Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #1 Spoilers - Joai of the Incans - Krill/Memphus


Happenings this turn are SS is settled, missionary gifted to Munro. Munro accepted the proposed deal so we have units to draw on from him. Scouted the Indian city of Lockland (guarded by axeman and maceman). Believe I messed up the work orders for 2 of the workers in the east but shouldn't be serious.

TT - Will be founded next turn with settler from JJ

AA - Grows next turn. Will re-arrange tiles after growth so market is finished in 3T. Then switched to making an army.

BB - Spy done next turn. Grows in 3

DD - Library in 4 turns. GP in 20T

FF - Market finished next turn. Grows in 4. Currently 21C

EE - Worker slaved.

GG - Grows in 3 turns, currently size 11

HH - Grows next turn. Will finish market in 2T from worker chop.

II - Grows next turn.

JJ - Finished settler, moved to TT. Overflow going to spy 2T. Deer working on being connected up there.

LL - Finishes forge next turn. Could use some farms to be able to mine all the plain hills if it grows more. Good prod city.

MM - Settler next turn.

NN - Chopped worker, finished next turn.

PP - Grows next turn

RR - Terrace finished next turn from chop.

SS - (Scheming Scat) settled smile

[Image: 2YXYVl.png]

[Image: eDTgSl.jpg]

[Image: JDawql.jpg]

I haven't sent this and keep coming back to it and changing it. Not exactly sure how I want to approach them as I haven't really had any contact to date.

Quote:Greetings to the League of Lin,

Sorry I haven't gotten to speak you guys much since I started playing considering our close borders. By this point I'm sure you've heard of the recent developments of my settling further east near regoarrarr due to failed negotiations. I can't be sure how exactly he's going to take it but it's best to be ready for anything.

Anyways I won't beat around the bush (just deleted some long drawn out message I had for you hehe). I'm guessing that you're nowhere near as close to sunrise and regoarrarr and sunrise and regoarrarr are to each other. Would that be correct? What are your plans to take your civ into the final chapters of the game? The way I look at the map you seem to be stuck in a bad spot with no real room to grow any time soon.

Anyways I wouldn't be surprised to see some more wars crop up in this turbulent time and it's probably about the time you'd want to make your move. True you could come after me but I'm not your ideal target as you'd be attacking a strong point, easily supplied with units from my numerous interior cities. What I would propose is that IF such as situation arises it may be a good time to form a better relation and you may be able to expand to some more rich locations to your east.

I have no doubt that if regoarrarr started a war with me that currently sunrise and yourself would be gifting away units to help him all to his benefit. At most sunrise may get gifted one or two cities but you'd end up with nothing once again other than less units and less coin in your coffers and a few bigger neighbours.

Let me know your thoughts.

*NOTE TO SELF* Need to learn to better figure out what people are doing by their score changes and what effects it wink
Shady's score went down by 5 then 4. I'm guessing related to slaving some units?
Lins' score just went up by 24. They weren't logged in, Elkad was so I guess he gave em something.

How badly did you crash your economy?

Not doing bad yet. As you can see in the last screen shot still gaining 44 c per turn. Top we've making since I've taken over was 50 little while ago. Still a couple more cities to place down though.

Settled on just sending this much shorter much simpler messages to the Lins. It's a bit awkward but not real easy way to broach the issue. Will see where to go with it based on their reply but have to keep in mind they may just feed back what we say to sunrise and regoarrarr and further convince them to do something against us for pushing them with regards to settling.


Haven't gotten to speak with you guys really at all since I started playing frown

I'm wondering how close are you to sunrise and regoarrarr? Have you heard about the latest developments between them and myself?

Really the point of this is I'm wondering where you see things going in the future, what are your plans to expand other than maybe try and steal some of my territory down the road? smile From what I can see you're sort of penned in in your location and with the wars going on I'm suspecting it's putting some stress on UTA these days.


There is an NAP with Lins and sunrise until around t190.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Yeah but if we fight regoarrarr does it really stop sunrise from gifting units to regoarrarr or just prevent him from joining the war? Same for lins?

Plus I'm just not as confident as you that both of them will stick to it if they see a real opportunity, such as our troops occupied in the east against regoarrarr.

Well looks like I'm on my own now as Krill has resigned due to time issues. Was nice working with you though Krill, I certainly learnt a lot smile

Now on to seeing how fast I can squander a lead hehe.

OK so dsp gave notice he's left NUTA. I finally managed to get hold of Lins, guess my post made him finally check his team email account frown Would have been a lot better to have gotten hold of him much much earlier.

Apparently he has not been recruited by rego (didn't really think he would be) and regoarrarr has left UTA. So that pretty much comfirms he's managed to organize some sort of alliance like he was trying to do with me earlier. If things from then hold true then I'd expect to see sunrise, broker and elk join him as well.

dsp and munro were candidates but I've spoken with Munro and he wasn't recruited and I've got good karma with him. dsp obviously has gone, probably the replacement for me. mhk was originally supposed to be the target along with Imo. I'd expect I'm one of the targets now though.

Yazilliclick Wrote:Now on to seeing how fast I can squander a lead hehe.

That...might be sooner than you thought. yikes

Four hours later, and the diplomacy shakes up? Just wait until everyone finds out that Krill's actually out. TBH, though, you've been playing well, and a diplo shake up was bound to happen. Any ideas on what your future plans are now?

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