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[PB22 Spoiler] Joey and Borsche puke on the funny pages

Quote:Although, I was also thinking of your tendency to arbitrarily make sweeping changes to your mods by fiat declaration...

Given the level of response to proposals, this is incredibly tempting.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


The situation is even worse than I had feared, but also I am beyond caring, I'm pleased to discover. He whiped my stack and then razed my HE city because somehow all of his ships are triple promo, and thus he could take Nav2 on, like, ALL of his ships? Amazing. Also he's parked 104 units in front of Maracana and had has 5 tactical nukes already in range. I hope you like War Weariness Gavagai, because you are gonna eat a lot of it.


I logged in to see the same 4000g for peace offer that I sent before. rolf Well, I'm glad he still has a sense of humor about this.

I'm not gonna post a combat log, but needless to say, its really long and really read. I knew he had destroyers and subs in range, but I honestly did not expect any Nav 2 Battleships, much less nav 2 transports. I guess it makes sense, if he knew that I had Circumnav, that he'd spread out his GGs.

He also dumped this outside of Maracana:

I attacked out and killed the anti-tanks and about half the tanks, and then left everything else on defense. I'll probably lose the city this turn.


I estimate Gav lost something about 3M soldiers over the last 2 turns, while I lost about 5.5M to him, plus another couple hundred thousand to 2metra.

Speaking of, not to be left out of the party, 2metra decided to be even more annyoing. No matter what happens, I will make sure this guy gets nothing - NOTHING. At least Gavagai is earning his spoils (what happened with Donovan not withstanding) instead of just trying to greedily trying to take what he has no right to for free.

I sent Gawdzak a bribe to leave me alone while I fight it out with Gav so I that can send all my eastern garrisons to my west.

(May 25th, 2015, 18:51)GermanJoey Wrote: Alright boys, new plan:


RTZ is the best!

What's your pick for TI5 winner?

hahaha, hell yes... cool Team Secret is my pick to win, at least if Artour can keep himself together. lol I been fans of all 5 of those guys for a long time - hell, Puppey and KKy since they were on Ks.Int together. I love EG too, especially PPD, you could say we share a certain, ah, disposition... mischief

What about you? I didn't even know anyone else here was into dota. Do you follow the Brazil scene much at all?

Secret's been pretty up and down, I'll be rooting for them and Cloud 9 but I feel kind of uneasy about it.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel like their drafts are overly intricate sometimes, and often put inordinate pressure on Zai to perform amazingly from the offlane. Then again, he is Zai so that tends to work out like that, but I don't get why they take that risk.

this meta appears like it should be really good for s4, a lot of his best heroes of old (magnus, qop) are now back in style... I felt like he might have been their weakest member in 6.83 simply because the meta wasn't very kind to his playstyle. maybe we'll see rtz play more play-maker heroes again too...

Sorrry lurkers... I logged in to pause for 2mn, and to my surprise Gavagai sent back a white peace. I thought about it for almost a good ten minutes, then hit accept. I had actually been thinking of doing the same thing, as I drove home from work for lunch, but found the idea hard to stomach. Even though I was the one to attack him, I still feel like he instigated this conflict and I strongly feel that playing out the role of "mutually assured destruction" is important. However, I also realized that if he takes Maracana next turn, or the turn after if not next turn, he'll get the CR, and then revolution to Police State will be only a 1T revolt for him. So, perhaps WW wouldn't be as much damage as I had been counting on. I had been thinking that he'd need to eat the 2T revolt to do that, meaning I could catch back up close to ~1.5M troops in that time. Not wanting to spend another month of hour and a half long turns losing 3 front war also was a big factor in the decision. I just don't want that kind of stress right now. I also thought about sending him back the peace treaty, just so he'd have to eat a turn of WW, but I don't like to be petty.

By the way, I think forgot to mention that losing Maracana wasn't as big of a deal as it was before, as in the last war. (There's all kinds of little details everywhere that I haven't mentioned, but I already mention too much). He's been building culture nonstop in both of his border cities, pushing into Marcana's BFC by a 1% every turn that I don't build culture, which only stabilizes the situation. So, I didn't have many turns left of actual productivity from the city. So, the loss of that city wasn't a key factor in accepting the peace this time.

So when you sign up for badgame it turns out you also have to wait for an admin to wake from their slumber of a thousand years.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Yeah, poke them to let us in! Username "cheaphotels2015"
Actually, "Goreripper"
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