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[Spoilers] Gavagai, Bacchus and Elizabeth Form a Romantic Trio

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I think next turn their capital will grow and their worker will start to road the tile 1N of scout. They can have a warrior out on T20, so I will move the scout away and ask for peace.

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Kurumi can be annoying. He can put his scout on a hill next turn and screw up our micro. We should try to play after him at least to be able to minimize the damage.

[Image: iTmFmUs1ulyeM.JPG]

Demos. BaII researched some tech this turn.

Good call on the scouting, forgot to say.

Ottoman tech is puzzling. Their first tech took 7 turns to research and they got a power boost either off it, or off a concurrently completing warrior. Their second tech took 10 turns, but can't be either Agri or the Wheel. My best guess is that they researched Fishing, completing the warrior concurrently with the tech to start on the Work Boat, and now have researched Pottery with both prereqs.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(June 2nd, 2013, 13:48)Bacchus Wrote: My best guess is that they researched Fishing, completing the warrior concurrently with the tech to start on the Work Boat

That would be a really weedy opening.

Hi there! I'm following your thread too. :-)

The alternatives for the first tech are that they researched Hunting, or that they have a significant commerce boost, and researched Mining. The problem is that then nothing fits for the second tech, apart from them changing techs halfway. If BaII did chenage techs, then it's either Mysticism or Fishing. I guess it's possible it suddenly dawned on him that he has lots of commerce and no-one has Mysticism, so why not try a religion.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(June 2nd, 2013, 14:37)ncry Wrote: Hi there! I'm following your thread too. :-)

Hello, ncry, nice to have you with us.

I played and took pictures and would possibly post them later, have no time now. Brief news: Egypt acted just as I predicted, I moved scout away and offered peace. Kurumi DOWed and occupied the hill. I put a citizen to a grassland forest - it will delay our WB by a turn but we still be able to grow on T22. We will lose one food and three commerce. I vaguely remember Bacchus saying that this food was important.

I'll re-run the MM tables in the evening, can't be bothered to do it in my head, but if we lose a hammer, we most likely should lose the whole remaining turn-worth of prod by switching to flat forests, and growing earlier.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

In Civ5 scout would get shot by the city smile

Next turn is up as Jester and Kurumi has both played (and Jester accepted peace, by the way). I moved scout to the west (a lot of hills, nothing interesting) but didn't end turn. Kurumi moved his scout away from the hill and we now have three reasonable options in regards to which tiles to work. Can't make this choice right now.

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