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EitB Bug Thread

It is a bug in the new DLL. See the discussion starting here for details:

(February 16th, 2013, 02:37)Terkhen Wrote: It is a bug in the new DLL. See the discussion starting here for details:

So set bAIPlayable to 0 for Civilization Random. Does this change anything else?
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

CIVLIZATION_RANDOM is not used anywhere else but at the leader selection code (which is causing the bug) and at the Revolutions code (for ignoring it). To my knowledge this change should not cause any changes besides fixing the issue. Tholal mentioned that he was trying to reproduce the issue, so we will get an "official" answer soon.

Did Mistforms get turned to animal AI?

I'm not sure Nox Noctis is making things invisible correctly. I'm playing a game (at variable difficulty; currently on Immortal) and I did a deep commando cavalry strike for a worker, and it got the NN promotion. I then forgot to extract the worker, and the AI seems to have completely ignored it with its various units.

I realize this might be because the AI can do really stupid things, but you'd think it would recapture a worker sitting right next to one of its cities. I can provide a save if you'd like.

Hey, it's Ranamar!

(February 19th, 2013, 11:09)NobleHelium Wrote: Hey, it's Ranamar!

This time I'm not making the mistake of signing up for a game and then letting a much better player play all the turns because he got the turns while I was at work. mischief
(Instead, I'll lurk and offer bad advice!)

Anyway, in the interest of science, I had my worker cast reveal. It appears he was ignored and got the promotion back by the beginning of my next turn. Similarly, I captured another worker and he didn't have the promotion, but he did by the beginning of the next turn.

Does the Esus Invisibility promotion get applied at the end of the turn or the beginning of the turn?
I'm really shocked that even an AI which appears to be fairly whipped would not take the chance to round up the workers (and slave, because capturing workers can create slaves) that I had left lying around his territory. Horsemen don't get defensive bonuses, after all.

*waves at Ranamar*

EitB AI tends to be completely insane, I would think the only way to test this would be to save as a scenario and look from the other civ's perspective.
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(December 8th, 2012, 16:53)Qgqqqqq Wrote: I can't trade Orders from heaven to Rhoanna because "we would have nothing to gain" (NTB game, but I self-researched it, also playing as Basium if thats related).

Most likely cause of this is that Rhoanna already has beakers invested into the tech. The AI won't trade for a tech it is close to researching if NTB is on. AFAIK this is intended behaviour, which makes sense: if the AI trades for the tech it can't trade away the tech. If it's already invested a lot of beakers into the tech it isn't worth losing the ability to trade away the tech. smile

While reviewing Erebus in the Balance source changes, I found a few issues. I have not read the whole bug thread (only the first post of the EitB 0010 thread) so please excuse me if they have been reported already.
  • Phalanx has been moved to Mithril Working, but Nullstone Golems, Stoneskin Ogres and Verdandi still require Mithril weapons.
  • The CoE holy city gives +2 GPP instead of the +3 GPP mentioned in the changelog.
  • The cost of taverns has been decreased, but Grigori taverns still have the old cost.

I have also seen some changes that are not mentioned in the changelog:
  • Aristocracy upkeep increased from low to medium.
  • Religion gives +1 happiness with Pagan Temples.
  • Caste System is now available at Feudalism instead of at Taxation.

If I find more things when I continue I'll post them here smile

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