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Jowy — wow, Miracle Rogue except better, as you don't have the 2-card limit. And 5 epics!
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(April 26th, 2014, 08:46)Bacchus Wrote: Popped Alextrasza from an expert pack today, and given how frequently I see legendaries at my still low level ranked play (made 13 today), and uberfish's experience, I think they drop not all that rarely at all. Alextrasza is pretty useless though, still running a Sea Giant as heavy hitter.

Current decklist.

Crafted the Defenders, Spellbreaker and Drake for this, reasoning that all these cards have general utility. Also crafted one Soulpriest in what might have been a mistake. Prospectively, I want to upgrade the Yeti to a Drake and play around with the spell mix. Shadow Word: Pain is great whilst I am still regularly up against Tazdingo's and Grizzlies, but further down the line is probably best replaced with Holy Smite/Circle of Healing.

Pretty similar to my latest priest deck. I'd try to run another Circle. The core Priest combos are Blademaster-Circle or Soulpriestess-Circle, the latter of which basically autowins against a flooded aggro board. Not having either combo in hand by turn 3 is usually a bad sign. This lack of consistency is actually the biggest reason Priests aren't a top-class imo.

I also don't like Spellbreaker or the Defenders. It's unlikely you're playing several minions early and so it's unlikely you'll be able to get good value out of the defenders. Maybe try Shieldmasta's and another Yeti instead?

I'm guessing you don't have Rag ? He's pretty strong in Priest because your win conditions are otherwise pretty bleak (unless you build a different deck going for some Inner Fire combo). This is also one of the reasons I like Thoughtsteal so much. You can often steal win conditions from your opponent. Grabbing a Grommash or Gorehowl from a Warrior is amazing!

Yeah, I would put in a new Circle as soon as I have the dust to. I do have a golden Sense Demons to disenchant, but am unwilling for the sake of future prospects. I am currently disenchanting everything Mage, everything Shaman, all Murlocks and most pirates (not the insane one that warriors run).

Defenders seem to work fine, albeit what to have for taunt is a bit of an open question. Before I crafted the defenders, I ran Fen Creepers. The defenders major use isn't even to protect against early aggro -- there are pyros, shadow words, nova and soulpriest for that, it's more to manage and delay mid-range damage-dealing, especially around the 4/x mark, which Shadow Words can't target. Also, in mirror Defenders are great for bringing pyros, oozes and the soulpriest to the 4-strength range to immunize them against SW: Pain. Frankly, my win condition in non-mage matchups often is an 8 mana drop of a pyro, an ooze and the defender. But defenders drawn early tend to be a bit of a waste, you are right, especially as two key priest cards are in the 4 slot anyway. Might switch one out.

Regarding spellbreaker — I just don't see the deck working without a silence effect. Sunwalkers at 4 strength are too difficult to deal with without it and I'd rather have a silence effect than another SW: Death to deal with buffed hyenas, questing adventurers, divine favour/inner fire nonsense, and your occasional taunt. Actual Silence spell has something going for it, as it combos with the pyro and can ALWAYS be cast when needed. Theoretically Silence can also be used to cancel the soulpriest once you need to cast a nova, or something, but if you have found yourself in such a spot, stuff has gone seriously wrong.

Don't have Rag, sadly. I do have to rely on Mind Control and lucking out on Thoughtsteals to win, basically.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Mage deck won 7-8 straight games going up to rank 12, opponents here are still making obvious bad plays. I haven't seen the horde of super aggro decks yet. But I already decided gurubashi berserker is a bad card and kicked it out in favour of an arcane explosion. The 5-slot seems to lack solid creatures in general compared to the great ones available at 3 and 4 (a good selling point for druids)

And this might be my last draft for a while, hopefully it does well, feels like a solid mid game deck with great 2 and 4 mana creatures


0 - backstab
1 - cold blood, worgen infiltrator
2 - blade flurry, eviscerate, bloodsail raider x3, defias ringleader, knife juggler, mad bomber x2
3 - acolyte of pain, ironfur grizzly, jungle panther, raid leader, SI:7 agent x2
4 - chillwind yeti x2, dark iron dwarf x2, defender of argus
5 - assassin's blade x2, assassinate, frostwolf warlord, gurubashi berserker
20 - molten giant x2

2-0 so far, cheerfully stabbing Lords of the Arena for 1 damage just to activate molten giant..

Oh well, 5-3 with that and 1-3 with another rogue (which got much worse cards) and I'm done on gold, either rogue card draws don't like me or I have no clue wtf I should actually be doing with rogue, I just get poor results with it in arena.

Did you get to backstab the gurubashi? smile
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(April 27th, 2014, 06:18)uberfish Wrote: Oh well, 5-3 with that and 1-3 with another rogue (which got much worse cards) and I'm done on gold, either rogue card draws don't like me or I have no clue wtf I should actually be doing with rogue, I just get poor results with it in arena.

Rogue is overrated for Arena IMO. It's tied with Priest and right below Hunter on the classes I do worst with.

(April 20th, 2014, 13:18)haphazard1 Wrote: Just had a casual play opponent hit me for 24 damage in one turn, with windfury on a heavily single-turn-buffed minion. Ouchie! Still won that game, though, as he emptied his hand doing it and then got minor cards the next two rounds while I finished him off. smile

So what is the largest single-turn damage you have received but survived? I guess with armor it could go above 30. Same question for most single-turn damage inflicted, survived or not. smile

My last game appeared to be cruising to an easy victory when the opposing rogue tried to pull the dream combo on me. I swear when I saw Leeroy Jenkins come onto the board and hit me in the face, I was ready to say "well played" and take the win. Then shadowstep was played. Then Leeroy Jenkins came onto the board and hit me in the face. Then shadowstep was played. Then Leeroy Jenkins. Then preparation. Then cold blood on Leeroy. Almost out of time! Leeroy hits in the face as time expires. Perdition's blade hits me in the face. That's 24 damage, with 22 of it completely from his hand. I think he might have had a minion on the board for a few more damage. Whatever it was, it was 1 less than he needed, and I won on the following turn.

Moral of the story: always be suspicious of rogues.

Edit: To be fair to the rogues, I think that any class can theoretically play 30 points of direct damage from the hand in one turn.

(April 28th, 2014, 00:09)Nystul Wrote: Edit: To be fair to the rogues, I think that any class can theoretically play 30 points of direct damage from the hand in one turn.

Lets see it then

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