October 15th, 2014, 07:49
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Ha, I was going to suggest naming it Bob's Island and wait to see if there was any reaction.
October 15th, 2014, 22:02
(This post was last modified: October 15th, 2014, 22:02 by Cornflakes.)
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(October 15th, 2014, 07:49)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: Ha, I was going to suggest naming it Bob's Island and wait to see if there was any reaction. 
 ... If he really wants to try and find a hidden meaning he can reverse-engineer the "Ile Famine" by entering that in the Wikipedia search box  but a Google search doesn't have any reference to Bob or Island [EDIT: actually, Ireland is an island].
Here is the south/southeast area in more detail (next screenshot will be southwest). Yellow could be moved 1N to pick up copper but miss Marble until 3rd ring. That also has the advantage of 1st ring Sheep to speed up the snowball. I think I'll go for that, as I don't think retep has a good location to settle with that Marble 2nd ring. But that would mean that I can't use marble for another 50 turns. On the other hand I probably won't need it until then anyway.
Bob's capital is coastal, so I'm going to have to act quickly to steal that island from him. I expect Bob to plant a city on one of those two GREEN tiles with the box. Either the hill for the defense bonus + 1st ring everything, or the grassland for canal/port city. I expect the grassland for the port/canal, and in that case the RED starred tile is 3nd ring to two of my cities and 2nd ring to his city. If I can maintain control of that tile I'll have constant threat of hitting it with knights through that fort. If it's on the hill he will have the forest on the Deer to protect him. I'm going to shuttle a worker over to pasture the Sheep, and if he hasn't planted yet I'll probably try chopping that Deer. On the other hand, if he hasn't settler that spot by that time I may try putting a city 2W of the tile I have marked FORT. I don't see how that could possibly be the case though because with 4 resources there he's certain to prioritize that location. He was probably just waiting for the 3rd ring borders to catch the Sheep.
Looking at the strategic/tactical situation over there (not sure which category this discussion would best be labeled) ... Bob really cannot hold a city on the East side of Bumblebee Lake as long as I maintain a fort there. I threw out some preliminary dots, but those are long-ish term I think. Although with my Retep border pretty tight I might prioritize that area instead. On the other hand, retep with his poor UU is a soft early-game target that I want to exploit  as soon as I have established a good snowball of course.
October 16th, 2014, 21:31
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Got in 3 turns today  Jowy and Retep both settled their 4th city last turn, one turn ahead of my 4th city (yet to be named).
Big news is that we did in fact land Stonehenge, which greatly speeds the snowball at the 3rd and 4th cities due to 2nd ring crabs at both locations. That's all for update this evening though. Stay tuned for more musings in the next few days because I've reach the end of my actual planned-out play again.
October 16th, 2014, 22:16
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Grats! Looking forward to more musings. I'm specifically interested in how you are planning to leverage Spiritual.
October 25th, 2014, 11:23
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Oh, the struggle that doth lie within!
The love of Civ pulleth hard indeed;
The love of life pulleth harder still.
How now to balance the two?
Surely strategy stagnates sans simming!
But much time it must needs require
To theorize, plan, scheme, and plot.
Whence the time to report?
Gone I say! Gone is the time!
Forever I shall lead the Turks,
And enjoy the play immensely,
But little more report.
I. Love. Civ. Coming in to the game I was planning to sim out the first 50 turns, and then play by gut and intuition from there (I said as much pre-game to Q who offered to dedlurk). The time has come where simming the entire empire takes too much time. I know from past experience with PB9 that I cannot just post a quick update. Every time I intend to post a quick picture I end up thinking for an hour or two about the game even when I only post just that quick picture. I am still fully invested in the game, but will not report much. I have entered the real world now and I am not longer the "college student who can get by without studying". I can justify 10-20 minutes/day playing a turn but I cannot justify the additional 30-90 minute investment for reporting.
October 25th, 2014, 17:49
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October 26th, 2014, 20:00
(This post was last modified: October 26th, 2014, 20:01 by Cornflakes.)
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(October 25th, 2014, 17:49)Commodore Wrote: Ain't it fun?
much fun, but I have many other things to juggle. I'll try just posting screenshot ... [EDIT: nope, had to add 10 minutes of commentary] [EDIT2: don'd judge, I type slow/find myself thinking about the next turns as I type]
Had a warrior 1NW of Genesis that was supposed to have been able to reach Robin this turn thanks to the road finishing on the Wheat, but lost the 66% battle
Lapse of judgement. Thought I could get away without dry-whipping an axe, but no. Will re-capture next turn. Was already size 1 so I just loose the 15 or so food in the box and 15 or so hammers in the box. Still was preventable though if I'd dry-whipped that axe and got it there a turn quicker. Or better yet, thought ahead and had a warrior in the build queue with a hammer invested that would have auto-upgraded to spear since I only connected copper last turn.
October 26th, 2014, 20:11
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I don't know how the barbs determine whether to raze or capture a city but you got lucky on that one. Could have been worse!
October 27th, 2014, 08:27
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(October 26th, 2014, 20:11)spacetyrantxenu Wrote: I don't know how the barbs determine whether to raze or capture a city but you got lucky on that one. Could have been worse! 
Don't Barbs always just capture unless it's an autoraze?
October 28th, 2014, 19:56
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Hmm...I don't know! I don't lose that many cities to barbs.