yes, those moves are possible. that's kind of interesting. Dunno if it's necessary - my guess is that he'll shoot his bolt at Eden Prime and the battle for Thessia will be very anti-climactic, particularly if Commodore snipes at his ivory city. the main problem is the worker turns to create the fort - I think it's 12 worker turns at normal, and he will likely have visibility into that tile - hard to imagine Thessia is anything less than 40% culture, but who knows.
Let's hope that we're getting Thessia for low effort. He'll definately want to defend Eden Prime at all costs.
12 turns for a fort? That's a deal breaker. Just looking for anyway to speed up the assult before others realize what's going on. Thessia will probably be empty or have just a warrior while we're threatening Pirme. Maybe hold back a HA + Chariot so that we can nab it right after if things go well enough at Prime.
The settler is not yet made - and won't be for a few turns. But I have an idea.
First: TT is jumping in the bandwagon
More about that later. Also, we lost a dog to a barb archer, after a spear did a ridiculous amount of damage to the dog (72 hp)
Second: Jowy has Chutzpah.
He wants me to PAY him for peace??? Are we playing the same game? He doesn't know that TT declared on him yet, but still - why does he think I'm even nervous about him?
it's possible that he has a large stack coming at us - I didn't grab a screenie, but I took a peak at Virmir (his ivory city) and it has one axe. Just one. Commodore could take it with what's in his pocket.
Edit: or, of course, he's not scared of us anymore, since he has Feudalism.... *sigh* medieval combat is a pain in the ass
Third: Cornflakes is moving in on Azza, in what can only be described as the largest case of overkill I've ever seen.
Unless Azza has a stack somewhere else... he's completely toast. The only thing that will keep him alive is that it takes a while to maneuver through other people's culture...
Ok, now us:
So, background: we get a GP next turn, kick off the GA, whip in the two galleys. They get loaded T150 and end up at the spot given, where we attach a GG to one of the maces, upgrade 2 maces & 2 galleys - then we load in a pike and a catapult.
There are two LB sitting on the 2 move galley near BJ and the bear. The galleys move as shown.
We don't have all three cats in Horizon (which needs a rename... Man From UNCLE? The FBI? ER? CSI? CSI:NY? I am thinking ER - could go elsewhere), and that will take till next turn.
We try to hit Eden Prime in 4 turns and we dump the attackers next to Citadel the turn after. The LB's will be on a followup galley. They'll be slow to the party, but will get there a little later. There's basically nothing we can do about the choppers. We wont' get there in time.
A look at what I think TT is doing:
I'm guessing he's on one of those 3 lines - I dunno which. My suggestion for the settler is the brown tile, which protects Horizon and snags that horse, allows us to attack Rannoch from multiple angles if TT does take it.
Question to lurkers: I believe that TT has established that he plays before us in this war. Thus, we need to be careful to not go before him when we come to Rannoch, in case he is going to take it. Is that right?
(May 2nd, 2013, 19:44)AutomatedTeller Wrote: Question to lurkers: I believe that TT has established that he plays before us in this war. Thus, we need to be careful to not go before him when we come to Rannoch, in case he is going to take it. Is that right?
oh - I didn't notice it, but Jowy has Feudalism. Ok, he was closer than I thought it he was Well, that changes basically everything
Fortunately, we haven't actually done anything yet.
Clearly, attacking Jowy is a much tougher thing than we thought now. We can probably kill Rannoch - I doubt we can take Eden Prime, etc, if he can whip a couple of LB in them - not with just 3 catapults.
I dunno how he thinks we are going to PAY him for peace - it's not like he's a threat to us. Maybe he did it just so I would notice he had Feudalism and leave him alone? That's quite possible....
Your T152 movement for the galleys seems to be one tile to far to the west. Though you might get the additional movement for the Navigation 1+2 promos on T150 already and so might be able to move them to 2 tiles further SW on T150 already. I know that units getting Morale from an attached GG receive additional movement the turn it is attached, but I never tested it with a unit being out of movement completely.
The thought was combine the galleys on t150. attach the GG. On t151, the galleys can move 4 (but only move 3 to stay out of site).
But with Jowy getting Feudalism and going 2nd, it seems kind of useless. he can react to anything by whipping in a LB and while I can run over an archer, I can't run over a LB and an archer, not with just 4 units. Honestly, this entire plan is basically out the window.
We can still kill jowy, but now we need about 20 catapults during the course of the campaign,