Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Turning in the widening gyre: Thoth has another go at BTS

Speaking of Barbs: Unless I get lucky with Copper popping up in my immediate neighbourhood, I'm going to be without anything other than warriors until about t45.

I may slot Archery in after Bronze and I'll be building a warrior in Fall as second build plus 3 more in Falcon before next settler.

The barbs will start entering owned territory once someone (probably TBS) settles their 3rd city. I'll have quite good close in fogbusting thanks to Creative. But there is a lot of tundra crapland to my south that will spawn barbs, lots of barbs. Once I have some real units on the board I'll welcome the xp farming opportunities. Right now, the hordes are not quite so welcome. wink

Current southern dotmap:

[Image: t24dotmap_zps1e4c4ae5.jpg]

Subject to tweaking once I've cleared some more fog OFC. wink

Looking at Fall's BFC again, I can get 17 hammers and +1 food/turn at size 6 without a lighthouse or the Fish. The Fish will be loaned to the Fur site for awhile but if I give it back to Fall for the long term I can make a very good GPP farm with some wonder potential out of Fall.

3rd turn of the day done. jive

Fall founded as planned:

[Image: t26_zpsd52b5a94.jpg]

Maintenance is unexpectedly high.

I ran 100% gold this turn since I don't have enough gold on hand to finish Mining and I might make contact with someone else who has Mining in the next turn or two. So better to build up gold now on the chance I might gain a free beaker or two from having two contacts with Mining.

t27 complete.

Found a Commodore warrior in the far east:

[Image: t27scouting_zps997d3566.jpg]

Looks like tonnes of land for both of us. I need to get a unit or two exploring the north-east.



[Image: t27Falcon_zpscd55b522.jpg]

and my second capital quality city of Fall:

[Image: t27Fall_zps9fd4b02b.jpg]

and since they're looking pretty good right now, the Demos:

[Image: t27demos_zps560302e5.jpg]

My GNP is inflated by creative culture but it's useful culture and I'm researching a tech with no bonus.

The rival best at 8 hammers/turn is interesting. Someone has mined a plains hill instead of pasturing their cows. Makes some sense for Joao (TBS) if going early Bronze.

Plans going forward:

Keep on scouting. Circumnavigation may be possible via the scout.

city development:

I'll be doing some juggling to match up tiles/growth curves, details to follow. smile

Tech: Bronze, Pottery, Sailing, Writing then stockpile cash.

No turn roll yet. frown

But I'm bored and I think I might have had one too many coffees today so I'm going to do some on the fly micro planning.

It should contain at least one obvious error if previous attempts are any indication. smoke


Eot 27 warrior completes as does growth to size 3 (24/24 food)
Turn 28: Start Worker. Work Wheat, Deer and Wines. +7 food +5 Hammers/turn
Eot 32: Worker 2 done.
T 33: Start Worker 3 (12/foodhammers). Worker 2 moves to Grass Hill 8,9 from Falcon
t34: Swap to Warrior. 7/26 food, 7/15 hammers into warrior at eot. (2 hammers will have overflowed). Worker 2 starts mine
t35: Work Cows instead of Wines. +10 food, +6 hammers/turn. 17/26 food, 13/15 Warrior at eot. 2t into mine
t 36: Same tiles. Warrior + growth at eot. 4 hammers and 1 food overflow. 3t into mine.
t37: Size 4. Mine complete. Work mine + cows ect. +9 food +9 hammers. Resume Worker. 34/60 at eot.
t38 52/60
eot 39: Worker 3 done. 10 hammers overflow
t40: start settler. Due eot 44 sans chops/whip. Bronze will be done either eot 39 or 40.

Worker 2 and 3 road and chop towards settler. Worker 5 immediately after settler.


Eot 27: 8/22 food. 8/30 hammers into wb. 4/10 culture
eot28: 12/22 f, 12/30 h 6/10 cult
29: 16/16/8
30: 20/20/10 (border pop)
T31: Start wheat farm. Eot 31: growth.
t32: 2/24 food, 24/30 hammers into wb. Work Cows/Plains forest. +3 food +6 hammers
t33: Workboat moves to Fish. Start workboat. Work cows/forest.
t34: 8/24 food. 6/30 h into wb. Net Fish. Work Fish/Cows. +7 food +4 hammers.
t35: 15/24 food. 10/30 h into wb. Farm complete. Work Wheat farm/Fish (Falcon works cows). +8 food. 1 short of growth.

So, t 33 work unfarmed wheat for 2f/1h/1c instead of Forest.

t35: 16/24 food. 9/30 h into wb. +8 food +3 hammers. Growth at eot.
t36: 0/26 food. Worker 1 moves to unroaded plains hill. 12/30 hammers into wb. work Fish/Wheat/plains forest. +7 food/+5 hammers.
t37: Start mine. 7/26 f. 17/30.
t38: mine 2t. 14/26 22/30
t39 mine 3t 21/26 27/30--> growth and workboat at eot 39
t40: Size 4. Net Crabs. work crabs, fish, wheat plains hill mine. +8 food +7 hammers.
Can build 4t worker. Or grow on warriors then whip worker. Growth is 4 turns so 1 warrior done + hammers into second.


Or I can have a worker at eot 38 from Fall. City still at size 2. Bronze due ~t40 so new worker can help chop wb.

hmmm...that might just be worth a second look. smile

t28 played:

Found Commodore's borders. Capitals are 26 tiles apart.

Still no sign of second city from anyone else which is odd. T28 was my target for a second city if I'd grown to size 3 before finishing settler.

Thinking about last night's micro plan:

The numbers seem in order but there is a glaring flaw: I'll have a grand total of 3 warriors on t40 if I don't take any casualties. There is a bear hanging out near my currently planned 3rd city site. So I'm going to need some more warriors.

Instead of Falcon building it's settler directly, I'll dump the overflow (10h) on t40 into the settler then build a 2t warrior (t41/42) and 2 pop whip on t44. Overflow into ???. I can grow eot t45 if I dump into a warrior or Ikhanda (Pottery eta is ~t46) or eot 46 if I dump overflow into worker.

Fall builds 4t worker finishing eot 43. T44/45 works cows, wheat, fish, crab. +24 food total = 27/28. Builds warrior. t46 swap cows for PH mine. Work cows in Falcon. eot 46 fall completes warrior and grows to size 5.

t47: Fall starts Settler, works cows with 5th pop point. Falcon works wheat, grass mine, deer while continuing worker build. Time a chop to go into Fall's settler this turn.
t48: Two pop whip Fall's settler.

Oh, and I'm really enjoying this fast start Capital location. goodjob

t29: Second cities for Oxy (t28) and Pindicator (t29).

I've dropped to second in food/mfg:

[Image: t29demos_zpsc0978095.jpg]

Spotted a Commodore worker a chopin':

[Image: t29commodorechop_zps4752c2fe.jpg]

This tells me a lot about what Commodore has been up to:

He's completed three techs: Ag/Hunting/Bronze. He has improved the wheat and deer and a mine. He has two workers.

Me, I've just got the one worker and he's building a road. smoke
But unimproved Wines are still 100% Awesome:

[Image: t29awesomewines_zps268e142a.jpg]

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