t44 done.
Revolted to slavery Anarchy free (Yay Spiritual) this turn. 2 pop whipped a settler in Falcon for my 3rd city. Overflow will finish a 1t Archer.
Pindicator got BW eot 42. t43 he logged in and then went away to think for a few hours before logging back in and ending turn. hmmmm. No copper in his current borders perhaps? If so, he's a long way from any possible border pops. He still lacks myst and writing. He'll have horses connected soon if he doesn't have them already so chariots will be on the board soon.
Question is.....will he have copper connected from a source other than his current sheep/horse/copper site by t57. I'll need to pull the trigger on whips/chops latest t53 but I don't actually need to fully commit until then. So operation Swiftstrike is still on the menu of possible options. It depends on speed and on Pindicator not having more than 1 Archer in his Capital. If he's got Copper he'll be able to whip out an axe in his capital unless I move second in turn order. Ain't no way I can have enough Impis in strike range to take down an axe on a hill.
Timing calls for an Impi strike into his sheep city t57 with combat workers in place to road the sheep and allow Impis to move into position to hit Pindicator's capital t58. If I'm moving 2nd in turn order he won't have time for a whipped defender in his capital to appear. (t57 Pin moves then I DOW and strike. T58 Pindicator whips ect. Then I hit his capital. If I'm moving first, he'll be able to reactively whip t57 and have an additional defender in place on t58.
3 huge problems with this plan:
1) It relies on Pindicator making a mistake. I'm fine with taking advantage if an opponent does make a mistake, but plans that rely on an opponent making a mistake are iffy at best.
2) It's all in. I'll be granaryless whipping and chopping Impis instead of workers/grans/settlers. If I come up short on taking Pindicator's capital I'll be hugely behind on expansion and I'll have a permanently pissed off neighbour.
3) part of the plan involves moving after Pindicator in turn order and I'm currently moving first in turn order due to a turn split with dtay.
I think it may still be doable however.
Commodore made contact with me ~t9 and his scout disapeared without having crossed my lands. So I'm guessing that Commodore made contact with Pindictor sometime around t13-17. I still don't have contact with Pindicator so he may well be under the false belief that Commodore is his southwestern neighbour. Which means he won't be thinking "Impis" he' be thinking "Prats".
I've contacted dtay with my scout and I'm probably going to have to DOW next turn in order to keep moving Eastwards. dtay's in slavery and has at least 3 workers and two warriors + a settler in motion.