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[SPOILERS] Zanth's thread

GermanJojo stated that he has read my recent posts and yet wants to sub for SC. I have some concerns about that.
One of the most important issues in the game currently is whether SC or his sub would sign peace with us or not. If we are able to broker peace, we will at once resolve our happiness problems and would be able to switch out of HR costlessly. If we are locked in war, than switching would become very difficult and the power of our future GA will be seriously diminished. This will have a material influence on future developments in the game.
Now, anyone reading my spoiler thread knows two important facts. First, he knows for sure the extent to which this peace is important and desirable for us. In my opinion, this should push him away from taking peace. Second, he knows that our peace offer reflects our long-term strategic intentions; we are unlikely to attack again in 10 turns and are really interested in leaving a buffer between us and 2metra, about whose intentions I'm more and more worried. This factor, I think, should push a player in favor of peace.
So, this is my question to lurkers: is this spoiler knowledge important enough to prevent is giving SC's civ to GermanJojo? I would hasten to admit that I'm not impartial here: if we reject GermanJojo, we will most likely have to retire this civ to AI which will most surely sign peace. So, I don't feel that I can make decisions on this issue.
Also, we offered white peace to SC. If he accepts it next turn, this whole discussion is moot.

I would say your choices are between either

1. Accepting GermanJojo, spoiled as he may be, hoping that he isn't paying very close attention to the game situation and makes the moves he finds most suitable for Slowcheetah's civ, or
2. Possibly delay the game for a while until a less spoiled sub can be found (and it isn't inconceivable that a sub would be found, this game hasn't received as much traffic as some others), or
3. At worst I sub for a period of time until you're satisfied that GermanJojo is no longer spoiled about your plans. This is basically the last ditch option, as retiring to AI is not really an option. Now, I'm definitely fully spoiled with everything in this game and me taking over would be both for a fixed duration (long enough for you guys to be satisifed that GermanJojo is no longer spoiled on your plans, say 10 turns or whatever is a fair number). During my time I would refuse to do any diplomacy with anyone and would just move units, manage build queues, etc. This isn't really great for you guys since you've said peace is important for you but I find it least intrusive to continue the course for the civ while I'd be subbing.

Maybe someone else can think of a fourth outcome, but I think you guys should accept GermanJojo taking over. If not now, then say a few turns from now. Either I can sub the intervening turns or maybe we'll get lucky and find someone else who hasn't been reading this forum. Does this help at all?

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

Well yes, maybe a few turns would change the situation, especially considering that Nakor would fall a bit faster
Please visit my game: AlaePB1 | PitBoss 17

Well, well, well...

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0547.JPG]

2metra is moving units towards us. I don't have the slightest idea what he hopes to gain by this. Also, he uses suspiciously small numbers...

According to civstats 2metra took Maastricht and liberated it to SC. He shouldn't be able to take anything else, however, reinforcements are forthcoming (well, unless he commits much more units then we saw).

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0548.JPG]

...29 Cuirs is coming our way (the stack 78 from Hoorn). Well, I predicted that we will have a lot of problems 2metra. We will need to make some temporary concessions. We offered SC peace for two northern cities which we are going to lose anyway; also, we will try to set up a trap near Amsterdam, where we can gather 20 units (mostly Cavalries) this turn.

(September 1st, 2014, 18:17)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: I would say your choices are between either

1. Accepting GermanJojo, spoiled as he may be, hoping that he isn't paying very close attention to the game situation and makes the moves he finds most suitable for Slowcheetah's civ, or

I was honestly under the impression that slowcheetah was down to less than 10 pop and that I'd just be whipping out cats and such to force whoever decided to finally take the rest of SC's land pay a reasonable cost or whatever.

(September 3rd, 2014, 15:41)GermanJojo Wrote:
(September 1st, 2014, 18:17)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: I would say your choices are between either

1. Accepting GermanJojo, spoiled as he may be, hoping that he isn't paying very close attention to the game situation and makes the moves he finds most suitable for Slowcheetah's civ, or

I was honestly under the impression that slowcheetah was down to less than 10 pop and that I'd just be whipping out cats and such to force whoever decided to finally take the rest of SC's land pay a reasonable cost or whatever.

Given how dramatically the situation has changed, I think it had been safe to allow you to play after all. It's too late now, though.

No pictures but we took another city from Nakor and set up a trap for 2metra. We left the Hague empty; we wasn't able to recall it for certain and didn't find any relevant pictures but the Hague shouldn't have third ring. If we are wrong, then Amsterdam will fall; if we are right, then 2metra will lose most of his forces next turn, provided he isn't careful.

[Image: t195_war.png]
2metra has 31cuirs+knight at 1 stack and 2 cuirs and 5 muskets and a cat in another.
we don't have enough forces for field attack
Please visit my game: AlaePB1 | PitBoss 17

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