Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Do they know that we know that they know that we know that they know ...?

All that was just trying to fool us and delay our military preparations. That was not real offer. I offered T200 right after that. No response.

... beginning the mammoth catch up.

Turn 126 (~10 turns ago)

TEAM: Whipped off 9 pop from 4 cities (immediately after the end of T125). Grew 4 cities, and got a classical era tech - Iron Working. This accounts, I think, for all their soldier points.

Menagerie: Grew 3 cities, got a classical era tech (Code of Laws). Got another 2k of soldiers to account for, call this a Galley.

Gillette: Double whipped a city, grew a city. Got 2k of power to account for, call this a Galley.

Pirates: Grew something, planted a new city.


Turn 127

TEAM: Whipped 8 pop from 4 cities. Grew 6 cities. I believe they have another 16k of power to account for - at the time I don't think they could make Maces or Cats, so we have candidates like Horse Archers, Vultures & Spears. I don't know if we've had sight of their military? But I'm going to tentatively suggest 2 Vultures + 1 Spear here.

Menagerie: Planted a new city, grew 4 cities. I don't think they got any other power this turn.

Gillette: Double whipped 1 city, grew 3. Leaves another 25k of power to account for - put that down as 2 Beserkers, a Galley & a Trireme.

Pirates: Grew two cities.


Turn 128

TEAM: Triple-whipped a city, grew 6 cities.

Menagerie: Grew 2 cities. I think they have another 7k power to account for, suggesting a Catapult and a Forge.

Gillette: Grew 4 cities. Have another 12k power to account for. At the time they didn't have HBR so my guess is a Berserker & a Galley.

Pirates: Grew a city.


Turn 129

TEAM: Double whipped something, single whipped something. Got another 4k of power to account for, a Spear?

Menagerie: Grew a city.

Gillette: Grew 3 cities. Got another 10k of power, another Beserker?

Pirates: Got a tech (Civil Service), grew 4 cities.


That's what I can do without logging into the game to get a screenshot of the power graph for the last few turns (I can't reboot right now to get in the game coz I set my computer importing all the photos we took on holiday into it's database and that's taking longer than I anticipated alright).

Thoughts so far - lots of whipping from TEAM, little power increase, so a lot must be infra or settlers/workers. And on the subject of TEAM is Tasunke really just letting turns roll without bothering to play them? That's poor form frown

Gillette's power raises up to T129 look like Beserkers mostly - I think as of T129 they have 7 of them. As always, remember I'm guessing smile
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Power graph:

[Image: civ4screenshot1791.jpg]


Thanks for the screeny, plako ... that power rise for gillette looks even scary like that than the numbers did yikes

Was busier than I expected this evening, so only one more turn done:

Turn 130

TEAM: Tech (Machinery) and 6 pop.

Menagerie: Single whipped one city, grew 4.

Gillette: Tech (HBR), double-whipped two cities, grew 7. That still leaves 29k power to account for. Which I've put down as 2 Beserkers, a couple of Triremes & a Barracks. I did wonder if I've got a +/- 1k error somewhere and this is actually 3 Beserkers.

Pirates: Tech (HBR)


My guess: Gillette up to 9 or 10 Beserkers as of T130.
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Is that a knight completing in Halberd?

[Image: civ4screenshot1793.jpg]
I have to run.

Yes. They whipped a plenty last turn. Best guess is that means several Knights.

Any sign of a tech or a wonder for Gillette, plako? There's a 16 point rise before they start whipping, which is odd.

OK, this is rushed so may have mistakes, I dunno how busy the rest of my morning/day will get but I wanted to get this done in case I have no time for doing the rest of the C&D catchup till Friday.

I've looked at the power rises for Gillette with an idea of trying to figure out what their army might consist of (assuming that every 10k is either a Beserker or a Knight after Guilds and not worrying about assigning the 2 or 3k spare).

3 Bs on T131
2 Bs on T132
1 B on T133
1 B on T134
3 Ks on T135
6Ks on T136

Plus 2 Cats from M3 (eyeballing that power drop as 10k, I don't think it looks as much as 15k or as little as 5k but I haven't measured it). Plus space in the power numbers for up to 3 cats of their own.

So putting that with the Beserkers I've already guessed that looks like:

16 Beserkers
9 Knights (some of which may or may not be Beserkers, can't disambiguate)
5 Catapults
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

(March 21st, 2013, 03:39)pling Wrote: Plus 2 Cats from M3 (eyeballing that power drop as 10k, I don't think it looks as much as 15k or as little as 5k but I haven't measured it). Plus space in the power numbers for up to 3 cats of their own.

OK, I measured it - new guess is 20k, I was working off faulty assumptions. I could still be wrong coz I've done it quickly. So 4 cats from M3. And one less knight. New army estimate:

16 Beserkers
8 Knights (some of which may or may not be Beserkers, can't disambiguate)
7 Catapults

Remember any one unit (B or K) could be 2 Cats after T131. Also Ks could be Bs.
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

Further adventures in C&D ... I'm pretty much down to power + techs (and plako's done the tech's half of it) for what I'm tracking, pop is tracked only in so far as it affects power (net change). I'd actually intended to finish up doing this soon, there's ever more guesswork involved - but given we're back at war soon it feels like even the guessing is useful. Take all statements with large pinches of salt tho lol

Turn 131

TEAM: 2 new cities + 6 more cities grew.

Menagerie: 4 single whips, and 3 cities grew. 20k more power rise to account for, 4 cats seems most plausible.

Gillette: Single whip + 2 cities grew. Got construction (4k of power), and another 36k to account for - 3 Beserkers & a horse archer (maybe?).

Pirates: Tech (sailing) and another 4k power to account for - suggested perhaps a Spear.

Turn 132

TEAM: Grew two cities. 3k of power to account for - barracks?

Menagerie: Grew 2 cities. Single whip for next turn. 5k of power = cat.

Gillette: Double whipped 2 cities, grew 2 cities. Got Feudalism. Got another 28k of power = 2 Beserkers, a Cat and a Barracks?

Pirates: Grew 5 cities.

Turn 133

TEAM: Quadruple whipped something, grew 2 cities.

Menagerie: Grew 3 cities, plus planted new city. 17k of power left = 3 cats & a galley?

Gillette: Grew 4 cities. Another 13k of power = 1 Beserker & a barracks?

Pirates: Grew a city. Got some artifact in the power, coz it says they gained 1k in the demos screen but I dunno where from.

Turn 134

TEAM: Double whipped something. 13 cities grew?? I'm not sure what else it could be (a national wonder plus 10 cities growing?), no techs involved. Also another 3k of power (probably) - saying a barracks.

Menagerie: Chichen Itza, grew 2 cities. Another 5k of power = catapult.

Gillette: Single whipped 2 cities, double whipped one city. Got Guilds, grew 5 cities. 16k more of power = 1 beserker + 1 HA?

Pirates: Slight problem here in that not all the bits of the score made it to the spreadsheet (I was back around about this point, so my fault I think). I'm assuming they got Calendar on this turn because plako's noted them down as having it and this is the only space it fits. 4k power = spear?

Turn 135

TEAM: Whipped something, grew a city.

Menagerie: Got Civil Service, grew 4 cities.

Gillette: Double whipped 2 cities, grew 4 cities. 34k power = 3 Knights, plus 4k to upgrade an HA to a Knight?

Pirates: No changes in score.

Turn 136

TEAM: Grew 2 cities.

Menagerie: No changes in score, this is the turn rival lowest GNP was 1, so this is presumably their turn of anarchy. This is also the turn of the dastardly gifting of catapults. I have revised my estimate of their power drop to be 35k. So 7 cats to Gillette.

Gillette: I'm pretty sure they had to've got a Wonder this turn - a 16 point rise mid turn feels like it can only be a rushed Wonder. National Wonders up for grabs, still only Forbidden Palace I think frown A bit at a loss here tbh. Also whipped 8 pop off 5 cities. Grew 4 cities back. 72k of power to account for - 35k of this is from Menagerie's catapults. Leaves space for 3 Knights, a Cat of their own and a Galley.

Pirates: Massive whipping spree taking 10 (probably) pop off 6 cities. Grew 3 cities. Got 4k power to account for - this doesn't feel like a set of army whippings, so put that as 2 forges.


Aaaand we're up to date, as we haven't yet played our T137.

Plako - when you play our turn can you double check wonders for Gillette on T136, please?
...wounding her only makes her more dangerous! nono -- haphazard1
It's More Fun to be Jack of All Trades than Master of One.

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