January 14th, 2010, 21:33
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Saw in game that Imhotep declared war on Dreylin?!?!
Email to the league
Quote:I saw that Imhotep just declared war on you?!?!? What's going on?
January 15th, 2010, 10:24
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Well I was up and at 'em early this morning so I went ahead and played T183 and ended turn.
I am up to 570bpt (-303gpt). I requested Corporation from Broker, which will give me one extra trade route. If my calculations from the Free Market / State Property discussion I had yesterday are correct, that should add about 45bpt (which will be subtracted back once I swap out of FM). I guess we can use this as a test case for the FM / SP discussions.
All workers are in position to begin the great John Henrying next turn, when Railroad comes in. As you probably saw from the emails yesterday, Biology will also come in next turn so we will make the swap there. I also will need to get Scientific Method, but I have already confirmed that in MP, you can request multiple techs (that are pre-reqs of each other) in the same turn, so I will also do that next turn. Getting Scientific Method will cause my 6 Hindu Monasteries to expire, which are all worth, besides the 10% science, 2 hammers from the AP and 2 beakers from the University of Sankore. I believe I have read that all the benefits will expire (except being able to produce missionaries w/o Organized Religion, of course). Which stinks, but progress must be made!
Biology is going to be huge for me, especially in my production cities, so places like Whitewater (draft camp), Arlington Heights, Mason, Evendale, Sharonville, Montgomery, not to mention anywhere that has a rice or wheat resource (no corns yet though there are 2 I'd like to settle soonish in the north), so that means the capital city of Cincinnati, Sharonville, and Lockland.
Several military units were formed this turn (I think one drafted rifle, one built naturally and 3 cavs). I am sending a smaller expeditionary force to the east to take part in a limited engagement vs. Imhotep. Sunrise and I talked a bit yesterday about him sending some of his cavs there as well to try and unlock his Heroic Epic.
I'm trying to think about some civic changes, and trying to decide if it makes sense to go from Hereditary Rule to Representation. I don't really have many specialists (I think I have one in Green Township currently), but I will soon have some more from my National Park city (which will be rushed by an engineer next turn and there are 2 workers ready to start the first forest preserve). But the big deal will be the happy. +3 happy in my 6 largest cities, which are (I think) Cincinnati-12, Green-17, Fairfield-11, Norwood-11, Harrison-9 and probably Arlington-8. Only Green is bumping up on the happy cap (I think 18/17 right now but also 18/18 on health, though that can be fixed with a 2t harbor which will add 3 health), but when I drop back into Bureaucracy (which I probably will do at least for 5t once Assembly Line comes in and I can no longer 1-pop draft), I will lose the +2 happy from the barracks.
What do you guys think about HR vs. Rep?
January 15th, 2010, 21:29
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Message to lins, sunrise, shady, dsp and broker
Quote:Hey guys,
Imhotep just gifted to Exploit 4 cities east of the Zulu capital. My maps are not up to date and I can't go in game as my computer seems to have been built possibly in 1953 so I had to quit the game. I believe it was Carn dun, Morthon, Eled something and one other one.
So I guess that shortens the time needed to finish off Imhotep, huh? :-)
I hope that will continue to urge us all into a coordinated attack on Exploit though.
Next turn RR and Bio should be in
Yup Imhotep just gave 4 cities to Exploit. I don't know what the deal is with Imhotep, especially after making that post in the public player thread about just going down. Maybe Exploit convinced him that he could fight shady and dsp better if he "didn't have to worry" about defending those 4 cities? Who knows.
I do think that Imhotep dosn't like me (in game at least). It's a bummer that he never updates his thread so I won't evere really know.
In other news, Corporation came in and I went from 570bpt to 623bpt, so a 53bpt jump so my estimates were a little low but pretty close
January 15th, 2010, 22:26
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Well, one thing that might have happened:
More of your best foreign trade routes are now in your larger cities, that might have a higher commerce --> beaker ratio (via unis and academies). Getting a 4-commerce TR in a Lib/Uni/Academy city is worth 8 beakers, to the 5 that a regular old library city would bring.
I can't imagine HR --> Rep being worth an extra turn of anarchy, but Rep's probably somewhat better, the happy isn't going to be that much better in HR, and 30-40BPT is decent. Civic cost differences should be only 6gpt (like the difference of FM and State Prop).
January 16th, 2010, 06:15
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Cyneheard Wrote:Well, one thing that might have happened:
More of your best foreign trade routes are now in your larger cities, that might have a higher commerce --> beaker ratio (via unis and academies). Getting a 4-commerce TR in a Lib/Uni/Academy city is worth 8 beakers, to the 5 that a regular old library city would bring.
I can't imagine HR --> Rep being worth an extra turn of anarchy, but Rep's probably somewhat better, the happy isn't going to be that much better in HR, and 30-40BPT is decent. Civic cost differences should be only 6gpt (like the difference of FM and State Prop).
Thanks for the analysis. Luckily I'm spiritual so I don't have to worry about the anarchy.
January 16th, 2010, 07:41
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Email to the folks
Quote:Okay - I have given RR around to everyone I believe. Daniel - I requested Biology so if you can make sure and log in again before the turn rolls that would be great.
There's something odd going around with the scores of DLer and Munro but I don't have maps over there to know what happened.
Exploit has both Steam and Steel and is shown to be able to research Railroad, which he undoubtedly has started. I'd estimate 7-9 turns, which makes it possible if not likely that he will have machine guns before T191 (It's T184 now).
Are we set on research paths?
January 16th, 2010, 07:43
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Email to just broker and the Lins - there was some talk last night that Dreylin thought that DSP had rejected his request for Sci Meth, which turned out to just be that DSP just hadn't logged in since he had requested it.
Quote:Looks like Daniel did give the Lins Sci Meth, so I guess we're all set on that.
Broker - I know you talked about your stone for Oxford - what's your timeline? I will be ready to start Oxford in 10 turns I believe, and it will take me 7t with stone, if that timing works for you.
T184 partially played - I can't fully configure my cities till I get Biology, so hopefully DSP will do that soon so I can finish up.
January 16th, 2010, 20:16
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Okay Biology came in and received from dsplaisted. There may be some shenanigans going on with him not wanting to give his techs to folks like the Lins and Broker. I'm hoping it all works out but the chinks in the anti-exploit alliance may already be forming
Okay so first let's talk about Whitewater, the Globe Theater draft camp (had I been thinking, THIS city should have been Camp Dennison, which was a Civil War recruitment camp)
As you can see, it is now up to +15 food, which means that I can draft every turn till Assembly Line comes in (probably 12t or so)
My Great Engineer rushed the National Park up here in the aptly named city of Forest Park. First forest preserve will be complete in 2t, in T186.
Many of my other cities also increased their yields with the +1 food from Biology, but no city was a bigger winner than the former crap city of Arlington Heights, which was founded with no resources as a stretch city in my fears of a Zulu attack, to get ONE front city (on a hill)
It has been very slow to grow, but now all of a sudden it has a +8 food surplus and will be in very good shape. Especially when those 2 workshops get another +1 food with State Property. I'll do more calculations later, but I will probably have to workshop over a farm or two.
January 16th, 2010, 20:29
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It looks like Biology is changing the game here. Looks good. What Legal Civic are you running? Bureaucracy? What is your plan to get more specialist slots in Forest Park? Do you have any options besides slow-building the requisite buildings? I'm guessing that Caste System wouldn't be a good switch. I understand that it's not considered strong for the late-game.
(New thought: I guess hiring a dozen citizen specialists will still bring in some hammers until you can fill out more slots.)
And I guess you want to turn all this new food into hammers by feeding production tiles or whatnot? Thanks for the pics, looks interesting. (Oh, are you planning to give the one forest from Arlington Hills to Forest Park?) And at a quick glance, it looks like, supposing you do switch to State Property, after you let Arlington Hills grow into all of its land tiles, you can workshop over all but one farm and stagnate, unless you want to keep a small food surplus. That would add 27 base hammers total, I think. Seems pretty good to me.
January 16th, 2010, 20:32
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HR because it is the only way to make the happyness add up,
Nat because barracks give 2 happy,
Slav because the button is usable in AH,
FM because of the # of trade routes,
and I have no idea about the religious civic...
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