The German team is the closest to you out of all of them, the rest are not all that close.
I'd love to open up a NAP discussion with your team. Perhaps we can share intel about the map that we've both gathered so far too, that way we can both get an edge on the rest of the teams. Any thoughts on these ideas?
FYI - I'm scooter, and I'm sort of the primary contact for RB. Any of your team leaders can feel absolutely free to add me on google chat - realmsbeyondscooter@gmail.com. I'd be happy to catch up on the game by chat if you'd like - sometimes it works better than email.
scooter - Team RB
January 25th, 2013, 15:21
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CivPlayers has responded:
CivPlayers Wrote:scooter,
It is honour to greet RB's ambassadors in our lands. We appreciate your frank intentions to share knowledge and looking forward to build good, strong and profitable for both sides relations.
At this moment we are only familiar with Mayans(civfr) and Ottomans (apolython). Our early scouting wasnt very successful that's why we dont know much about the map and other civilizations, except that there are deep jungles in the north and dreadful tundra in the south ending with a coast. Civfr is our close neighbour, while apolython is located behind the jungles.
NAP treaty is also interesting for us. I can suggest to start from a peace treaty without exact limits. This means that war cannot be declared unless the treaty is denounced within the 10 turn gap. We are also ready to start discussing other deals.
P.S: I dont usually use gtalk, but we can try to get online at the same suitable time to discuss details.
P.P.S: I also forward this conversation to Decebal, our Foreign Minister. He might be more active.
He also CC'd another email address, which I'm assuming is Decebal.
January 26th, 2013, 10:09
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WPC confirms NAP!
WPC Wrote:Hello scooter!
Our team agrees to the extension of NAP until the turn 175. We consider it to be in effect as of now.
We also have a proposal that might be of interest for you.
Currently we are keeping a pressure on the Incan team and slowing down their expansion, but taking cities is too costly at this point of the game. We are currently researching towards technologies for catapults. With the help of cats, the cities will fall much more easily and we can put an end to the problem that is slowing down the game for all of us.
On that thought, we have a proposal for your team.
Could you tell us how long your NAP with the Incan nation is in effect?
We would like to invite your nation in taking down the Incan team when we have catapults available. Joint attack would make a quick work of them. We will gladly offer our catapults for assistance in taking the cities for you. Our teams can plan a fair division of Incan lands between our nations considering the positions of our nations. We will keep the Incan nation in check until we have the catapults and your NAP with them would be over.
We think that this co-operation would be immensely beneficial for our teams and would be a great basis for a long term relationship that could boost us both until later stages of the game and make us stronger compared to other nations.
Maybe you will be happy about the increased game speed also. 
What do you feel about this suggestion?
January 26th, 2013, 11:25
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Alright, I think it's really important we get a quick response from them, so I went ahead and sent it:
RB Wrote:OT4E/Civplayers,
I'll send this message to both of you just to make sure it gets to the right person. If you would both like to be on emails, I will just reply-all from now on.
Thanks so much for the quick response! Much appreciated. I like the idea of getting our teams agreed to a basic NAP with 10-turn cooldown so we can ensure peace in the short-term, and then we can move forward on other arrangements. How about we put a small minimum timeframe on it - let's say the earliest either of us can begin NAP cancellation is T110. How does that work for you? That would mean there's no possibility of conflict until at least T120, which gives us plenty of time to figure out how our teams can work together best. If you'd like to adjust the minimum cancellation date or do away with it completely, let me know, we can be flexible for you guys.
We're really interested in signing Open Borders with your team. We have a pretty new city to the east of our axe, and we think we can build a road between our city and yours so that we can get trade routes going. That would be a nice economic boost for both of us. Do you have any interest in signing Open Borders with us?
scooter - Team RB
January 27th, 2013, 00:32
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Received from CFC:
CFC Wrote:Hi Scooter,
Thanks for that information! Between the two of us, I think we've been able to locate everyone but CivFr. It seems like your initial map speculation was pretty accurate, and we can fill in some of those blanks now that we know what position the other teams are in.
Let us know if you need new directions to the Spaniards. There is a mountain range blocking a direct route east, so you'll have to go a little north when you leave our borders in order to hit their borders. They've just planted a new city in our direction, so you will be able to contact them pretty quickly, if you'd like. Have you met UCiv, yet? They are located north of us, so we could give you directions to them if you would prefer.
We've had to keep most of our units at home to protect us from the barbs, but we were just able to send a chariot your way, so I'll be visiting you shortly. We got an earlier view of the land around the world-renowned (and well-named) Mansa's Muse, and we look forward to seeing how the rest of your land puts ours to shame.
See you soon!
January 28th, 2013, 14:12
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Sent to WPC:
RB Wrote:Tatu,
Great! Glad to have the NAP signed.
As for your question about the German team - unfortunately our NAP with them is much too long for our liking. We signed it with them very early, and it runs until T150. Believe me, there's no way I would have agreed to it if I had any idea how slow they would be on turns, but unfortunately a deal is a deal (the length was their idea). If it's any consolation to you, they will almost certainly not be getting a NAP extension from us. To answer your last question honestly, I do believe your idea would have been great for the good of this game were we not bound to the NAP. You have my genuine apologies for being stuck with such a long NAP with your enemy. We actually signed that NAP before we even met your team.
I guess we can just hope that the German team will play quicker, and as a result T150 will come quickly. Your plan to aim for catapults sounds like a very good idea, so I hope it works out for your team. I'm not sure of what we can do for you right now off the top of my head, but if you think of a way we can be of use to you, please let me know!
scooter - Team RB
Sent to CivPlayers:
RB Wrote:CivPlayers,
I was talking about this with my team, and I think it may be a good idea for us to arrange a chat. I'm not sure what timezone you are in, so that may be an issue. I am on the east cost of the US: GMT -5. Anytime in the evenings for me is great. If you're on European time, I could probably do early evening for me which would hopefully not be too late at night for you. Would sometime tonight (Monday) work?
To set the agenda, I'd like us to discuss:
1) basic NAP agreement - we're flexible on this, so I'd like to hear what it is you want
2) basic border agreement - there is not much land between us now, and it's not very desirable land. I think we would both be wise to consider an agreement so we can both focus on settling in different directions
3) Open Borders
If you can let me know quickly - especially if tonight would work, that'd be great.
scooter - Team RB
January 28th, 2013, 14:52
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Hm. Too bad.
CivPlayers Wrote:scooter,
I got your purposals and we are currently considering it. I am sure we will be able to arrange chat during few next days. Unfortunatelly, I am very busy today and cant afford to spend enough time.
January 28th, 2013, 15:13
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Heh, their turn player spoke too soon - their diplomat just responded too:
CivPlayers Wrote:Greetings scooter,
Allow me to introduce myself: I am Decebal, Plenipotentiary Minister of Foreign Affairs and your direct link to the ears of
our Central Government.
Your agenda contains basically most of the things we have intented to start with our discussions.
I'd like to give you a short answer before we can start detailing things:
1) 10 turns NAP is fine and we can also agree on the NAP cancellation minimum time, on the condition that our
fine relationship is not shattered by scandalous behaviour by any of our sides. I was gonna write down an example,
but we can chat about it. Your T110 should be fine, we can start from there.
2) We can start talking about those as soon as you see fit, so both our civilizations can plan ahead their developments.
3) We can sign those up as soon as we have the trade routes in place. I'd just want to point out that Open Borders
agreement is mainly for trading, it does not include right of passage. That is a separate thing to be discussed.
Looking forward to talking to you directly,
January 28th, 2013, 16:11
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Sent to CivPlayers:
RB Wrote:Decebal,
Thanks for the quick response - much appreciated. From seeing your comments on those 3 issues, it seems like we're thinking along the same lines. That's a good sign, so I'm optimistic we can come to agreements.
Unless OT4E was speaking for both of you, when are you available to chat? My best availability is basically anytime after 6pm/1800 EST (GMT -5), but I'm not sure what timezone you're in and what day/time works for you. I can probably do a different time if know in advance. Just let me know on that one when you get a spare minute. Thanks!
scooter - Team RB