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Pitboss 17 Organizing Thread

I'll likely be around to pause, but I don't mind an extended turn timer. Is 48 hours reasonable? I'd prefer if we can keep the game going rather than putting it on hold for a week, I'm not prepared to deal with Civ withdrawals so soon after my relapse pimp

(December 23rd, 2013, 13:50)Catwalk Wrote: I'll likely be around to pause, but I don't mind an extended turn timer. Is 48 hours reasonable? I'd prefer if we can keep the game going rather than putting it on hold for a week, I'm not prepared to deal with Civ withdrawals so soon after my relapse pimp

I agree on the lack of pausing. Currently we're in the breadstick stage with no move being completely satiating smile. I think 48 hours sound ok, particularly as noone has said anything about having trouble thus far.

TBH I prefer normal turn timer. If you make it longer, people will take longer to play.. that's just how it always goes. Pausing shouldn't be a big deal early game, it's only problematic when trade deals start popping up since that's when you get stuck in a diplo screen.

I'm fine with keeping the fire lit under people's feet hammer

I'm fine with whatever. I may need a pause on the 25th if we keep 24h timer, no idea if my laptop is still capable of running Civ - it was barely able to do it last time I tried

You guys know there's a tech thread right? Can someone unsticky this one?

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Tech thread for tech issues, organising thread for organising issues. Or so I heard....

Full disclosure, I am currently dedlurking Catwalk. I am helping BaII out over the next few days by playing his turns for him. However, he has given me only a strict micro plan to follow, and Catwalk has no problem with this. In addition, BaII has no problem with me returning to dedlurk Catwalk again after I have finished playing the turns.

As it affects the two of them, I checked with them first, but full disclosure and all that, so if anyone else has any issue please let me know smile

(December 23rd, 2013, 17:58)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: You guys know there's a tech thread right? Can someone unsticky this one?

Second. I know I'll usually learn of requests via email anyways, but in the event I'm a good citizen and actually check for requests proactively stuff like turn timer changes will be easier to find in the tech thread.

It's not of vital importance, but the practice across I think all of the other pitboss games has been to archive the setup thread and move discussion during the game into the tech thread.

Alright, let's quit talking in here smile

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