September 15th, 2013, 14:14
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He went from 205 to 191 from the screenshots...
September 15th, 2013, 14:21
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14 points? You can't lose that many from a double whip, right? I thought you could only lose 13 points. But if he had lost a city, it would have to have been down for 20 turns for him to lose land points from it, and even then, losing 1 pop meant he would then lose 8 land tiles...I suppose it's possible that he whipped it to 1 pop earlier for a defender then lost the city...
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September 15th, 2013, 14:29
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This game, looks like one pop is worth 8.34 points:
Twinkle has three cities, so he only lost one if he's been outbuilding me. Vaguely possible, but doesn't seem likely.
A two-pop whip is 16 points, which is hard to make the numbers work, but three population whipped would be 25 points; combine with some land points and it seems plausible.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 15th, 2013, 14:35
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Meh, C&D is the dark arts, you don't have to use them.
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September 15th, 2013, 15:40
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In other news, I just had a BC1560 turn. Judaism fell IBT (I think Sian again!), and we whipped Vaarsuvius' granary. Probably going to dump the overflow into a Forge and head directly to Colossus afterward (with breaks to whip out workers and/or settlers and add more overflow to the Forge/Colossus). I'm tempted to instead do that with Haley, but Haley doesn't have the food surplus to both work the Gold tile and do much whipping, and I think the whip will be worth more hammers. Haley will get a Forge next regardless, since it's still a good building - maybe I'll pick the Colossus location based on which site wins the race  .
And Roy is now size 5, so I'm about to get our next settler; next turn we swap, turn after that we whip. And then sometime soon we'll have Silver. Imp + Forge ought to mean a 2-whip is worth 105 hammers, so we'll even have overflow.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
September 19th, 2013, 19:18
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Because I researched for Org Religion, I guess
Also we've got one settler done, will whip another next turn, and head straight for the city sites after that.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
September 21st, 2013, 08:58
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Well, Twinkletoes has been poking around, making me nervous - but this turn he earned a war. He pillaged my road!
Doesn't hurt me too badly, since I had workers in the area who could repair it - but it's clearly hostile. Killed his warrior, rebuilt the road. And...offered peace. Commodore talked me into it
The odd part is, he's got basically no military. I think Bronze working, but no bronze units. I don't know where he is, but you can bet I'm going to find out now. Just need to figure out a good place to slot an extra unit into my builds for scouting with barbs on.

Makes me glad I've settled a city that'll claim horses soonish:
In other news, I went ahead with a Hindu revolt, and I plan to follow it up with an Org Rel revolt next turn, while Belkar's settler is still moving. Need to get a missionary for Elan so I can have combined arms. Plus we'll need one for Durkon as soon as we get around to it, plus the bonus hammers while I build Forges and other infra will be handy.
Does Org Rel apply to wonders?
Or, um...maybe I don't need a missionary for Elan!
Still probably worth OrgRel for the extra hammers, though. At least if Twinkletoes takes peace.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 21st, 2013, 09:10
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OR does apply to wonders.
September 22nd, 2013, 08:23
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So, how much is Organizing our Religion going to help, anyway?
Well, before:
Looks like it dropped about one turn per building, which is almost worth the anarchy turn itself. Of course, that doesn't count the lost research and growth, or the future buildings' boost.
In other news: turns out Twinkletoes is the Buddhist in the room. So Sian is probably the Judaism/Henge owner, then. And Ruff? Not sure what he's got going on.
Anyway, next goals are: need another worker or two, then a settler for the Durkon site. Need to get that stone online pretty quickly if we want to build the Great Wall and Pyramids with the boost. Meanwhile, the coastal cities are heading toward Forges; we'll find out if a mine or whip overflow gets them there faster, then start the Colossus. Elan needs its Forge, but I think that's all the infra it can benefit from; not enough food to want even a Granary, no commerce for a Library - so Forge and then military/settlers to the end of time.
And, need to resume scouting to set up the next phase of expansion.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
September 22nd, 2013, 17:26
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Ole' Durkula getting a missionary? Non-religious cleric just seems wrong. (Also, he needs cows)
In tree news, I see Math is incoming. Planning on murdering 6 somewhere for a 1t 'mids once stone is hooked? (Assuming 20h elsewhere, which is a snap).