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So here's what I'm looking for with druids:
- Druids lose the Channeling 1, Channeling 2 & Channeling 3 promotions.
- Druids gain the Nature 2 & Nature 3 promotions.
This means that they lose out on the ability to cast divine priest spells (although if upgraded to from a priest they would probably be able to cast the T2 spell), but gain all their nature spells for free. This is a improvement on the unit as it was intended - as they have Vitalize out of the gate - however, given that it is an aspect of them that is not used often in MP and hardly game-breaking I think this is alright. An alternative would be to give them N3 out of the gate and only strip the C3 promo, but I think that's a little weird as it leaves them with a big hole (have N1&3 but not 2).
Dwarven druids...I am less sure about. I'm not sure I want to grant these already powerful monsters the ability to cast stoneskin or fling about Earth Elementals out of the gate, especially as I'm looking at lowering the cost of acquiring them. On the other hand, neither is a particularly strong civ currently.
At least for now, I think I'll just give them Earth 3 and strip Channeling 3.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
May 27th, 2014, 03:52
(This post was last modified: May 27th, 2014, 04:00 by Qgqqqqq.)
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Changes made:
Khazad Palace: Gold -> Enchantment Mana
There was no compelling reason for this to be in its current model, apart from the lovely flavor. As is, it stigmatizes against the Khazad in situations where there is gold nearby, and we can't be having that.
Sheiam Buildable Gate Units
I don't think there is any way this is overpowered, given the cost and far-flung nature of the various beasties. The only one that could qualify is the witches, and I think they are appropriately priced. Whilst there wasn't much support for this idea, there was also no opinions voiced against it, so I took the leap to implementation.
Varn Gosam Trait Change
Again, no protests (or reactions of any kind) and my personal judgement is that it is a positive change.
Elegy of the Sheaim/Hallowing of the Elohim Price change (600 -> 300)
I did this without consultation. However, when was the last time you ever used this ritual, even in SP? Has it ever been used in MP? Honestly, I had no idea it had such a ridiculous price, half of the original doesn't even seem easy, it seems reasonable.
I would just like to reiterate that none of this is set in stone, if there is a compelling reason against anything even if I have implemented it, I am prepared to change.
Thought Experiment/Proposal:
What would it be like if Summoner gave +5bpt?
Open Question:
What do people feel about the rituals and their cost currently?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Quote: However, when was the last time you ever used this ritual, even in SP?
Maaaybe once in SP, on a lark? Even if you're trying to max out the AC, building Veil missionaries makes more sense. I guess if everyone had closed borders with you and you were really desperate (but couldn't invade anyone for some reason)...
Quote:What would it be like if Summoner gave +5bpt?
That sounds pretty powerful. It would probably give Rivanna a lock on the FotL in any game with two elven civs. But at the same time I guess I can't really think of any reason why it would be too good, since none of the non-Keelyn Summoners really have "runaway" written on them.
Quote:What do people feel about the rituals and their cost currently?
The early ones are priced pretty fairly. The cost for the Stooges is a little high, but it does give you three fairly strong units which you can haste and who can bombard city defenses. Some of the later ones are really expensive, but there is a wonder to reduce their cost, plus the reason almost nobody completes them is that they're unlocked with very expensive techs, not because the rituals themselves are too costly.
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I'm alive. RB forums still have terrible perf. for me. I see this and I'll try and pitch in some thoughts later.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1
I'm feeling mildly creative, so here are some more 'Pedia entries:
Breeding Pit Wrote:"Contrary to their alluring name, and their nation's unsavory reputation, the Calabim 'Breeding Pits' breed animals, not people. You wouldn't want to be anywhere near one- the smell alone can render a grown man unconscious within seconds, and the wretched souls who labor in them have their nasal passages sewn shut. The average Calabim serf actually lives in conditions not dissimilar from the typical Bannor peasant- a brutal life of hard labor in spartan conditions, occasionally terminating in a brief period of terror as a conscript on some bloody field. Not that I recommend ever discussing the parallels with a Bannorman. Although I suppose they might have a point, I've never heard of even the most fanatic of Fanatics eating people." - Lo Pandu, Scholar.
Air Elemental Wrote:"There are some, often of a most melancholy nature, who have asked me what the point is of striving in this world, if everyone's inevitable fate is to serve for an eternity as a spirit in the next. Would it not be best to slowly waste away in a small room while praying to the God one felt most inclined to join in endless servitude? Ignoring the obvious logical flaws in this argument, I am content to answer the question with one of my own- have you ever spoken to an Air Elemental? I have, and they have very little to say. 'Must move.' is the about most you'll get out of one. And these are the servants of the patron deity of freedom and carefree spirits. My point is thus, do not be so hasty to exchange this form for another." - Roberto Coldcost, Amurite Druidic Archmage
Profane Wrote:The High Priests of the Ashen Veil, known as the Profanes, carry out their dark work with inhuman intensity, knowing all too well the fate that awaits their souls. Actually sending one to the Seven Hells however is a whole other matter entirely. Outwardly calm and collected, the Profanes fight with supernatural strength when cornered, and they are very rarely alone.
Battering Ram Wrote:"HEAVE HO, HEAVE HO, down yer gates'll go!" - Traditional Khazad Battering Verse
Freak Show Wrote:"L-look at that creature! It has two heads!"
"Great Gods, I've never seen such monstrosities!"
"What Gods would even create something so grotesque?"
"Tentacles really do not belong there."
"I think I'm going to be sick..."
- Captives of the Freak Show in Hexam.
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Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
May 30th, 2014, 19:19
(This post was last modified: May 30th, 2014, 19:22 by Lord Parkin.)
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I'm not sure how feasible it is, but it'd be nice if "friendly borders" in teams could be updated to accommodate the Kuriotate cities. Playing a team game with my partner as Lanun/Kuriotates, and noticed that my third ring tiles keep beating out her third ring tiles when she should obviously get priority.
(The present way "friendly borders" works is that whoever has more culture in the tile owns it, except where it intersects with the 21-tile BFC of a teammate, in which case the teammate always gets priority. If a tile is in both teammates' BFC's, then whoever has a city strictly closer to that tile owns it. Equidistant BFC tiles go to whichever teammate has more culture, though if possible it'd be nice if those always went to the Kuriotate teammate.)
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Also, for some reason LAN never seems to work with EITB (I think it doesn't with FFH either). You have to go Direct IP. Any clue as to why?
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Council of Esus is invisible in cities to teammates/permanent allies. Seems like this shouldn't be the case.
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Playing a team game with my partner. Attempted to build Nox Noctis and the game immediately crashed to desktop for both of us. Reloaded and the same thing happened - immediately crash to desktop as soon as the Great Merchant clicks "build".
Any possible fix?