I suppose now is as good a time as any to list some of my goals for this game.
1. Don't die early.
2. Don't stunt growth in pursuit of goal #1.
3. Make the most out of what I have.
a. Map - It hath been generous and bountiful so far. May it continue to be the land of milk and honey. And no Jowys or otherwise aggressive for no particular reason kind of neighbors.
b. Leader - Pericles has good synergy with Russia. Don't waste it.
c. Civ - Russia, it ain't old time Cossacks, but the new Research Institute (University replacement) still pairs very nicely with PHI and I'll probably want a bunch of them anyway. And they're cheap. And a free scientist? Yeah!
4. Be the aggressor - In my previous games, I've built and teched well enough, but inevitably the conflict is not on my terms and I'm reacting rather than making my opponents react to me. Creative culture should help me with this, but I still need to take the next step and be the one sending the stack into my neighbor's face, not defending against his. When I was CRE INCA (
) I culturally crushed Sian with a couple of holy cities and forced him to fight me because he really didn't have another choice. But he invaded me. I'd like to be a bit more aggressive/proactive in this area this game and be the one doing the invading. 
5. Have A Plan - I tend to meander without a concrete plan or goal. This is antithetical to properly using Philosophical. I'll need to plan effectively when and how to achieve targeted bulbing strategies. So long as I can sandbox, I should do fine here, but later on this may become problematic, especially when I start taking time away from the game later in the summer. I'll need to make an effort to make this work, as I typically have not utilized bulbing strategies in my games.
6. Top Ten finish - Is this realistic? I think so. Winning is a pipe dream for anyone with so many players, but there are certain teams who stand out as having a relatively good chance so long as they get decently average luck in this game: Krill/novice and Plako come immediately to mind, obviously, and then some other solid, very capable vets (Pindicator, Scooter, Old Harry/Fintourist) have a realistic chance, depending on the way the game plays out.
6a. Finish higher than Xenu. Sibling rivalry and all, I have to beat him or else learn to enjoy the inevitable taunting I'll suffer at his hands. My trump card is that I can run more sims than him because I tend to have more time. Little Tyrant, thanks for helping with this. Keep him busy.
7. Find the secret to accumulating thread spam. I like comments and lurker input, and socializing in general. I'll try to keep the thread interesting if you'll keep my thread near the top. Deal?
1. Don't die early.
2. Don't stunt growth in pursuit of goal #1.
3. Make the most out of what I have.
a. Map - It hath been generous and bountiful so far. May it continue to be the land of milk and honey. And no Jowys or otherwise aggressive for no particular reason kind of neighbors.
b. Leader - Pericles has good synergy with Russia. Don't waste it.
c. Civ - Russia, it ain't old time Cossacks, but the new Research Institute (University replacement) still pairs very nicely with PHI and I'll probably want a bunch of them anyway. And they're cheap. And a free scientist? Yeah!

4. Be the aggressor - In my previous games, I've built and teched well enough, but inevitably the conflict is not on my terms and I'm reacting rather than making my opponents react to me. Creative culture should help me with this, but I still need to take the next step and be the one sending the stack into my neighbor's face, not defending against his. When I was CRE INCA (

5. Have A Plan - I tend to meander without a concrete plan or goal. This is antithetical to properly using Philosophical. I'll need to plan effectively when and how to achieve targeted bulbing strategies. So long as I can sandbox, I should do fine here, but later on this may become problematic, especially when I start taking time away from the game later in the summer. I'll need to make an effort to make this work, as I typically have not utilized bulbing strategies in my games.
6. Top Ten finish - Is this realistic? I think so. Winning is a pipe dream for anyone with so many players, but there are certain teams who stand out as having a relatively good chance so long as they get decently average luck in this game: Krill/novice and Plako come immediately to mind, obviously, and then some other solid, very capable vets (Pindicator, Scooter, Old Harry/Fintourist) have a realistic chance, depending on the way the game plays out.
6a. Finish higher than Xenu. Sibling rivalry and all, I have to beat him or else learn to enjoy the inevitable taunting I'll suffer at his hands. My trump card is that I can run more sims than him because I tend to have more time. Little Tyrant, thanks for helping with this. Keep him busy.
7. Find the secret to accumulating thread spam. I like comments and lurker input, and socializing in general. I'll try to keep the thread interesting if you'll keep my thread near the top. Deal?