Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #1 Spoilers - Joai of the Incans - Krill/Memphus


OK sorry for the lack of updates, back from travelling though so should be more consistent.

AA - I've readjusted the squares being worked to push out Notre Dame. Right now it's running starvation mode and will be for four more turns. Losing 3 food / turn with 15 left currently and shooting out 63 hammers (ND is at 180/550 complete). 4 turns down the road one square to ivory camp (+1 f, -1 h, +2 c) for the remaining two turns. Done in 6 turns if my math is all right.

OO (Oompa Oompa) - founded at the ab sign (N of NN and NW of MM) using one of the existing settlers. Figured it was better than letting it sit around unused. Workers are short in the area though so it will not be getting much attention.

[Image: Q0vij.jpg]

PP (Pirates Pad) - founded at YY sign on eastern front (next will be ZZ there). Two workers in position chopping.

[Image: 3qacF.jpg]

NN - Munro has founded a city south of NN that will be in contention for the cows. NN only just finished the terrace so I believe he'll beat me to border pop so I'll need a second culture building. Currently building up a worker with rollover from chop.

[Image: W3uyN.jpg]

DD - Bit of a bonus as a worker found a veing of silver when building a mine.

Norther Eastern Pass - Work on a road up there for future settlers is going very well.

We received Compass from dsp this turn and sent him what coin was on hand (99). Coin production is really low though now so going to have to reduce settling until markets and courthouses come online and some coing rolls in (set to produce +2 this turn)

regoarrarr Wrote:Well..... As you may or may not be aware, Imhotep (and shadyforce I believe) just declared war on me and marched a nice stack into my lands. So I will probably be pretty busy with that :-). I don't know if you were aware of that or not - I know that you have a quechua around there so you may have seen the units massing on the borders.

In any case, it remains to be seen whether me getting worked will help or hurt you. At this point I'm not sure if I will lose cities or not - there are quite a few units coming my way.

On the one hand, if I am a rival to you, then hurting me helps you. On the other hand, if my land gets swallowed up by Shadyforce (whose traits of Cre/Fin are one of the best combos in teh game), that's going to be a tough nut to crack. Especially given that he already has a pretty solid working relationship with dsplaisted (they have coordinated on war declarations twice now). Throw in the army of Imhotep and that's a pretty big combo.

But maybe you knew about this already and you feel like you are in with them. If that's the case, then there's probably not much I can say that would sway you, right? But if this was news to you, doesn't that already tell you a little bit about how close you are to their new alliance?

Hope to hear from you soon


Recieved that message.

Quote:I certainly have some emails on that now, the only units I was seeing with my one unit there though were the two workers and two fighters not a full stack. Ill have to take a look late tonight when I'm off the road.


regoarrarr Wrote:Okay - let me know what your thoughts are. Obviously I can't blame you if you decide to continue siding with them. I have no idea what they're offering you. I just wouldn't want you to continue on with them solely because you have no other offers.

Still not certain what direction I want to go with a reply on that as my diplo finess skills may be lacking wink


NN, get a religion, and a monastary, into the city asap, by any means necessary.

regoarrarr, you know that I set up that entire attack? I noted that Imhotep was bored and was playing the warmonger. Got Shady to research Music and prepare to attack, got Ruff (as Rome) to gift Preats to Imhotep, got Imhoptep to attack...Basically I wanted regoarrarr crippled and not teching. Combined with the way I screwed over sunrise, Lins, and indirectly Broker, that was 4/5 of the UTA that I slowed teching for, giving the rest of us a chance to overtake them. I'm not sure of what Shady and Imhotep can do, I take it they managed to culture bomb effectively? IIRC I said they should have planted on the dye. If they did that Norwoord, Green Township and Fairfield should be toast, but not much else (regoarrarr has, what, 2nd highest soldiers now?)

I have no diplomacy skills. Nada. All I did was see who I needed to get crippled, looked at who could hurt them enough, who would have a reason to attack (ie who wanted to attack), and pushed them. Machiavellian? Only because he's 400 years older than me wink Basically I didn't lie to anyone and just looked at what each person could do, and what they would want to do, and line it up so they fought amongst themselves. Then I aligned myself against someone much weaker than myself to give the illusion that I was also fighting? Was I? Yes, with about 40% of my totaal production going into units. The rest went into expanding...

For OO, read this thread:

Basically we need minimum 5 workers dedicated to OO, chopping out a terrace, then irrigating it up to about 12 irrigated grasslands, then cottage everything. Get this workers by the normal way: chop them. Those 5 workers are dedicated to htat city, not used for anythign else btw.

Also, more workers. Chop them out of LL by the bucket full, and YY after the terrace. Basically, need 2 workers/city without any chopping involved. Once chopping is involved I tend to go for 4 workers/city. Excessive? No. We can sell them to people later wink
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18


My thoughts exactly smile

And now we see why not balancing gems/gold/silver is broken wink

edited in more stuff btw.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

OK will send a missionary asap over there.

Yeah workers are in a bit of short supply but figured it was better to have the city sit there with no workers for a bit then to have the settler sitting around with nothing to do. Thanks for the thread link though, will go over it smile

Wait, mistake, get a theatre, asap, as well as the missionary and monastery. Then maybe a lib. Go all out culture war there IMO.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

theatre alrighty.

Sent this off to regoarrarr. To sum it up as it's a bit lengthy I basically say nothing well treading a very thin line on the edge of truth wink I'm sure he'd love us to commit to helping him but as it stands right now there would frankly be nothing at all in it for us. He's right that it would be bad if one of the two snapped up his lands but odds are the war will just drag on as he's a pretty big target.

Quote:Hey Dan,

I've had a chance to go over the emails and look at the game as much as I can now that I'm back home and I'll be honest that I can't see that I could really help you by switching right now. We don't yet share a border and we have a decent amount of distance between us so unit helping would basically take far too long and would leave me low on troops. As I mentioned before I didn't think now was the time for an action as wasn't in the position for it. Right now the only thing I see leaving my alliance would do, with no firm home to move to, would be to drastically weaken my position and paint a target on my forehead which I'm rather not fond of. If we were in an alliance already then I'd of course be right there to help out but from what I can see it's basically asking me to do sacrifice myself to come to your aid now.

I understand now that Krill had some knowledge of the attack but unless it completely slipped my mind it was not part of our original politics talk and of late our talks have been focused more on growing our cities (namely the mundane work of chopping trees).

I do however consider you a friend in the game and wish you luck (though it might sound hollow I do mean it) and I will do what I can to avoid aiding any efforts against you from them without making our friendship too public so that it can potentially still be used as a surprise move later on which I continue to believe is the best overall strategic move.

Best Regards,

Sent the following to the alliance just to keep in the loop and friendly:
Quote:Well turn is reloaded and the game moves on. Just wanted to wish Imhotep and Shady good luck taking regoarrarr down to size smile Would have loved have seen the expression on his face.

Like munro I wouldn't mind knowing just how good our researchers are atm. I've been sending what money I could to dsp to help out. In 12 turns if I'm remembering correctly I'll have a GP which may be available to assist in our tech push.

If there's anything else I can do just let me know.

- Yaz

Well that was fun getting to redo the turn over and over wink Theater is being made in NN now, will be done in 4 turns (10 hammers carried over, 3h base production and a chop will be done in 3 turns). There should be another chop hitting the turn after it's made which will go to a worker, missionary won't be ready by then as it'll take a bit longer from a religious town in middle and to travel. I could whip it but do you think that'd be worth it?

Depends what the city was originally building, tiles it was working, etc. I'm tempted to say that due to the current precarious state of the GNP graph, working more cottages is a better thing that an extra 3-4 turns of religion.

So long as we have enough worker to keep up with the cottaging, chopping and roading, anyway. Slaving workers if needed is never really a bad thing.

Also, 12 turns until Shrine :b: that religion really does need spreading. I think we owe a few missionaries to the Lins as 1 every 10 turns or something. Not bad for an extra 10 base gpt until the end of the game...especially if the cities are captured later on...


Comment on the FP btw. Basically the next lands to annex are either Imhoteps and Munros', or Lins' and sunrises. I think whichever one you decide to go for should have hte FP built on the border where the attack will be taking place, and the courthouses to allow the building of the FP should be mainly built on the other side of hte empire. I'm saying this now because after the M#market and possible forge builds, I think that hte CH could come in useful to set up an espionage economy for hte late game (courthouse, jail, security bureau in each city etc for a completely slider independent method of research/killing people).
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Reply from regoarrarr
regoarrarr Wrote:Yaz,

Don't worry - I understand. I do think that our eventual long-term interests go together. I'm not sure what Krill thinks, or if he has any feelings from earlier in the game that he is projecting.

The thing that I could really use from you, and it is something that you can provide without anyone knowing about it, is military intel from your quechua that's in the area. Specifically the composition of any stacks in the area, and also if any units are heading north towards my other cities (i.e. away from the main stack)


And yeah I am playing a bit of good cop bad cop with your name Krill, hope you don't mind wink

I'll see about getting a few screenshots of the overview and advisor screens so you can get a better overview of what's going on later today.

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