Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RBP3 [SPOILERS] - Friendly Kittens (Ragnar of Maya)

Because it's just the way I roll (plus a wall of text having nothing to do with the game should save other players who accidentally click on this thread from seeing the [size="5"]SPOILER INFO FOR TEAM FRIENDLY KITTENS(!!!)[/size] accidentally, I'm going to start with a story. No, really: A totally fictional story about the origins of our leader, Ragnar of the Mayans. (Wait, of the who?)


Ragnar of the Friendly Kittens!

[Image: kitties.jpg]

That's what I thought you said!

Okay, that said, the story's kind of long. (Wait, that's not fair. Let me say that again: It's LONG!!!) But it should be lots of fun. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: No delicate sensibilities were harmed in the making of this story. Probably. Okay, if they're really, really, really, delicate, then maybe. Plus bunches of imaginary European and American natives may have been hurt or killed in horrible ways, but no real ones, unless you count me. (Ragnar, let go of my throat; I'm writing it for you, okay?!)


All Valhalla was in an uproar - and Loki hadn't even set anybody's breechcloth on fire yet that morning! No, the news of the day was far rarer, and far, far stranger: A man was leaving Valhalla - on purpose! - to return to the mortal world. Nor was it just any old man, tired of sparring with Thor each afternoon and being scraped up off the stone flags so they could wake up aching in the morning. Ragnar Lodbrok - old Hairy Pants* himself - had packed up his gear, stuffed his huge head into his helmet with his even huger ego, and set out for Scandinavia once more. Hero of legend and saga, looter of the French countryside - the man who with thousands of Vikings at his back held the city of Paris for ransom - Ragnar stormed out of the heavenly halls and set out for the icy fjords.

"Man's crazy," Loki snickered. "And as the world's foremost expert on CRRrrrrAAAAaaazy, I should know."

Thor glared at him sideways. "He probably just wants to be rid of your company!"

"Oooooh, irritable this morning, are we?" Loki grinned, and his eyes danced with flames. "Missing something, maybe?"

Growling, Thor demanded, "How would you know I ... WAIIIIIIT!" He flew into a rage. "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU STOLE MY HAMMER AGAIN?!" The earth trembled under their feet. This was not normal: Thor's rages were normally accompanied by thunder and lightning, not quakes.

"Tsk," Loki murmured. "Seems it's given him indigestion."

This gave Thor pause, but he slowly connected the dots, and then his eyes got very big. "You fed Mjolnir to the WORLD SERPENT?!" The earth rumbled and shook.

"Fat lot of good it did me," Loki grumbled. "Practically put out my fiery hair luring old Midgard out of the deep, and he'll probably regurgitate it any minute. ... Any year now, anyway."

While Thor chased Loki all up and down the mighty halls of Valhalla, screaming loud enough to wake the dead - or even, just possibly, the exhausted revelers from the previous night's wild party - a group of mighty warriors greeted Ragnar Lodbrok. "Ah, my sons," he said with a smile. "Good old Ivar the Boneless! (Thanks again for avenging me, by the way.) Hvitserk! Ragnvald! Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye!** Have you decided to join me?"

"Are you kidding?" Hvitserk demanded. "We've got mead of the gods here, and shieldmaidens aplenty, and Ragnarok to look forward to and all!"

"Have fun with that," Ragnar told them. "I have another calling. I'm going home."

They might possibly have heard him, but it's doubtful. Sigurd was whooping and enacting a battle with an imaginary giant in the end-of-the-world war, and Ragnvald was telling Hvitserk, "Whooooooa ... and remember when Freya came by to visit in her cat-drawn chariot?" He was openly drooling. "Just looking at her was enough to..."

Ragnar moved on.

As he marched through Asgaard, amidst earthquakes and distant shouting from Thor, he came upon another figure - and what a figure it was! His beloved wife Aslaug winked at him as he approached, and swayed her hips a little, and it suddenly struck Ragnar that he maybe didn't have to leave quite so soon after all. She kissed him, and that sealed it; he wasn't going anywhere. Let Sury or somebody answer the call; he had things to do in Asgaard ... except that Aslaug didn't ask him to stay. "I see why you're going," she told him, quicker-thinking as always than he (which wasn't saying much, necessarily) or even most of the gods (which, sad to say, really wasn't saying much either). "You've won enough battles already, and you're tired of spending eternity with a bunch of bloody-minded warriors raising mead cups to the heavens and singing the praises of war."

"Um, yes!" Ragnar declared, having temporarily forgotten the actual reasons for his departure - Aslaug's kisses didn't leave a lot of room for extraneous activity like remembering his purpose or (say) his name.

"Go for us both then," his dear Aslaug urged him. "Now that you have passed beyond the bounds of mortal life, return and show the people of Midgard that all people may grow into wisdom." She smiled. "Even a filthy, bloodthirsty, pillaging barbarian like you."

Ragnar grinned widely at the compliment. "Many thanks, my dear! I shall do as you say!"

Aslaug patted his head (between the mighty horns of his helmet) and said, "Good Raggy. Teach them wisely the ways of war, but also of peace - and look out for the little things that matter in the world. Perhaps you'll even raise some friendly kittens. Imagine Ragnar Hairy-Pants doing that!" She smiled and swayed a little more. This had the very useful effect of leaving Ragnar speechless. In a whisper, Aslaug told him, Goodbye, my love; fare well. I shall always be here for you when you return, though it be a handful of decades, or though it take six thousand fifty years." Then she kissed him again, more deeply still, so thoroughly engrossing his brain in what was happening to him that it accidentally overwrote all his unimportant memories like what he was originally supposed to be doing, and where he was supposed to go.

When he came back to consciousness, (I told you she was a good kisser) Ragnar's first thought was, "Wow! She's still got it after all these centuries..." Then he breathed deep, gathered himself, scrambled up from the ground, and set out to fulfill the destiny he didn't quite remember anymore.

A cloaked figure watched as Ragnar left (not NEARLY as gorgeous a figure) and then pulled back its hood. There stood the king of the gods himself, his single eye all-seeing. Odin slowly turned away, and murmured quietly, "Well, this ought to be amusing anyway."

Aslaug saw, and said to herself, "I'm glad dear Raggy went away. What kind of land is this, that a one-eyed man is king?"

The earth shook, and Aslaug heard Loki suddenly yelp with pain. There was a brilliant flash of fiery light, and Thor could be heard in the distance shouting, "My eyes! What have you done now, Loki?! I can't see anything! Curse you, what have you done?!" A thunderbolt fell from the sky.

"Oh, right," Aslaug reminded herself. "That kind of land."

Back in Scandinavia, Ragnar searched in vain for friendly kittens - he remembered clearly that, whatever he was supposed to do, they were somehow involved. It didn't help that he hadn't the slightest notion of what they were. Most of his other recollections of his mission were slightly scrambled - he thought there might be something about leading the Vikings to victory, but he couldn't be sure anymore; it was all mixed up with a place called Minnesota, and something about pig skins. When he asked the mortal Vikings about it, they mostly gave him weird looks ... until he met Captain Eriksson.

"Minnesota," the Captain mused. "That sounds like a Vinelander name. I traveled there once, way off beyond Greenland to the west. Let's go back together then, and see."

So they traveled to America, all the way out to Nova Scotia where Captain Eriksson had landed (in, you know, real-life history and stuff). They traveled past the land where Sitting Bull was squatting, waiting for the call that never came, south past the land where Monty raged, imprisoned by his own people for so-called "psychotic episodes" after a Corsican Lieutenant arrived and was taken for Quetzocoatl. Still they journeyed, until at last they came to a fertile jungle land, where mystics experimented with plans to some day make a calendar. (Captain Eriksson scoffed, "It's hopeless. That calender of theirs is going to fall short of the end of the world by thirty-eight years!") Miners dug into the hills in search of gold and silver and gemstones (whether there were any to find was an open question, but the dirt and rocks they dragged out were useful for building things). But most intriguing of all, the children at play in the streets thrust long sticks at each other and played at ball games. "I can work with this," Ragnar Hairy-Pants mused quietly. "I don't suppose..." he asked Captain Eriksson guardedly, afraid of showing his ignorance, "...these might be Friendly Kittens?" He still had seen no sign of that mythic race.

The Captain had heard it come up before; Ragnar had a bad habit of moaning things like, "Must ... find ... Friendly ... Kittens...." ... well, and "Mmmmm, Aslaug ... oh, yes, YES!" in his sleep. His eyes drifted to the edge of the jungles, where a pair of baby jaguars were playing at tearing out each other's throats while their mother looked on from the shadows. He looked back at his newfound friend Ragnar. "Um, yes! Why, yes! These people are most certainly the Friendly Kittens you're looking for! Ask no further!"

And so they lived happily ever after. Or at least for about ten minutes.

Then there was an earthquake to end all earthquakes. A great serpent rose up from the sea, hacked, coughed, and vomitted out the great hammer Mjolnir with such violence as to send it flying all the way back to Valhalla (it struck Loki in the head, unfortunately). The serpent dove back into its place once more, but it was far too late: Its convulsions shook the world apart. The jungles were swallowed up; the coastlines changed; whole nations were driven apart or crushed together. Sitting Bull and his tribes were sadly but permanently buried under the sea, along with Montezuma's cell. Captain Eriksson's ship was gone, and the landscape was utterly changed.

"Well," said Ragnar, getting up and dusting himself off ineffectually. "Looks like we've got some rebuilding to do: Me and these Friendly Kittens!"

So it begins.

*- Yes, Lodbrok means Hairy Pants. Yes, that's Ragnar's name.
**- Yes, these are really the names of (a few of) Ragnar's children. Viking sagas rock.

Placeholder Post. You remember placeholders from Civ 3, right?

Eventually, this post will contain stuff, from our early formative days that will explain how we came to be teamed up, how we ended up named such a silly thing (Friendly Kittens indeed!), and other such nuggets of completely trivial goodness. But now, as its 2AM eastern time, and as we're about to depart for Florida in a couple hours... well, such information will have to remain safely anonymous for now.

My teammates already know, but I'm going to have very limited internet access for the next 6 days (Cell Phone Only) while I'm in Florida at my dad's, so don't expect to hear much from me during the critical first week of the game cry
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

My first post in this thread will actually do something!

This post has the same use as Ref's diplo post. Just give a general summary of the diplo ATM. I plan to edit this with every major diplo news.

Egypt: Pleased relations. We have a NAP just like with every PAT civ, and currently he's providing us religion(Hinduism). Of course its for his shrine, but we took it. Communications have been in the PAT emails, and the occasional chat. Unlike some others, he's actually trying to WIN the game, and probably be a tad disappointed if he doesn't. Looks like they are going to fund us through Machinery once Currency come up. Main funder in PAT ATM.

England: Pleased relations. NAP. Lots of chats with them, and generally friendly, plus a nice combat calculator that helps us with barb battles. Decent tech/funder, and going after Lit

Mali: Pleased relations. NAP. Limited communication, outside of PAT emails. Added with the fact that they seem REALLY controlling(sending an email to us and Bab to reject India/Byz joining PAT, among other things). Will go Aest if needed. Bad tech rate, but decent funder, and most likely going to fund if/after they finish Aest.

Carthage: See England, outside of the combat calculator. They going after CS, and are strong funders.

Babylon: Friendly relations. NAP. MDP, which hopefully won't ever come into play. Closest friend we have in the game, and looks like its going to stay that way. Believed to be the BEST techers in the game, but have to get back on that. They alreadly have an academy, and it looks like they are going Feud.




Byz: Pleased, borderline friendly,relations. Currently no NAP, but it might as well be like we have one. LOTS of chats. They might supply us their ponies once they get to Guilds. Weak techers, but strong hammers. Working out a proposal for us, Byz, India, and Bab to control the alliances in a "Paplitine Move". Need to be ironed out, espically with Bab/India, who dislike each other, but it has potential. They believe us/India to be their best friends.

India: Pleased relations. NO NAP. Lots of chats, and one of the members of the "Papilitine Move" with may or may not come into play. A side project at best. Weak teche

Ottomans: Cautious/Annoyed Relations. Almost no interaction between our 2 teams, but they just not like us due to our civ being on the other side. Look like one of the ringleaders of Anti-PAT. Weak techers, but strong production, I believe

HRE: See Ottomans

Portugal: See HRE/Ottomans

Rome: Annoyed relations, simply for us being on the other side. Weak techer, and in the stone age, and in war for a long time making them weak.

Inca: See Rome. Rome and Inca equal less than 1 civ, IMO.

Aztec: See Rome/Inca.



France: RIP. Once England/HRE/Egypt decided to take them down, it was over, IMO.

Sumeria: Same as France. Once India decided to mount an attack, they feel like the paper tiger techer they were.

Korea: RIP. They might have been great, might have been one of PAT, or one of our enemies, but that all ended once Krill decided to gamble, and take a chance at elimanting a civ. We all know how that turned out....

Moved warrior 1 SW and found 2 desert floodplains! Too far to settle on first turn. I agree with Maniac settle 1 East. No real reason to settle 2nd turn. A very good second city spot though

Cull Wrote:Moved warrior 1 SW and found 2 desert floodplains! Too far to settle on first turn. I agree with Maniac settle 1 East. No real reason to settle 2nd turn. A very good second city spot though
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Right; let's get this thing underway! My apologies for the screenshot sizes; my computer is ... not optimal ... for running Civ4 and taking pictures. I'll improve as we go along - or better yet, let Maniac handle the imaging once he gets back to home base!

First things first: Our fearless leader!

[Image: leader.jpg]

Our start:

[Image: start.jpg]

And after moving and founding the city of Fierias....

[Image: 1stturn.jpg]

So, that's what we've got so far. After some semi-fierce discussion (okay, so not really that fierce at all) we rejected our plan for a warrior start, and elected to go Worker/Agri. Probably. I'm going to run some numbers on Bronze First, but Maniac doesn't think it'll fly for this start, and I suspect he's right. (Agri first was my first instinct anyway, as well as that of everyone else on the team, I believe.)

And that brings us to the joys of the C&D Department, right?

Ummmmm, no. Not this time. With 16 civs to keep track of, I don't think any of us are ready to commit the necessary time. Yes, we could gain an advantage - a very significant one, most likely - but the real-life number-crunching time just outweighs the winning. Not that I mind crunching numbers, but ... seventeen civs! SEVENTEEN!!!

Doesn't mean I'm not digging into the game to get more data though. After the most poorly-worded poll in sunrise's otherwise terrific set-up thread (just for starters, we theoretically were voting on whether to have "as much land as in RBP1" - which Sullla said was impossible anyway! or "less land than in RBP1") some of us were very worried about how much space we'd have between neighbors on this map. Well, there's no way to know, to be honest. (I should note that the map settings claim it's Low Sea Level, but that's irrelevant if the mapmakers hand-edited oceans in.) We could all be scrunched together on a tiny little island with most of the world's landmass across the sea. But at least we do know how much land there is overall!

[Image: landpct.jpg]

We've got a landlocked capital, good for 9 tiles, all told. Those 9 represent roughly 0.22% of the total in the game (already one two-hundred-and-fiftieth of the way to a Domination victory!) That means we've got a total of roughly 4100 tiles total in the game - 240ish per civ. That's theoretically enough for about 11-12 landlocked cities with no overlap, and not much less than I had in my very first game of Civ4 (7 civs on a standard-sized Fractal map). So, not too bad, actually! Unless of course half of it is inaccessible until Astronomy....

Anyway, more data as we figure it out!

[EDIT: Oh, yeah. And notice that Silver up there? It's on a riverside grassland ... and buried under a jungle! No dice until Iron Working on that, obviously. I wonder if Sullla did something like that to everybody, or if that was just his way of getting clever and mixing up the techs required for various calendar-era happy resources....

Cull Wrote:Moved warrior 1 SW and found 2 desert floodplains! Too far to settle on first turn. I agree with Maniac settle 1 East. No real reason to settle 2nd turn. A very good second city spot though
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

Test Gamer is me - forgot to change my profile from the sandbox. I ended (the zeroth) turn, since we're in agreement about that. ANNNNNND this is a pretty pointless post to have on the first page, so I'm using it to post our Microplan (again)! EDITS AWAY!!!!

The Very Latest Update, including Worker actions only, apart from the two newest (and desperate-for-culture) cities: (...and some drafting suggestions ... and...)

(Spreadsheets for Fierias, HV, and Smith here.)

Turn 153


Savannah builds Forge, working the wheat, floodplain, and a river grassland (unimproved).

Adventure Beach grows to size 2, builds Hindu Temple, and WHIPS it for 1 pop, working the Wheat.


New Jewish Missionary from Pride Rock: Move to Adventure Beach and attempt to spread Judaism.

Chmeee: Move 1E to a desert hill.

Koivu: Move 1N to a jungle tile.

Thomas O'Malley: Move 1NW to a grassland cottage; Road (1/2) and CANCEL orders.

Hello: Mine (3/5).

Peppo & Nuku Nuku & Shampoo & Mufasa: Lumbermill; complete.

Shun Gon & Sarafina & Kiara: Watermill (6/8).

Marie: Windmill (3/7).

Toulouse: Farm (3/5).

Berlioz: Move 2S-1SW to the sheep and Road (1/2).

Nala: Road (1/2).

Bagheera & Simba: Move 1S-1NW to the grassland hill and Mine (2/4).

Billy Bass: Quarry (2/5).

Sarabi: Mine (1/4).

Krazy & Sylvester: Watermill; complete.

Duchess: Lumbermill

Oliver: Lumbermill.

Great Merchant: Trigger a Golden Age!

***WAIT*** until everything else is done (especially including the Golden Age, plus the whip and religion spread at Adventure Beach!!!) - then Revolt to Hereditary Rule + Nationhood + Slavery + Free Market + Fundamentalism!

Draft Hukawng Valley. Make sure it's still following the new spreadsheet.

Draft Fierias. Make sure it's still following the new spreadsheet.

DO NOT do so to Smithsonian Park (NOT YET: NOT THIS TURN!)

It might be appropriate to Draft other cities as well (for instance, Pride Rock, Temminck, and Kilrah?) use your best judgment.

Note we will soon (but temporarily) need to station a large number of units in Hukawng Valley, which fortunately is right on the front anyway. The Globe won't be ready until Turn 159, and we'll be drafting there every turn. I regard it as irresponsible to use MP to prevent other cities from going unhappy unless they will have a non-MP solution by the end of the GA, since we have no business staying in HR after the Golden Age ends.

Regarding city builds: Spreadsheets are posted for Fierias, Smithsonian, and Hukawng Valley. Builds at Savannah and Adventure Beach are noted here. Barracks should be built everywhere that wants to draft before its draft begins. Feng Shui probably has to COMPLETE a Buddhist monastery BY turn 148 unless I can convince people to end the GA back in Organized Religion. Apart from that, Feng Shui wants a University. Other than that, when in doubt, build a Ball Court for drafting happy or a Cannon for ... cannonballs.


Turn 154

Savannah grows to size 4, builds Forge, working the wheat, floodplain, watermill (see Sarafina & Kiara, below) and plains farm (see Shun Gon, below).

Adventure Beach builds Culture, working the Wheat.

Chmeee: Road (1/3).

Koivu: Road (1/2).

Thomas O'Malley: (Roaded against orders).

Hello: Mine (4/5).

Marie: Windmill (4/7).

Peppo & Nuku Nuku & Shampoo & Mufasa: Move 1SE-1S to a river plains tile; Farm (4/5).

Shun Gon: Move 1S to the same river plains tile; Farm; complete.

Sarafina & Kiara: Watermill; complete.

Toulouse: Farm (4/5).

Berlioz: Farmed against orders (2nd turn in a row).

Nala: Road; complete.

Billy Bass: Quarry (3/5).

Bagheera: Mine (3/4)

Simba: Move 1NE to the Marble and Quarry (4/5).

Sarabi: Mine (2/4).

Krazy & Sylvester: Road; complete.

Duchess: Lumbermill

Oliver: Lumbermill.

Draft Hukawng Valley.

NOT Fierias. NOR Smithsonian Park.

(Presumably others though.)


Turn 155

Savannah builds culture, working the wheat, floodplain, watermill, and new grassland farm (see Peppo & Nuku Nuku & Shampoo & Mufasa & Shun Gon, below).

Adventure Beach grows to size 2, builds Jewish Monastery, working the Wheat and FP Farm.

Chmeee: Road (2/3).

Koivu: Road; complete.

Thomas O'Malley: Move 1N-1NW to the plains hill near Savannah.

Hello: Mine; complete.

Marie: Windmill (5/7) and CANCEL orders.

Toulouse: Farm; complete.

Peppo & Nuku Nuku & Shampoo & Mufasa & Shun Gon: Move 1NE to a dry grassland tile; Farm; complete.

Sarafina & Kiara: Move 1W to a part-watermilled grassland tile; Watermill and CANCEL orders (3/8).

Billy Bass & Simba: Quarry; complete.

Sarabi: Mine (3/4)

Bagheera: Mine; complete.

Nala: Move 1NW to the future site of SteelClaws.

Berlioz: Move 2S-1SW to the sheep; Road (1/2).

Krazy & Sylvester: Move 1SE-2NE to a part-farmed river grassland; Farm and CANCEL orders (4/5).

Duchess: Lumbermill

Oliver: Lumbermill.

Draft Hukawng Valley.

NOT Fierias.

(Presumably others though - probably including Smith.)


Turn 156

Savannah grows to size 5, builds Forge, working the wheat, floodplain, grassland farm, watermill, and new watermill (see Peppo & Nuku Nuku & Shampoo & Mufasa & Shun Gon, below).

Adventure Beach builds Culture (Jewish Monastery on hold) working the Marble and Wheat.

Chmeee: Road; complete.

Koivu: Move 1NW to a river plains tile in our culture; Road (1/2).

Thomas O'Malley: Road (1/2).

Hello: Road (1/3).

Marie: Move 1E-1SE to a signed desert tile, Road, and CANCEL orders.

Toulouse: Move 1S to a part-farmed grassland; Farm (2/5).

Peppo & Nuku Nuku & Shampoo & Mufasa & Shun Gon: Move 2W to a part-watermilled grassland; Watermill; complete.

Sarafina & Kiara: Move 3SW-1S-1SW to a part-windmilled desert hill; Windmill; complete.

Sarabi: Mine; complete.

Billy Bass & Simba: Move 1E to a river plains tile; Road; complete.

Bagheera: Move 2SE-1S to a floodplain; Farm and CANCEL orders (1/7).

Nala: Road (1/2).

Berlioz: Road; complete.

Krazy: Farm; complete.

Sylvester: WAIT for Berlioz, then move 2NE-2N to a pre-farmed river plains tile and Farm; complete.

Duchess: Lumbermill

Oliver: Lumbermill.

Draft Hukawng Valley, among others.


Turn 157

Savannah pops third-ring borders, and my micro-plan for the city ends: Use your best judgment!

Adventure Beach grows to size 3 and builds Culture (Jewish Monastery on hold) working the Wheat, Grass Hill Mine, and Plains Hill Mine. It should control its entire BFC at this point.

Worker plan will be added if enough time passes before we play this turn; otherwise, just use your best judgment, bearing in mind we need to finish those roads in the south by T160 and get the jungle SE of Ornata chopped as well.


Turn 158

Adventure Beach pops third ring borders, eleven turns after being founded(!). It resumes its Jewish Monastery and WHIPS it for one pop, working the Wheat and FP Farm.

RefSteel Wrote:Test Gamer is me - forgot to change my profile from the sandbox. I ended (the zeroth) turn, since we're in agreement about that. I'll try and get a decent summary posted of our thoughts and plans to this point - the e-mails themselves would probably constitute lengthy spam, I fear - later on.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

RefSteel Wrote:Test Gamer is me - forgot to change my profile from the sandbox. I ended (the zeroth) turn, since we're in agreement about that. I'll try and get a decent summary posted of our thoughts and plans to this point - the e-mails themselves would probably constitute lengthy spam, I fear - later on.
Favorite quotes:
Diplomacy is the art of letting other people have your way - Unknown.
The graveyards are full of indispensible men - Charles de Gaulle
If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you - Winnie the Pooh.
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes - The Doctor
What's the use of a good quotation if you can't change it? - The Doctor (again)
Your friendship is the nicest gift I have ever recieved - my girlfriend smile

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