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From the Spanish:
Quote:Will love if you can send us any tip or consideration to take. For
sure that will not change the destiny but at least we can learn new
tricks to use them back against CFC or you in futures games!! :D
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Sent to Spanish Apolyton:
RB Wrote:If you could sent us a screenshot or two, we'll give it a shot!
No time to waste, so sent right away.
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From Spanish Apolyton:
Spanish Apolyton Wrote:can we make you a question? its something we are debating while we
prepare the guillotine to execute our lider....
have your team coordinate the investigation of techs with others civ
to pact exchanges of techs in advance?
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Big chat with OT4E of CivPlayers about the gold gift first, then Zargon's NAP extension plan, then stray things about the German team & CFC.
Chat with CivPlayers Wrote:scooter
Care to explain why you're helping the German team get to Feudalism?
Seems kind of low to help them out after I told you about our plan for war under confidentiality
hi there
hey. I'd say good morning, but I'm guessing it's not morning in your part of the world
interesting thing that you are trying to accuse me that I was using confidential information acquired from the dialog with you
while i didnt even login
but I only gave you word that I will not tell what I've heard from you to the third party
and to be honest
that wasnt secret that you were planning to attack, I doubt that it is secret to the others
but as I said I am not going to tell anyone that we've got coversation about this
with you
but we already got some obligations to Germans
Ok, the second message I sent is retracted. but still, you directly aided an enemy we're going to war with
which we are going to keep
we arranged them a while ago
about feudalism or any other way they are going to use I have no information
you'll have to forgive my mild skepticism, the timing is pretty blatant
Anyway, I can accept the explanation and move on. I don't think you'd lie to me directly, so I'll drop it
we have a proposal of sorts for your team
I can ensure you that our actions were not based on our yesterdays chat
I believe you,and I'm sure it would be easy to confirm by civstats, so I don't think you would lie about something like that
i should mention that we got obligations
yeah. I had to ask. All I knew was the first thing I saw this morning upon checking our forums was the news that your team sent gold to the German team, and with no other knowledge, I had to ask
anyway. We'd like to propose a simple, small 10T extension of our NAP through T170. This would mean the 10T cooldown gets pushed back to T180
I'll explain
Right now, we're expecting a 2v1, with you and CFC.
well granted, we know apolyton might jump on board too, but that will be more than taken care of
Comment: this line about Apolyton doesn't mean much, I just don't want him thinking the offer doesn't make sense because of Apolyton - want him to know that we are aware of them. Just projecting a little bit of confidence.
the best strategy against a 2v1 in which the war declarations have a spread (5T gap here) is to hit one hard first and hope you disable them enough that you can fight the other side 1v1
right now that's you guys, since the NAP with you expires first. and to be honest, I don't think that's fair for your team
CFC is ahead of you guys right now in the game. if you get into a war against us where you have to do most of the work (heavy losses on both sides are likely in a battle vs us), then CFC gets to waltz into our land with very little effort and capture our strongest cities, that hardly seems fair to you
all you've done is moved from a place where we're the leaders to a place where CFC is the big leader
so, if you're committed to this war, I think it's only fair that CFC should have to throw the first stone, not you. they're ahead, so they should have to do the heavy lifting
so what you get out of it: we end up in situation where we're attacking CFC and merely defending against you, rather than the other way around
what we get: a few more turns and a chance to stick it to CFC, who we dislike far more than you
Also, you can be confident that CFC will not do the same thing and take a 10T extension for one reason: they feel they need to hit us ASAP. They know that we can get to some powerful techs before T200, so for them, starting right at T175 is crucial
anyway, that's the gist of our proposal. you guys should get the bulk of the spoils if you start a war against us if you want things to be fair, and right now you're set up for a world where you invest more and get less. and I know that deep down you're a little skeptical of whatever CFC may have promised you, because you know they're difficult to trust
any thoughts on all that?
I am a bit busy. Your team is based in US, right?
I am not well informed, sorry for that
understood, no problem. we're all over, but I'm in the US as well as our turn player
I got your message. The gist is that you are going to attack CFC at turn 175 if we agree to extend NAP for just a 10 turns?
otherwise you treat to attack us
so this is my choice, right?
most likely yep. basically, if we're dealing with a 2v1 we need to try to hit one of the 2 hard first, so we're giving you a chance to make that be CFC since we like your team better
and it buys us more time of course
I cant answer right now anyway
yeah I understand
no pressure, just thought you would like to hear the proposal
yes the proposal seems to be more fair to us than we deserve
sounds from your words like that
well I'm glad you think so. it seemed like a nice compromise to me
Comment: the conversation strays a bit at this point as he needs time to decide whether to take our offer, so the rest of this is not very important. There's a few noteworthy things though, like his comments about the German team "threatening" them which is kind of bizarre.
I personally think that you have everything on your hands to fight effectively on both sides
well it's tricky, because even if we won that type of war, it may just mean CivFr takes the lead and becomes the new runaway. and if that happens, we aren't close enough to do anything about it
so our preference would be to avoid war of course . not that you seem all that interested in that, so this proposal is the best compromise we can think of
why do you think that I am?
what, committed to war?
well, you've basically said you're in as long as CFC takes out the Zulu team in a speed manner. and I don't expect them to have too much trouble with that
I didnt remember that I say that
for me that zulu is still alive is the biggest surprise
and I was hoping for a while that you would choose natives as a target
why would you prefer them?
nothing against them, but we could have an option to get personal revenge against Germans. But now we have to help them...
personal revenge? did they do something to you?
not much, but they acted like they have something powerful behind until the end
what do you mean - threatening in the way they talked to you?
how did you trick inca?
if it is not the secret
i'm not sure what you mean by trick?
that they didnt realize that you attack them so soon
i will of course not tell anyone
honestly, I think they just forgot the NAP expired on t150
when they first met us on t50 or so, they proposed a 100 turn NAP until T150. so we decided to take it. so i think it had just been so long that they forgot
is that what they said to you - that they didnt know we would attack so soon?
when your power was growing for sometime already, they were going on threating us
really?? that's odd
they gave you marble recently
we did a couple minor resource trades with them, but we had no agreements past t150 nap
well, they were not saying they will attack us, but looked pretty annoyed that we took place in the jungle
the city bordering with you looked like symbiosis
heh. that's funny. we probably took more of "their" land than you did, but for some reason they didn't send us nasty messages
well I dont take game personal, but attacking inca could be an alternative for us despite of their behaviour
Comment: Yeah I figured this was what they had in mind - if we cut them into the German war, they might be willing to back out. Not really an option for a lot of reasons, but I think this is what he was hinting at with "mutual cooperation." Not that it would have changed anything for sure, but it would have been nice if he could've said this prior to T149.
but it is all theoretical thoughts
thanks for your proposal
one question
when do you expect the answer
i dont want it to be not comfort to you
and it is obvious that you wont wait until 165
no set time frame, but the sooner the better.
that's vague, but things change really quickly right now
the offer will absolutely be on the table for 2-3 more turns, which during war time will probably take a week
Anyway, I'll let you go. as always, let me know if you have any further questions
I actually have one more
okay go for it
but you can not answer if you consider it not my business
why are you so annoyed with CFC?
it's a few things
1) it partially stems from the game setup when sommerswerd occasionally held the game hostage in order to get the settings he wanted, and was quite rude to a few of us. so that started things poorly
2) our deals with them have been frustrating. they nickel and dime us on every offer we give them. their insistence on us signing a huge document full of potential loopholes made it difficult to trust them.
but you still have rather long peace
also, 3) they are organizing a war against us and recruiting other teams to join them. I know enough to know they are organizing this dogpile, not you. so to me, they get the blame.
so those things add up. and some of their emails have been slightly dishonest/deceptive, so we've gotten tired of that
thanks for explanation
yep no problem, we just don't trust them basically. and yes we had long peace, but they were antagonistic even in that - settling a purposely worse city just so it would interfere with our cultural borders for example. they follow the letter of the agreements, but not the spirit
I cant promise anything about my answer
But I hope you wont take it all personal
I dont want to have bad relations with you guys in future
because I am really impressed by your perfomance
oh of course not, don't worry. you have to do what's best for your team, I don't blame you for whatever you decide
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From Spanish Apolyton:
Spanish Apolyton Wrote:sorry, I forgot tech exchange was forbidden... Politic situation in
our government its in a crisis :D
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Chat with Apolyton. For some reason his keyboard is turning apostrophes into 1s, kind of odd since on my keyboard, those are on the complete opposite side. Also, bolded emphasis is added by me as usual. Here it is:
Chat with Apolyton/MZ Wrote:scooter
Hey, just wanted to say thanks - got your message
heya, yw
and I assume by your reply that means CFC has been pressing you guys into attacking us too huh?
quite off the record i can tell you that i1m as concerned about cfc as about you
hah, why's that?
I won't tell them or anyone of course, just curious
you are growing too big and too strong
oh, I meant why are you as concerned about cfc?
They are too will grow too big.. i assume they will finish off zulu quite fastt
yeah they will. and now they're attempting to recruiting everyone - including you guys right? - into dogpiling onto us
which... if that works out,a ll that does is make cfc the big leader and not us, which doesn't change a whole lot for the rest of the world
Yes i1m aware of hat.
yeah I figured. so what's your thoughts on cfc's proposal against us? what would you gain from joining?
I can1t really answer ths question, for at least two reasons: 1, i can not confirm nor deny what you say about cfc's plans. 2: We are yet unsure about the future. Nevertheless I can tell you that the ereason of refuing the Nap is that I'd like to avoid the situation in which the inca is now
what do you mean about avoiding their situation?
that you have nap with everyone else and inca has no chance aganst you alone
at least this is what we expect a qucik and devastating war againt the inca from you . They were slep too long.. we suspected they hve nap with you too as they were not preparing at all
well, since you will neither confirm nor deny, I will do the same
I guess I don't see how a NAP extension coudl put you in the same place as Inca
Inca is in the tenuous position you've described because we didn't agree to an extension. we're offering you one, though.
since i don't want you to see too much into this refusal I tell you:
we believe an other civ might meet the same fate as inca, and we wouldn't like that, especially if it close to us
at our hands you mean? or somebody else?
at your hnds ofc
and you would like to have the ability to help them out if we do that is what you're implying?
maybe yes. that's why we don1t want nap extension yet. we want t osee how things develop.
how would that happen in the next 20T though
if you think Inca is about to be in trouble, and you know CFC is plotting against us in 25T, where are we going to find the time to invade another team?
i'm not sure cfc would attack you in 25T
you know they want to, and you know they're recruiting for it
and zulu sure aren't going to slow them down very much, hah
if i1d deny it you probably wouldn1t believe it anyway . But still: we haven1t been recruited
I'm trying to believe, but my job is to be skeptical and a little paranoid
don't worry, I'm ultra paranoid as well.. at some point I thought you and inca working together and plottingagainst us
haha yeah, it's better than being oblivious
anyway, our main concern is the ending of our NAP puts you in a window where it coincides too closely with CFC. even a minor extension would help us trust you.
are you afraid we're going to gobble up civplayers or weplayciv?
my understanding is you think we're going to kill inca, then use the peace with you to kill somebody else. just curious who you think that somebody will be
we have no plans for such a thing at the moment, but if you gave me specifics maybe i could explain better
there are things I can not reveal to you, especially without approval of my team, but you more or less see the thins as they are. Right now we believe this is our interest
well I'll just clear things up. our NAP with WPC runs very long - longer even than what we suggested with you. so that invasion is not happening
civplayers also cannot happen, because CFC is aligned with them. the minute we walk into civplayers territory, CFC's large knight/mace army enters ours from the other side and we're in big trouble
i'm talking after T170 when our nap with you runs out
it's too hard to tell now what will be the state of game in 20 turns. We probably won1t hve a big army anway.. our current defense is quite a shame. now you may think you will nt have the opportunity to attack cp, but i could change. and while you and cfc might have a power balance which would suit us, but it's also possible that one of you becomes much stronger and then we might need to act somehow.
Ok that's fair. How about we check back with you in 6-10 turns or so.
like you said, things are changing quickly, so maybe that will have an impact
yes, we should get back to this lter
well thanks for the chat, very informative. I'll let you go
k, cya
1) They claim CFC is not really recruiting them, and/or they aren't really interested in joining. He backs this up by agreeing that helping CFC do that just makes CFC the new runaway and does not help their team
2) His main concern with us is that we'll NAP everyone except 1 team, and then have an easy conquest, kind of like what we're about to do with the German team. He wants their team to have flexibility to help CivPlayers if we attack them
3) Either way, they're not making a deal now, period. We'll come back to this sometime before T160.
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Sent to GWT:
RB Wrote:GWT,
As you seem to have figured out, our team will be declaring war on your team this turn and taking the second half of the turn timer. The war is definitely nothing personal, it's just what we felt was the right decision for our team. I wish you guys good luck.
scooter - Team RB
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Sent to CivFr:
RB Wrote:CivFr,
I noticed CFC declared war on your team. Any idea why they did that? Just figured I'd check in and make sure you guys weren't in any danger. Let me know if there's anything we can do to help.
scooter - Team RB
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Quote:Hi Scooter. The German team has played. Looks like a new player - wahl-profi - and that is the quickest they have played in awhile. Also note that they have done a fair bit of slaving over the last two turns.
We are logging in now, and will be declaring war and crossing into their territory.
Good luck to both of us, and may the spirits of the mysterious RNG be on our side.
Strength and honor!
Beta of WPC
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.
(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.
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Short conversation with WPC: