I mean until you're ready to commit to Moai somewhere (a size 1 city is a very bad place for it, you want a developed city) you should always have one city putting hammers into it. Preferrably a religious city. That way you get 2.25 gold for each hammer, a very good conversion rate.
How many EP do we get per turn, and how much would it cost to steal from suttree? Give me a few examples of EP cost for specific techs, so we can plan. Also calculate how much gold we'd have to pay for it. I wouldn't be in a hurry to cancel our own research, but yeah we need to figure out what long-term implications this has for us. We might want to produce another great spy in the GW city.
How many EP do we get per turn, and how much would it cost to steal from suttree? Give me a few examples of EP cost for specific techs, so we can plan. Also calculate how much gold we'd have to pay for it. I wouldn't be in a hurry to cancel our own research, but yeah we need to figure out what long-term implications this has for us. We might want to produce another great spy in the GW city.