The farm will finish on turn 23, and we finish wheel end of t23, so the worker will be able to road before moving north. I recommend we do so before heading north. For Darius, I was thinking the worker being made along with the worker at Bristlecone would both road up to the 2nd city before pasturing the cows (assuming we do worker before warrior). But this doesn't get the cows pastured until turn 30.
Edit: If we move both workers straight to the cow after finishing the farm, then the cow pasture would finish on turn 28, only 2 turns faster and not quick enough to effect any growth, at least as far as I have worked out (turn 31)
So we do "waste" worker turns but delay the cows being pastured? Road between the two cities doesn't do a trade route -- we'll have the route due to coastal culture -- so maybe we should just move the workers to get that cow pasture up? City #2 will be planted on t22, so by working the fish we'd be at size 2 and in need of the cow pasture by turn 25. Unfortunately there isn't a way to get that cow pastured by that turn.
Building warriors ahead of worker will only speed building the worker if we whip the worker. And then the time to grow plus put a turn into the worker will still be slower than just building the worker straight-away. (Bristlecone @ size 3 works Rice, Clam, and grass hill mine to get 11 f+h/t, so a worker is a 4-turn build.)
My tentative idea for Bristlecone is:
t20 - settler finishes
t21 - revolt to slavery
t22 - start worker
t25 - worker finishes
t26 - start warrior
t27 - warrior finishes
t28 - start granary and grow to size 4
t29 - whip granary
t30 - overflow to warrior (or possibly library if we go Writing after Pottery)
Meanwhile, next city (what's it to be called?) was along these lines:
t22 - founded, work Fish, start warrior
t24 - grow to size 2 eot
t25 - work Fish & unimproved cow
t27 - grow to size 3 eot
t28 - work Fish, unimproved cow, and plains forest
t29 - warrior finishes
t30 - start granary, grow to size 4 eot
t31 - whip granary
I'm not sure how much I like that, to be honest. Maybe it's better to do a worker straight away? (finish eot 28) Or maybe grow to size 2 and then whip the worker to completion? (finish eot 28). I really haven't done much work on this because it's been a busy social week, although I may tackle it while I'm at work tomorrow
I've another question to add to Lewwyn's: What is the tech goal after Pottery? Writing could make sense if we want to get fast libraries up and have Joao start funneling into Darius. But perhaps it's still a bit early to start specializing civs; we're still in the early expansion phase afterall. Sailing or going down the religious line are other options.